const assert = require('assert'); const functions = require('firebase-functions'); const TEST_DATA = require('./test-data'); exports.runTestWithRegion = functions .region('europe-west1') .https.onCall(() => 'europe-west1'); exports.runTest = functions.https.onCall(data => { console.log(, data); if (typeof data === 'undefined') { return 'undefined'; } if (typeof data === 'string') { return 'string'; } if (typeof data === 'number') { return 'number'; } if (typeof data === 'boolean') { return 'boolean'; } if (data === null) { return 'null'; } if (Array.isArray(data)) { return 'array'; } const { type, asError, inputData } = data; if (!, type)) { throw new functions.https.HttpsError( 'invalid-argument', 'Invalid test requested.' ); } const outputData = TEST_DATA[type]; try { assert.deepEqual(outputData, inputData); } catch (e) { console.error(e); throw new functions.https.HttpsError( 'invalid-argument', 'Input and Output types did not match.', e.message ); } // all good if (asError) { throw new functions.https.HttpsError( 'cancelled', 'Response data was requested to be sent as part of an Error payload, so here we are!', outputData ); } return outputData; });