#!/bin/sh ios_dir=`pwd`/ios if [ -d ios_dir ] then exit 0 fi podfile="$ios_dir/Podfile" template=`pwd`/node_modules/react-native-firebase/Podfile.template project_name=$(node -pe "require('./package.json').name") echo "Checking Podfile in iOS project $project_name ($podfile)" if [ -f $podfile ] then echo "" echo "Found an existing Podfile, Do you want to override it? [N/y]" read generate_env_file if [ "$generate_env_file" != "y" ] then echo "Add the following pods": echo "" echo "" cat $template echo "" echo "" echo "and run 'pod install' to install RNFirebase for iOS" exit 0 fi rm -f $podfile rm -f "$podfile.lock" fi echo "Adding Podfile to iOS project" touch ios/Podfile cat >ios/Podfile <