Sometimes an app needs access to a platform API that React Native doesn't have a corresponding module for yet. Maybe you want to reuse some existing Java code without having to reimplement it in JavaScript, or write some high performance, multi-threaded code such as for image processing, a database, or any number of advanced extensions.
We designed React Native such that it is possible for you to write real native code and have access to the full power of the platform. This is a more advanced feature and we don't expect it to be part of the usual development process, however it is essential that it exists. If React Native doesn't support a native feature that you need, you should be able to build it yourself.
If you plan to make changes in Java code, we recommend enabling [Gradle Daemon]( to speed up builds.
This guide will use the [Toast]( example. Let's say we would like to be able to create a toast message from JavaScript.
We start by creating a native module. A native module is a Java class that usually extends the `ReactContextBaseJavaModule` class and implements the functionality required by the JavaScript. Our goal here is to be able to write `'Awesome', ToastAndroid.SHORT);` from JavaScript to display a short toast on the screen.
public class ToastModule extends ReactContextBaseJavaModule {
private static final String DURATION_SHORT_KEY = "SHORT";
private static final String DURATION_LONG_KEY = "LONG";
public ToastModule(ReactApplicationContext reactContext) {
`ReactContextBaseJavaModule` requires that a method called `getName` is implemented. The purpose of this method is to return the string name of the `NativeModule` which represents this class in JavaScript. So here we will call this `ToastAndroid` so that we can access it through `React.NativeModules.ToastAndroid` in JavaScript.
public String getName() {
return "ToastAndroid";
An optional method called `getConstants` returns the constant values exposed to JavaScript. Its implementation is not required but is very useful to key pre-defined values that need to be communicated from JavaScript to Java in sync.
public Map<String,Object> getConstants() {
final Map<String,Object> constants = new HashMap<>();
To expose a method to JavaScript a Java method must be annotated using `@ReactMethod`. The return type of bridge methods is always `void`. React Native bridge is asynchronous, so the only way to pass a result to JavaScript is by using callbacks or emitting events (see below).
Read more about [ReadableMap]( and [ReadableArray](
The last step within Java is to register the Module; this happens in the `createNativeModules` of your apps package. If a module is not registered it will not be available from JavaScript.
The package needs to be provided in the `getPackages` method of the `` file. This file exists under the android folder in your react-native application directory. The path to this file is: `android/app/src/main/java/com/your-app-name/`.
To make it simpler to access your new functionality from JavaScript, it is common to wrap the native module in a JavaScript module. This is not necessary but saves the consumers of your library the need to pull it off of `NativeModules` each time. This JavaScript file also becomes a good location for you to add any JavaScript side functionality.
A native module is supposed to invoke its callback only once. It can, however, store the callback and invoke it later.
It is very important to highlight that the callback is not invoked immediately after the native function completes - remember that bridge communication is asynchronous, and this too is tied to the run loop.
Native modules can also fulfill a promise, which can simplify your code, especially when using ES2016's `async/await` syntax. When the last parameter of a bridged native method is a `Promise`, its corresponding JS method will return a JS Promise object.
Refactoring the above code to use a promise instead of callbacks looks like this:
The JavaScript counterpart of this method returns a Promise. This means you can use the `await` keyword within an async function to call it and wait for its result:
Native modules should not have any assumptions about what thread they are being called on, as the current assignment is subject to change in the future. If a blocking call is required, the heavy work should be dispatched to an internally managed worker thread, and any callbacks distributed from there.
You'll need to listen to `onActivityResult` if you want to get results from an activity you started with `startActivityForResult`. To do this, you must extend `BaseActivityEventListener` or implement `ActivityEventListener`. The former is preferred as it is more resilient to API changes. Then, you need to register the listener in the module's constructor,
We will implement a simple image picker to demonstrate this. The image picker will expose the method `pickImage` to JavaScript, which will return the path of the image when called.
Listening to the activity's LifeCycle events such as `onResume`, `onPause` etc. is very similar to how we implemented `ActivityEventListener`. The module must implement `LifecycleEventListener`. Then, you need to register a listener in the module's constructor,