Note: on latest versions of React Native, you may have an error during the Gradle build on Android (` Multiple dex files define Landroid/support/v7/appcompat/R$anim`). Run `cd android && ./gradlew clean` to fix this.
A basic, sample app is available in [the `example` folder]( It uses the module to resize a photo from the Camera Roll.
The promise resolves with a string containing the URI of the new file. This URI can be used directly as the `source` of an [`<Image>`]( component.
> :warning: On Android, `file:` will be prepended to the returned string. This allows it to be displayed as an image, but it also means you [won't be able to access the file directly]( when using a utility like `fs`. To do so, you can simply use `rawPath = originalPath.replace('file:', '')` to get the raw path.
outputPath | The resized image path. If null, resized image will be stored in cache folder. To set outputPath make sure to add option for rotation too (if no rotation is needed, just set it to 0).