/** * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. */ import { driver, By2 } from 'selenium-appium' const setup = require('../jest-setups/jest.setup'); jest.setTimeout(150000); const WindowsApplicationDriverUrl = ""; describe('Alert Tests', () => { test('Show Alert', async () => { await driver.startWithCapabilities(setup.capabilities, WindowsApplicationDriverUrl); const showAlertButton = By2.nativeName('Show alert'); await showAlertButton.click(); await By2.nativeName('Hello! I am an alert box!'); // await By2.nativeName('OK').click(); All alerts will be automatically dismissed as Windows Webview does not have support for Alerts https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/winrt-api/blob/docs/windows.ui.xaml.controls/webview.md#use-of-alert const dismissMessage = By2.nativeName('Alert dismissed!'); expect(dismissMessage).not.toBeNull(); await driver.quit(); }); });