# react-native-keychain Keychain Access for React Native Currently functionality is limited to just storing internet passwords. More to come... ## Installation * `$ npm install react-native-keychain` * Right click on Libraries, select **Add files to "…"** and select `node_modules/react-native-keychain/RNKeychain.xcodeproj` * Select your project and under **Build Phases** -> **Link Binary With Libraries**, press the + and select `libRNKeychain.a`. ## Usage ```js var Keychain = require('Keychain'); var server = 'http://facebook.com'; var username = 'zuck'; var password = 'poniesRgr8'; Keychain .setInternetCredentials(server, username, password) .then(function() { console.log('Credentials saved successfully!') }); Keychain .getInternetCredentials(server) .then(function(credentials) { console.log('Credentials successfully loaded', credentials) }); Keychain .resetInternetCredentials(server) .then(function(credentials) { console.log('Credentials successfully deleted') }); ``` ## License MIT © Joel Arvidsson 2015