
84 lines
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import React from 'react';
import { createOnShouldStartLoadWithRequest } from './WebViewShared';
import { WebViewRenderProcessGoneEvent, WebViewErrorEvent, WebViewHttpErrorEvent, WebViewMessageEvent, WebViewNavigationEvent, WebViewProgressEvent, WebViewPermissionEvent, AndroidWebViewProps, NativeWebViewAndroid, State } from './WebViewTypes';
* Renders a native WebView.
declare class WebView extends React.Component<AndroidWebViewProps, State> {
static defaultProps: {
overScrollMode: string;
javaScriptEnabled: boolean;
thirdPartyCookiesEnabled: boolean;
scalesPageToFit: boolean;
allowsFullscreenVideo: boolean;
allowFileAccess: boolean;
saveFormDataDisabled: boolean;
cacheEnabled: boolean;
androidHardwareAccelerationDisabled: boolean;
androidLayerType: string;
originWhitelist: string[];
setSupportMultipleWindows: boolean;
setBuiltInZoomControls: boolean;
setDisplayZoomControls: boolean;
nestedScrollEnabled: boolean;
static isFileUploadSupported: () => Promise<any>;
startUrl: string | null;
state: State;
onShouldStartLoadWithRequest: ReturnType<typeof createOnShouldStartLoadWithRequest> | null;
webViewRef: React.RefObject<NativeWebViewAndroid>;
messagingModuleName: string;
componentDidMount: () => void;
getCommands: () => {
goForward: number;
goBack: number;
reload: number;
stopLoading: number;
postMessage: number;
injectJavaScript: number;
loadUrl: number;
requestFocus: number;
clearHistory: number;
clearCache: number;
clearFormData: number;
answerPermissionRequest: number;
goForward: () => void;
goBack: () => void;
reload: () => void;
stopLoading: () => void;
requestFocus: () => void;
postMessage: (data: string) => void;
clearFormData: () => void;
clearCache: (includeDiskFiles: boolean) => void;
clearHistory: () => void;
* Injects a javascript string into the referenced WebView. Deliberately does not
* return a response because using eval() to return a response breaks this method
* on pages with a Content Security Policy that disallows eval(). If you need that
* functionality, look into postMessage/onMessage.
injectJavaScript: (data: string) => void;
answerPermissionRequest: (allow: boolean, resources: string[]) => void;
* We return an event with a bunch of fields including:
* url, title, loading, canGoBack, canGoForward
updateNavigationState: (event: WebViewNavigationEvent) => void;
* Returns the native `WebView` node.
getWebViewHandle: () => number;
onLoadingStart: (event: WebViewNavigationEvent) => void;
onLoadingError: (event: WebViewErrorEvent) => void;
onHttpError: (event: WebViewHttpErrorEvent) => void;
onRenderProcessGone: (event: WebViewRenderProcessGoneEvent) => void;
onLoadingFinish: (event: WebViewNavigationEvent) => void;
onMessage: (event: WebViewMessageEvent) => void;
onPermissionRequest: (event: WebViewPermissionEvent) => void;
onLoadingProgress: (event: WebViewProgressEvent) => void;
onShouldStartLoadWithRequestCallback: (shouldStart: boolean, url: string, lockIdentifier?: number | undefined) => void;
render(): JSX.Element;
export default WebView;