'use strict'; // This file supports both iOS and Android // Stop bluebird going nuts because it can't find "self" if (typeof self === 'undefined') { global.self = global; } var RNFSManager = require('react-native').NativeModules.RNFSManager; var NativeAppEventEmitter = require('react-native').NativeAppEventEmitter; // iOS var DeviceEventEmitter = require('react-native').DeviceEventEmitter; // Android var Promise = require('bluebird'); var base64 = require('base-64'); var utf8 = require('utf8'); var _readDir = Promise.promisify(RNFSManager.readDir); var _stat = Promise.promisify(RNFSManager.stat); var _readFile = Promise.promisify(RNFSManager.readFile); var _writeFile = Promise.promisify(RNFSManager.writeFile); var _moveFile = Promise.promisify(RNFSManager.moveFile); var _unlink = Promise.promisify(RNFSManager.unlink); var _mkdir = Promise.promisify(RNFSManager.mkdir); var _downloadFile = Promise.promisify(RNFSManager.downloadFile); var _pathForBundle = Promise.promisify(RNFSManager.pathForBundle); var convertError = (err) => { if (err.isOperational && err.cause) { err = err.cause; } var error = new Error(err.description || err.message); error.code = err.code; throw error; }; var NSFileTypeRegular = RNFSManager.NSFileTypeRegular; var NSFileTypeDirectory = RNFSManager.NSFileTypeDirectory; var jobId = 0; var getJobId = () => { jobId += 1; return jobId; }; var RNFS = { readDir(dirpath) { return _readDir(dirpath) .then(files => { return files.map(file => ({ name: file.name, path: file.path, size: file.size, isFile: () => file.type === NSFileTypeRegular, isDirectory: () => file.type === NSFileTypeDirectory, })); }) .catch(convertError); }, // Node style version (lowercase d). Returns just the names readdir(dirpath) { return RNFS.readDir(dirpath) .then(files => { return files.map(file => file.name); }); }, stat(filepath) { return _stat(filepath) .then((result) => { return { 'ctime': new Date(result.ctime*1000), 'mtime': new Date(result.mtime*1000), 'size': result.size, 'mode': result.mode, isFile: () => result.type === NSFileTypeRegular, isDirectory: () => result.type === NSFileTypeDirectory, }; }) .catch(convertError); }, readFile(filepath, encoding) { if (!encoding) encoding = 'utf8'; return _readFile(filepath) .then((b64) => { var contents; if (encoding === 'utf8') { contents = utf8.decode(base64.decode(b64)); } else if (encoding === 'ascii') { contents = base64.decode(b64); } else if (encoding === 'base64') { contents = b64; } else { throw new Error('Invalid encoding type "' + encoding + '"'); } return contents; }) .catch(convertError); }, writeFile(filepath, contents, encoding, options) { var b64; if (!encoding) encoding = 'utf8'; if (encoding === 'utf8') { b64 = base64.encode(utf8.encode(contents)); } else if (encoding === 'ascii') { b64 = base64.encode(contents); } else if (encoding === 'base64') { b64 = contents; } else { throw new Error('Invalid encoding type "' + encoding + '"'); } return _writeFile(filepath, b64, options) .catch(convertError); }, moveFile(filepath, destPath) { return _moveFile(filepath, destPath) .catch(convertError); }, pathForBundle(bundleName) { return _pathForBundle(bundleName); }, unlink(filepath) { return _unlink(filepath) .catch(convertError); }, mkdir(filepath, excludeFromBackup) { excludeFromBackup = !!excludeFromBackup; return _mkdir(filepath, excludeFromBackup) .catch(convertError); }, downloadFile(fromUrl, toFile, begin, progress) { var jobId = getJobId(); var subscriptionIos, subscriptionAndroid; if (!begin) begin = (info) => { console.log('Download begun:', info); }; if (begin) { // Two different styles of subscribing to events for different platforms, hmmm.... if (NativeAppEventEmitter.addListener) subscriptionIos = NativeAppEventEmitter.addListener('DownloadBegin-' + jobId, begin); if (DeviceEventEmitter.addListener) subscriptionAndroid = DeviceEventEmitter.addListener('DownloadBegin-' + jobId, begin); } if (progress) { if (NativeAppEventEmitter.addListener) subscriptionIos = NativeAppEventEmitter.addListener('DownloadProgress-' + jobId, progress); if (DeviceEventEmitter.addListener) subscriptionAndroid = DeviceEventEmitter.addListener('DownloadProgress-' + jobId, progress); } return _downloadFile(fromUrl, toFile, jobId) .then(res => { if (subscriptionIos) subscriptionIos.remove(); if (subscriptionAndroid) subscriptionAndroid.remove(); return res; }) .catch(convertError); }, stopDownload(jobId) { RNFSManager.stopDownload(jobId); }, MainBundlePath: RNFSManager.MainBundlePath, CachesDirectoryPath: RNFSManager.NSCachesDirectoryPath, DocumentDirectoryPath: RNFSManager.NSDocumentDirectoryPath, LibraryDirectoryPath: RNFSManager.NSLibraryDirectoryPath, PicturesDirectoryPath: RNFSManager.NSPicturesDirectoryPath }; module.exports = RNFS;