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// Type definitions for React Native Firebase v1.0.0-alpha7
// Project:
// Definitions by: Tal <>
// TypeScript Version: 2.1
declare module "react-native-firebase" {
type AuthProvider = {
PROVIDER_ID: string,
credential: (token: string, secret?: string) => AuthCredential,
export default class FireBase {
constructor(config?: RNFirebase.configurationOptions)
log: any;
analytics(): RNFirebase.Analytics;
on(type: string, handler: (msg: any) => void): any;
database: {
(): RNFirebase.database.Database
ServerValue: {
auth: {
(): RNFirebase.auth.Auth
EmailAuthProvider: AuthProvider,
PhoneAuthProvider: AuthProvider,
GoogleAuthProvider: AuthProvider,
GithubAuthProvider: AuthProvider,
TwitterAuthProvider: AuthProvider,
FacebookAuthProvider: AuthProvider,
PhoneAuthState: {
CODE_SENT: string,
ERROR: string,
/**RNFirebase mimics the Web Firebase SDK Storage,
* whilst providing some iOS and Android specific functionality.
* Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) allows you to send push messages at no cost to both Android & iOS platforms.
* Assuming the installation instructions have been followed, FCM is ready to go.
* As the Firebase Web SDK has limited messaging functionality,
* the following methods within react-native-firebase have been created to handle FCM in the React Native environment.
messaging(): RNFirebase.messaging.Messaging;
* RNFirebase provides crash reporting for your app out of the box.
* Please note crashes do not appear in real-time on the console,
* they tend to take a number of hours to appear
* If you want to manually report a crash,
* such as a pre-caught exception this is possible by using the report method.
crash(): RNFirebase.crash.Crash;
* Firebase Dynamic Links are links that work the way you want, on multiple
* platforms, and whether or not your app is already installed.
* See the official Firebase docs:
links(): RNFirebase.links.Links;
static fabric: {
crashlytics(): RNFirebase.crashlytics.Crashlytics;
apps: Array<string>;
googleApiAvailability: RNFirebase.GoogleApiAvailabilityType;
static initializeApp(options?: any | RNFirebase.configurationOptions, name?: string): FireBase;
static app(name?: string): FireBase;
[key: string]: any;
namespace RNFirebase {
interface RnError extends Error {
code?: string;
type GoogleApiAvailabilityType = {
status: number,
isAvailable: boolean,
isUserResolvableError?: boolean,
error?: string
* pass custom options by passing an object with configuration options.
* The configuration object will be generated first by the native configuration object, if set and then will be overridden if passed in JS.
* That is, all of the following key/value pairs are optional if the native configuration is set.
interface configurationOptions {
* default false
* When set to true, RNFirebase will log messages to the console and fire debug events we can listen to in js
* @usage
* firebase.on('debug', msg => console.log('Received debug message', msg))
debug?: boolean;
* default false
* When set to true, database persistence will be enabled.
persistence?: boolean;
* Default from app [NSBundle mainBundle] The bundle ID for the app to be bundled with
bundleID?: string;
* defualt ""
* The Google App ID that is used to uniquely identify an instance of an app.
googleAppID?: string;
* deufalt ""
* The database root (i.e.
databaseURL?: string;
* defualt ""
* URL scheme to set up durable deep link service
deepLinkURLScheme?: string;
* defualt ""
* The Google Cloud storage bucket name
storageBucket?: string;
* default ""
* The Android client ID used in Google AppInvite when an iOS app has it's android version
androidClientID?: string;
* default ""
* The Project number from the Google Developer's console used to configure Google Cloud Messaging
GCMSenderID?: string;
* default ""
* The tracking ID for Google Analytics
trackingID?: string;
* default ""
* The OAuth2 client ID for iOS application used to authenticate Google Users for signing in with Google
clientID?: string;
* defualt ""
* The secret iOS API key used for authenticating requests from our app
APIKey?: string
namespace storage {
interface StorageTask<T> extends Promise<T> {
on(event: TaskEvent,
nextOrObserver: (snapshot: any) => any,
error: (error: RnError) => any,
complete: (complete: any) => any): any
* is not currently supported by react-native-firebase
pause(): void
* is not currently supported by react-native-firebase
resume(): void
* is not currently supported by react-native-firebase
cancel(): void
interface RNStorage extends Reference {
* Downloads a reference to the device
* @param {String} filePath Where to store the file
* @return {Promise}
* */
downloadFile(filePath: string): StorageTask<any>;
* Upload a file path
* @returns {Promise}
putFile(filePath: string, metadata?: any): StorageTask<any>;
setMaxDownloadRetryTime(time: number): void
[key: string]: any;
interface Storage {
maxOperationRetryTime: number;
maxUploadRetryTime: number;
ref(path?: string): storage.RNStorage;
refFromURL(url: string): storage.RNStorage;
setMaxOperationRetryTime(time: number): any;
setMaxUploadRetryTime(time: number): any;
interface Reference {
bucket: string;
child(path: string): storage.Reference;
delete(): Promise<any>;
fullPath: string;
getDownloadURL(): Promise<any>;
getMetadata(): Promise<any>;
name: string;
parent: storage.Reference | null;
put(data: any | Uint8Array | ArrayBuffer,
metadata?: storage.UploadMetadata): storage.UploadTask;
putString(data: string, format?: storage.StringFormat,
metadata?: storage.UploadMetadata): storage.UploadTask;
root: storage.Reference;
storage: storage.Storage;
toString(): string;
updateMetadata(metadata: storage.SettableMetadata): Promise<any>;
interface UploadMetadata extends storage.SettableMetadata {
md5Hash?: string | null;
interface SettableMetadata {
cacheControl?: string | null;
contentDisposition?: string | null;
contentEncoding?: string | null;
contentLanguage?: string | null;
contentType?: string | null;
customMetadata?: { [/* warning: coerced from ? */ key: string]: string } | null;
type StringFormat = string;
var StringFormat: {
BASE64: StringFormat,
BASE64URL: StringFormat,
DATA_URL: StringFormat,
RAW: StringFormat,
interface UploadTask {
cancel(): boolean;
catch(onRejected: (a: RnError) => any): Promise<any>;
on(event: storage.TaskEvent, nextOrObserver?: null | Object,
error?: ((a: RnError) => any) | null, complete?: (() => any) | null): Function;
pause(): boolean;
resume(): boolean;
snapshot: storage.UploadTaskSnapshot;
then(onFulfilled?: ((a: storage.UploadTaskSnapshot) => any) | null,
onRejected?: ((a: RnError) => any) | null): Promise<any>;
interface UploadTaskSnapshot {
bytesTransferred: number;
downloadURL: string | null;
metadata: storage.FullMetadata;
ref: storage.Reference;
state: storage.TaskState;
task: storage.UploadTask;
totalBytes: number;
interface FullMetadata extends storage.UploadMetadata {
bucket: string;
downloadURLs: string[];
fullPath: string;
generation: string;
metageneration: string;
name: string;
size: number;
timeCreated: string;
updated: string;
type TaskEvent = string;
var TaskEvent: {
type TaskState = string;
var TaskState: {
CANCELED: TaskState,
ERROR: TaskState,
PAUSED: TaskState,
RUNNING: TaskState,
SUCCESS: TaskState,
namespace database {
interface Database {
* Returns a new firebase reference instance
* */
ref(path?: string): RnReference
* register listener
on(path: string, modifiersString: string, modifiers: Array<string>, eventName: string, cb: () => void, errorCb: () => void): any
* unregister listener
off(path: string, modifiersString: string, eventName?: string, origCB?: () => void): any
* Removes all event handlers and their native subscriptions
cleanup(): Promise<any>
* connect to firebase backend
goOnline(): void
* disconnect to firebase backend
goOffline(): void
[key: string]: any;
interface RnReference extends Reference {
keepSynced(bool: boolean): any
filter(name: string, value: any, key?: string): any;
[key: string]: any;
type QueryEventType = "value" | "child_added" | "child_removed" | "child_changed" | "child_moved";
type QuerySuccessCallback = (snapshot: DataSnapshot, previousChildId?: string | null) => void;
type QueryErrorCallback = (e: Error) => void;
interface Query {
endAt(value: number | string | boolean | null, key?: string): database.Query;
equalTo(value: number | string | boolean | null, key?: string): database.Query;
isEqual(other: database.Query | null): boolean;
limitToFirst(limit: number): database.Query;
limitToLast(limit: number): database.Query;
off(eventType?: QueryEventType,
callback?: QuerySuccessCallback,
context?: Object): void;
on(eventType: QueryEventType,
callback: QuerySuccessCallback,
cancelCallbackOrContext?: QueryErrorCallback,
context?: Object): (a: database.DataSnapshot | null, b?: string) => QuerySuccessCallback;
once(eventType: QueryEventType,
successCallback?: QuerySuccessCallback,
failureCallbackOrContext?: QueryErrorCallback,
context?: Object): Promise<DataSnapshot>;
orderByChild(path: string): database.Query;
orderByKey(): database.Query;
orderByPriority(): database.Query;
orderByValue(): database.Query;
ref: database.Reference;
startAt(value: number | string | boolean | null, key?: string): database.Query;
toJSON(): Object;
toString(): string;
interface DataSnapshot {
child(path: string): database.DataSnapshot;
exists(): boolean;
exportVal(): any;
forEach(action: (a: database.DataSnapshot) => boolean): boolean;
getPriority(): string | number | null;
hasChild(path: string): boolean;
hasChildren(): boolean;
key: string | null;
numChildren(): number;
ref: database.Reference;
toJSON(): Object | null;
val(): any;
interface ThenableReference<T> extends Promise<T> {
interface ThenableReference<T> extends Reference {
interface Reference extends database.Query {
child(path: string): database.Reference;
key: string | null;
onDisconnect(): any;
parent: database.Reference | null;
push(value?: any, onComplete?: (a: RnError | null) => any): ThenableReference<any>
remove(onComplete?: (a: RnError | null) => any): Promise<any>;
root: database.Reference;
set(value: any, onComplete?: (a: RnError | null) => any): Promise<any>;
setPriority(priority: string | number | null,
onComplete: (a: RnError | null) => any): Promise<any>;
setWithPriority(newVal: any, newPriority: string | number | null,
onComplete?: (a: RnError | null) => any): Promise<any>;
transaction(transactionUpdate: (a: any) => any,
onComplete?: (a: RnError | null, b: boolean,
c: database.DataSnapshot | null) => any,
applyLocally?: boolean): Promise<any>;
update(values: Object, onComplete?: (a: RnError | null) => any): Promise<any>;
* firebase Analytics
interface Analytics {
/**Log a custom event with optional params. */
logEvent(event: string, params?: Object): void
/** Sets whether analytics collection is enabled for this app on this device. */
setAnalyticsCollectionEnabled(enabled: boolean): void
* Sets the current screen name, which specifies the current visual context in your app.
* Whilst screenClassOverride is optional,
* it is recommended it is always sent as your current class name,
* for example on Android it will always show as 'MainActivity' if not specified.
setCurrentScreen(screenName: string | null, screenClassOverride?: string): void
* Sets the minimum engagement time required before starting a session.
* The default value is 10000 (10 seconds)
setMinimumSessionDuration(miliseconds: number): void
* Sets the duration of inactivity that terminates the current session.
* The default value is 1800000 (30 minutes).
setSessionTimeoutDuration(miliseconds: number): void
* Gives a user a uniqiue identificaition.
* @example
* const id = firebase.auth().currentUser.uid;
setUserId(id: string | null): void
* Sets a key/value pair of data on the current user.
setUserProperty(name: string, value: string | null): void;
[key: string]: any;
type UserInfo = {
displayName?: string,
email?: string,
phoneNumber?: string,
photoURL?: string,
providerId: string,
uid: string,
type UpdateProfile = {
displayName?: string,
photoURL?: string,
interface User {
* The user's display name (if available).
displayName: string | null
* - The user's email address (if available).
email: string | null
* - True if the user's email address has been verified.
emailVerified: boolean
isAnonymous: boolean
phoneNumber: string | null
* - The URL of the user's profile picture (if available).
photoURL: string | null
* - Additional provider-specific information about the user.
providerData: Array<UserInfo>
* - The authentication provider ID for the current user.
* For example, '', or ''.
providerId: string
* - The user's unique ID.
uid: string
* Delete the current user.
delete(): Promise<void>
* Returns the users authentication token.
* @param forceRefresh: boolean - default to false
getIdToken(forceRefresh: boolean?): Promise<string>
* Link the user with a 3rd party credential provider.
linkWithCredential(credential: AuthCredential): Promise<User>
* Re-authenticate a user with a third-party authentication provider
reauthenticateWithCredential(credential: AuthCredential): Promise<void>
* Refreshes the current user.
reload(): Promise<void>
* Sends a verification email to a user.
* This will Promise reject is the user is anonymous.
sendEmailVerification(actionCodeSettings?: ActionCodeSettings): Promise<void>
toJSON(): object
unlink(providerId: string): Promise<User>
* Updates the user's email address.
* See Firebase docs for more information on security & email validation.
* This will Promise reject is the user is anonymous.
updateEmail(email: string): Promise<void>
* Important: this is a security sensitive operation that requires the user to have recently signed in.
* If this requirement isn't met, ask the user to authenticate again and then call firebase.User#reauthenticate.
* This will Promise reject is the user is anonymous.
updatePassword(password: string): Promise<void>
* Updates a user's profile data.
* Profile data should be an object of fields to update:
updateProfile(updates: UpdateProfile): Promise<void>
/** 3rd party provider Credentials */
type AuthCredential {
providerId: string,
token: string,
secret: string
type ActionCodeSettings = {
android: {
installApp?: boolean,
minimumVersion?: string,
packageName: string,
handleCodeInApp?: boolean,
iOS: {
bundleId?: string,
url: string,
interface ActionCodeInfo {
email: string,
error: string,
fromEmail: string,
verifyEmail: string,
recoverEmail: string,
passwordReset: string
interface ConfirmationResult {
confirm(verificationCode: string): Promise<User | null>;
verificationId: string | null;
type PhoneAuthSnapshot = {
state: 'sent' | 'timeout' | 'verified' | 'error',
verificationId: string,
code: string | null,
error: Error | null,
type PhoneAuthError = {
code: string | null,
verificationId: string,
message: string | null,
stack: string | null,
interface PhoneAuthListener {
on(event: string,
observer: () => PhoneAuthSnapshot,
errorCb?: () => PhoneAuthError,
successCb?: () => PhoneAuthSnapshot): PhoneAuthListener;
then(fn: () => PhoneAuthSnapshot): Promise<any>
catch(fn: () => Error): Promise<any>
namespace auth {
type AuthResult = {
authenticated: boolean,
user: object | null
} | null;
interface Auth {
* Returns the current Firebase authentication state.
authResult: AuthResult | null;
* Returns the currently signed-in user (or null). See the User class documentation for further usage.
user: User | null
* Gets/Sets the language for the app instance
languageCode: string | null;
* Listen for changes in the users auth state (logging in and out).
* This method returns a unsubscribe function to stop listening to events.
* Always ensure you unsubscribe from the listener when no longer needed to prevent updates to components no longer in use.
onAuthStateChanged(listener: Function): () => void;
* Listen for changes in id token.
* This method returns a unsubscribe function to stop listening to events.
* Always ensure you unsubscribe from the listener when no longer needed to prevent updates to components no longer in use.
onIdTokenChanged(listener: Function): () => void;
* Listen for changes in the user.
* This method returns a unsubscribe function to stop listening to events.
* Always ensure you unsubscribe from the listener when no longer needed to prevent updates to components no longer in use.
onUserChanged(listener: Function): () => void;
signOut(): Promise<void>
* Sign an anonymous user.
* If the user has already signed in, that user will be returned
signInAnonymously(): Promise<User>
* We can create a user by calling the createUserWithEmailAndPassword() function.
* The method accepts two parameters, an email and a password.
createUserWithEmailAndPassword(email: string, password: string): Promise<User>
* To sign a user in with their email and password, use the signInWithEmailAndPassword() function.
* It accepts two parameters, the user's email and password:
signInWithEmailAndPassword(email: string, password: string): Promise<User>
* Sign a user in with a self-signed JWT token.
* To sign a user using a self-signed custom token,
* use the signInWithCustomToken() function.
* It accepts one parameter, the custom token:
signInWithCustomToken(token: string): Promise<User>
* Sign in the user with a 3rd party credential provider.
* credential requires the following properties:
signInWithCredential(credential: AuthCredential): Promise<User>
* Asynchronously signs in using a phone number.
signInWithPhoneNumber(phoneNumber: string): Promise<ConfirmationResult>
* Returns a PhoneAuthListener to listen to phone verification events,
* on the final completion event a PhoneAuthCredential can be generated for
* authentication purposes.
verifyPhoneNumber(phoneNumber: string, autoVerifyTimeout?: number): PhoneAuthListener
* Sends a password reset email to the given email address.
* Unlike the web SDK,
* the email will contain a password reset link rather than a code.
sendPasswordResetEmail(email: string, actionCodeSettings?: ActionCodeSettings): Promise<void>
* Completes the password reset process, given a confirmation code and new password.
confirmPasswordReset(code: string, newPassword: string): Promise<void>
* Applies a verification code sent to the user by email or other out-of-band mechanism.
applyActionCode(code: string): Promise<void>
* Checks a verification code sent to the user by email or other out-of-band mechanism.
checkActionCode(code: string): Promise<ActionCodeInfo>
* Get the currently signed in user
getCurrentUser(): Promise<User | null>
* Returns a list of authentication providers that can be used to sign in a given user (identified by its main email address).
fetchProvidersForEmail(email: string): Promise<Array<string>>
[key: string]: any;
namespace messaging {
interface Messaging {
* Subscribes the device to a topic.
subscribeToTopic(topic: string): void
* Unsubscribes the device from a topic.
unsubscribeFromTopic(topic: string): void
* When the application has been opened from a notification
* getInitialNotification is called and the notification payload is returned.
* Use onMessage for notifications when the app is running.
getInitialNotification(): Promise<any>
* Returns the devices FCM token.
* This token can be used in the Firebase console to send messages to directly.
getToken(forceRefresh?: Boolean): Promise<string>
* Reset Instance ID and revokes all tokens.
deleteInstanceId(): Promise<any>
* On the event a devices FCM token is refreshed by Google,
* the new token is returned in a callback listener.
onTokenRefresh(listener: (token: string) => any): () => any
* On a new message,
* the payload object is passed to the listener callback.
* This method is only triggered when the app is running.
* Use getInitialNotification for notifications which cause the app to open.
onMessage(listener: (message: any) => any): () => any
* Create a local notification from the device itself.
createLocalNotification(notification: any): any
* Schedule a local notification to be shown on the device.
scheduleLocalNotification(notification: any): any
* Returns an array of all currently scheduled notifications.
* ```
* firebase.messaging().getScheduledLocalNotifications()
* .then((notifications) => {
* console.log('Current scheduled notifications: ', notifications);
* });
* ```
getScheduledLocalNotifications(): Promise<any[]>
* Cancels a location notification by ID,
* or all notifications by *.
cancelLocalNotification(id: string): void
* Removes all delivered notifications from device by ID,
* or all notifications by *.
removeDeliveredNotification(id: string): void
* Requests app notification permissions in an Alert dialog.
requestPermissions(): void
* Sets the badge number on the iOS app icon.
setBadgeNumber(value: number): void
* Returns the current badge number on the app icon.
getBadgeNumber(): Promise<number>
* Send an upstream message
* @param senderId
* @param payload
send(senderId: string, payload: RemoteMessage): any
interface RemoteMessage {
id: string,
type: string,
ttl?: number,
sender: string,
collapseKey?: string,
data: Object,
namespace crash {
interface Crash {
/** Logs a message that will appear in a subsequent crash report. */
log(message: string): void
* Android: Logs a message that will appear in a subsequent crash report as well as in logcat.
* iOS: Logs the message in the subsequest crash report only (same as log).
logcat(level: number, tag: string, message: string): void
* Files a crash report, along with any previous logs to Firebase.
* An Error object must be passed into the report method.
report(error: RnError, maxStackSize: Number): void
[key: string]: any;
namespace crashlytics {
interface Crashlytics {
* Forces a crash. Useful for testing your application is set up correctly.
crash(): void;
* Logs a message that will appear in any subsequent crash reports.
log(message: string): void;
* Logs a non fatal exception.
recordError(code: number, message: string): void;
* Set a boolean value to show alongside any subsequent crash reports.
setBoolValue(key: string, value: boolean): void;
* Set a float value to show alongside any subsequent crash reports.
setFloatValue(key: string, value: number): void;
* Set an integer value to show alongside any subsequent crash reports.
setIntValue(key: string, value: number): void;
* Set a string value to show alongside any subsequent crash reports.
setStringValue(key: string, value: string): void;
* Set the user ID to show alongside any subsequent crash reports.
setUserIdentifier(userId: string): void;
namespace links {
interface Links {
/** Creates a standard dynamic link. */
createDynamicLink(parameters: LinkConfiguration): Promise<string>;
/** Creates a short dynamic link. */
createShortDynamicLink(parameters: LinkConfiguration): Promise<string>;
* Returns the URL that the app has been launched from. If the app was
* not launched from a URL the return value will be null.
getInitialLink(): Promise<string | null>;
* Subscribe to URL open events while the app is still running.
* The listener is called from URL open events whilst the app is still
* running, use getInitialLink for URLs which cause the app to open
* from a previously closed / not running state.
* Returns an unsubscribe function, call the returned function to
* unsubscribe from all future events.
onLink(listener: (url) => void): () => void;
* Configuration when creating a Dynamic Link (standard or short). For
* more information about each parameter, see the official Firebase docs:
interface LinkConfiguration {
link: string,
dynamicLinkDomain: string,
androidInfo?: {
androidLink?: string,
androidPackageName: string,
androidFallbackLink?: string,
androidMinPackageVersionCode?: string,
iosInfo?: {
iosBundleId: string,
iosAppStoreId?: string,
iosFallbackLink?: string,
iosCustomScheme?: string,
iosIpadBundleId?: string,
iosIpadFallbackLink?: string,
socialMetaTagInfo?: {
socialTitle: string,
socialImageLink: string,
socialDescription: string,
suffix?: {
option: 'SHORT' | 'UNGUESSABLE',