mirror of synced 2025-03-03 15:20:30 +00:00

451 lines
14 KiB

import Promise from 'bluebird';
import RunStatus from './RunStatus';
const EVENTS = {
if (!console.groupCollapsed) {
console.groupCollapsed = console.log;
console.groupEnd = () => console.log('');
const locationRegex = /\(?http:.*:([0-9]+):([0-9]+)\)?/g;
function cleanStack(stack, maxLines = 5) {
const lines = stack.split('\n').slice(0, maxLines + 1);
const out = [];
for (let i = 0, len = lines.length; i < len; i++) {
const srcLine = lines[i].trim();
out.push(srcLine.replace(locationRegex, '()'));
return out.join('\r\n');
* Class that encapsulates synchronously running a suite's tests.
class TestRun {
* The number of tests that have been executed so far
* @type {number}
completedTests = 0;
* Creates a new TestRun
* @param {TestSuite} testSuite - Test suite that tests belong to
* @param {Test[]} tests - List of test to run
* @param {TestSuiteDefinition} testDefinitions - Definition of tests and contexts
constructor(testSuite, tests, testDefinitions) {
this.testSuite = testSuite;
this.tests = tests;
this.rootContextId = testDefinitions.rootTestContextId;
this.testContexts = tests.reduce((memo, test) => {
const testContextId = test.testContextId;
this._recursivelyAddContextsTo(memo, testContextId, testDefinitions.testContexts);
return memo;
}, {});
this.listeners = {
* Registers a listener for a change event
* @param {String} action - one of the actions in EVENTS
* @param {Function} callback - Callback that accepts event object
onChange(action, callback) {
* Walks up a context tree, copying test contexts from a source object to a target one.
* Used for ensuring all of a test's parent contexts are added to the target object.
* @param {Object<Number,TestContext>} target - Object to put test contexts in
* @param {Number} id - Id of current context to add to target
* @param {Object<Number,TestContext>} source - Object to get complete list of test contexts
* from.
* @param {Number} childContextId - id of child of current context
* @private
_recursivelyAddContextsTo(target, id, source, childContextId = null) {
const testContext = source[id];
if (!target[id]) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
target[id] = {
tests: [],
childContextIds: {},
if (childContextId) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
target[id].childContextIds[childContextId] = true;
const parentContextId = testContext.parentContextId;
if (parentContextId) {
this._recursivelyAddContextsTo(target, parentContextId, source, id);
_updateStatus(action, values) {
const listeners = this.listeners[action];
listeners.forEach(listener => listener(values));
* Execute the tests TestRun was initialised with.
* @returns {Promise.<void>} Resolves once all the tests in the test suite have
* completed running.
async execute() {
const store = this.testSuite.reduxStore;
if (!store) {
testRuntimeError(`Failed to run ${this.testSuite.name} tests as no Redux store has been provided`);
this._updateStatus(EVENTS.TEST_SUITE_STATUS, {
suiteId: this.testSuite.id,
status: RunStatus.RUNNING,
progress: 0,
time: 0,
// Start timing
this.runStartTime = Date.now();
const rootContext = this.testContexts[this.rootContextId];
if (rootContext) {
await this._runTestsInContext(rootContext);
const errors = this.tests.filter(test => test.status === RunStatus.ERR);
if (errors.length) {
this._updateStatus(EVENTS.TEST_SUITE_STATUS, {
suiteId: this.testSuite.id,
status: RunStatus.ERR,
progress: 100,
time: Date.now() - this.runStartTime,
message: `${errors.length} test${errors.length > 1 ? 's' : ''} has error(s).`,
} else {
this._updateStatus(EVENTS.TEST_SUITE_STATUS, ({
suiteId: this.testSuite.id,
status: RunStatus.OK,
progress: 100,
time: Date.now() - this.runStartTime,
message: '',
* Recursively enter a test context and run its before, beforeEach hooks where
* appropriate; execute the test and then run afterEach and after hooks where
* appropriate.
* @param {TestContext} testContext - context to run hooks for
* @param {Function[][]} beforeEachHooks - stack of beforeEach hooks defined
* in parent contexts that should be run beforeEach test in child contexts
* @param {Function[][]} afterEachHooks - stack of afterEach hooks defined
* in parent contexts that should be run afterEach test in child contexts
* @returns {Promise.<void>} Resolves once all tests and their hooks have run
* @private
async _runTestsInContext(testContext, beforeEachHooks = [], afterEachHooks = []) {
const beforeHookRan = await this._runContextHooks(testContext, 'before');
if (beforeHookRan) {
beforeEachHooks.push(testContext.beforeEachHooks || []);
afterEachHooks.unshift(testContext.afterEachHooks || []);
await this._runTests(testContext, testContext.tests, flatten(beforeEachHooks), flatten(afterEachHooks));
await Promise.each(Object.keys(testContext.childContextIds), (childContextId) => {
const childContext = this.testContexts[childContextId];
return this._runTestsInContext(childContext, beforeEachHooks, afterEachHooks);
await this._runContextHooks(testContext, 'after');
* Synchronously run hooks in context's (before|after) hooks, starting from the first
* hook
* @param {TestContext} testContext - context containing hooks
* @param {('before'|'after')} hookName - name of hooks to run callbacks for
* @returns {Promise.<*>} Resolves when last hook in list has been executed
* @private
async _runContextHooks(testContext, hookName) {
const hooks = testContext[`${hookName}Hooks`] || [];
return this._runHookChain(null, Date.now(), testContext, hookName, hooks);
_runHookChain(test, testStart, testContext, hookName, hooks) {
return Promise.each(hooks, async (hook) => {
const error = await this._safelyRunFunction(hook.callback, hook.timeout, `${hookName} hook`);
if (error) {
const errorPrefix = `Error occurred in "${testContext.name}" ${hookName} Hook: `;
if (test) {
this._reportTestError(test, error, Date.now() - testStart, errorPrefix);
} else {
this._reportAllTestsAsFailed(testContext, error, testStart, errorPrefix);
throw new Error();
}).then(() => true).catch(() => false);
* @param testContext
* @param error
* @param testStart
* @param errorPrefix
* @private
_reportAllTestsAsFailed(testContext, error, testStart, errorPrefix) {
testContext.tests.forEach((test) => {
this._reportTestError(test, error, Date.now() - testStart, errorPrefix);
testContext.childContextIds.forEach((contextId) => {
this._reportAllTestsAsFailed(this.testContext[contextId], error, testStart, errorPrefix);
* Synchronously run a list of tests
* @param {TestContext} testContext - Test context to run beforeEach and AfterEach hooks
* for
* @param {Test[]} tests - List of tests to run
* @param {Function[]} beforeEachHooks - list of functions to run before each test
* @param {Function[]} afterEachHooks - list of functions to run after each test
* @returns {Promise.<void>} - Resolves once all tests and their afterEach hooks have
* been run
* @private
async _runTests(testContext, tests, beforeEachHooks, afterEachHooks) {
return Promise.each(tests, async (test) => {
this._updateStatus(EVENTS.TEST_STATUS, {
testId: test.id,
status: RunStatus.RUNNING,
time: 0,
message: '',
const testStart = Date.now();
const beforeEachRan = await this._runHookChain(test, testStart, testContext, 'beforeEach', beforeEachHooks);
if (beforeEachRan) {
const error = await this._safelyRunFunction(test.func.bind(null, [test, this.testSuite.reduxStore.getState()]), test.timeout, 'Test');
// Update test status
if (error) {
this._reportTestError(test, error, Date.now() - testStart);
console.groupCollapsed(`%c ❌ Test Failed: ${test.description} (${this.testSuite.name})`, 'color: #f44336;');
console.log(`Test Description: ${test.description}`);
console.log(`Test Time Taken: ${Date.now() - testStart}`);
console.log(`Suite Name: ${this.testSuite.name}`);
console.log(`Suite Description: ${this.testSuite.description}`);
} else {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
test.status = RunStatus.OK;
this._updateStatus(EVENTS.TEST_STATUS, {
testId: test.id,
status: RunStatus.OK,
time: Date.now() - testStart,
message: '',
console.groupCollapsed(`%c ✅ Test Passed: ${test.description} (${this.testSuite.name})`, 'color: #4CAF50;');
console.log(`Test Description: ${test.description}`);
console.log(`Test Time Taken: ${Date.now() - testStart}`);
console.log(`Suite Name: ${this.testSuite.name}`);
console.log(`Suite Description: ${this.testSuite.description}`);
// Update suite progress
this.completedTests += 1;
this._updateStatus(EVENTS.TEST_SUITE_STATUS, {
suiteId: this.testSuite.id,
status: RunStatus.RUNNING,
progress: (this.completedTests / this.tests.length) * 100,
time: Date.now() - this.runStartTime,
message: '',
await this._runHookChain(test, testStart, testContext, 'afterEach', afterEachHooks);
}).catch((error) => {
this._updateStatus(EVENTS.TEST_SUITE_STATUS, {
suiteId: this.testSuite.id,
status: RunStatus.ERR,
time: Date.now() - this.runStartTime,
message: `Test suite failed: ${error.message}`,
* @param test
* @param error
* @param time
* @param errorPrefix
* @private
_reportTestError(test, error, time, errorPrefix = '') {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
test.status = RunStatus.ERR;
this._updateStatus(EVENTS.TEST_STATUS, {
testId: test.id,
status: RunStatus.ERR,
message: `${errorPrefix}${error.message ? `${error.name}: ${error.message}` : error}`,
stackTrace: cleanStack(error.stack),
* @param func
* @param timeOutDuration
* @param description
* @return {Promise.<*>}
* @private
async _safelyRunFunction(func, timeOutDuration, description) {
const syncResultOrPromise = captureThrownErrors(func);
if (syncResultOrPromise.error) {
// Synchronous Error
return syncResultOrPromise.error;
// Asynchronous Error
return capturePromiseErrors(syncResultOrPromise.result, timeOutDuration, description);
* Call a function and capture any errors that are immediately thrown.
* @returns {Object} Object containing result of executing the function, or the error
* message that was captured
* @private
function captureThrownErrors(func) {
const result = {};
try {
result.result = func();
} catch (error) {
result.error = error;
return result;
* Wraps a promise so that if it's rejected or an error is thrown while it's being
* evaluated, it's captured and thrown no further
* @param {*} target - Target to wrap. If a thenable object, it's wrapped so if it's
* rejected or an error is thrown, it will be captured. If a non-thenable object,
* wrapped in resolved promise and returned.
* @param {Number} timeoutDuration - Number of milliseconds the promise is allowed
* to pend before it's considered timed out
* @param {String} description - Description of the context the promises is defined
* in, used for reporting where a timeout occurred in the resulting error message.
* @private
function capturePromiseErrors(target, timeoutDuration, description) {
let returnValue = null;
try {
returnValue = Promise.resolve(target)
.then(() => {
return null;
}, (error) => {
return Promise.resolve(error);
.catch((error) => {
return Promise.resolve(error);
`${description} took longer than ${timeoutDuration}ms. This can be extended with the timeout option.`
} catch (error) {
returnValue = Promise.resolve(error);
return returnValue;
* Flatten a two dimensional array to a single dimensional array
* @param {*[]} list - two dimensional array
* @returns {*[]} One-dimensional array
function flatten(list) {
return list.reduce((memo, contextHooks) => {
return memo.concat(contextHooks);
}, []);
* Log a runtime error to the console
* @param {String} error - Message to log to the console
function testRuntimeError(error) {
console.error(`ReactNativeFirebaseTests.TestRuntimeError: ${error}`);
export default TestRun;