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Raw Normal View History

// Copyright 2004-present Facebook. All Rights Reserved.
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import "RCTConvert.h"
#import "RCTLog.h"
@class RCTEventDispatcher;
@class RCTShadowView;
@class RCTSparseArray;
@class RCTUIManager;
typedef void (^RCTViewManagerUIBlock)(RCTUIManager *uiManager, RCTSparseArray *viewRegistry);
@interface RCTViewManager : NSObject
* Designated initializer for view modules. Override this when subclassing.
- (instancetype)initWithEventDispatcher:(RCTEventDispatcher *)eventDispatcher NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER;
* The event dispatcher is used to send events back to the JavaScript application.
* It can either be used directly by the module, or passed on to instantiated
* view subclasses so that they can handle their own events.
@property (nonatomic, readonly, weak) RCTEventDispatcher *eventDispatcher;
* The module name exposed to React JS. If omitted, this will be inferred
* automatically by using the view module's class name. It is better to not
* override this, and just follow standard naming conventions for your view
* module subclasses.
+ (NSString *)moduleName;
* This method instantiates a native view to be managed by the module. Override
* this to return a custom view instance, which may be preconfigured with default
* properties, subviews, etc. This method will be called many times, and should
* return a fresh instance each time. The view module MUST NOT cache the returned
* view and return the same instance for subsequent calls.
- (UIView *)view;
* This method instantiates a shadow view to be managed by the module. If omitted,
* an ordinary RCTShadowView instance will be created, which is typically fine for
* most view types. As with the -view method, the -shadowView method should return
* a fresh instance each time it is called.
- (RCTShadowView *)shadowView;
* Returns a dictionary of config data passed to JS that defines eligible events
* that can be placed on native views. This should return bubbling
* directly-dispatched event types and specify what names should be used to
* subscribe to either form (bubbling/capturing).
* Returned dictionary should be of the form: @{
* @"onTwirl": {
* @"phasedRegistrationNames": @{
* @"bubbled": @"onTwirl",
* @"captured": @"onTwirlCaptured"
* }
* }
* }
* Note that this method is not inherited when you subclass a view module, and
* you should not call [super customBubblingEventTypes] when overriding it.
+ (NSDictionary *)customBubblingEventTypes;
* Returns a dictionary of config data passed to JS that defines eligible events
* that can be placed on native views. This should return non-bubbling
* directly-dispatched event types.
* Returned dictionary should be of the form: @{
* @"onTwirl": {
* @"registrationName": @"onTwirl"
* }
* }
* Note that this method is not inherited when you subclass a view module, and
* you should not call [super customDirectEventTypes] when overriding it.
+ (NSDictionary *)customDirectEventTypes;
* Injects constants into JS. These constants are made accessible via
* NativeModules.moduleName.X. Note that this method is not inherited when you
* subclass a view module, and you should not call [super constantsToExport]
* when overriding it.
+ (NSDictionary *)constantsToExport;
* To deprecate, hopefully
- (RCTViewManagerUIBlock)uiBlockToAmendWithShadowViewRegistry:(RCTSparseArray *)shadowViewRegistry;
* Informal protocol for setting view and shadowView properties.
* Implement methods matching these patterns to set any properties that
* require special treatment (e.g. where the type or name cannot be inferred).
* - (void)set_<propertyName>:(id)property
* forView:(UIView *)view
* withDefaultView:(UIView *)defaultView;
* - (void)set_<propertyName>:(id)property
* forShadowView:(RCTShadowView *)view
* withDefaultView:(RCTShadowView *)defaultView;
* For simple cases, use the macros below:
* This handles the simple case, where JS and native property names match
* And the type can be automatically inferred.
* This macro maps a named property on the module to an arbitrary key path
* within the view.
#define RCT_REMAP_VIEW_PROPERTY(name, keypath) \
- (void)set_##name:(id)json forView:(id)view withDefaultView:(id)defaultView { \
if ((json && !RCTSetProperty(view, @#keypath, json)) || \
(!json && !RCTCopyProperty(view, defaultView, @#keypath))) { \
RCTLogMustFix(@"%@ does not have setter for `%s` property", [view class], #name); \
} \
* These are useful in cases where the module's superclass handles a
* property, but you wish to "unhandle" it, so it will be ignored.
- (void)set_##name:(id)value forView:(id)view withDefaultView:(id)defaultView {}
- (void)set_##name:(id)value forShadowView:(id)view withDefaultView:(id)defaultView {}