const should = require('should'); describe('firestore()', () => { describe('runTransaction()', () => { it('should set, update and delete transactionally and allow a return value', async () => { let deleteMe = false; const firestore = firebase.firestore(); const docRef = firestore .collection('transactions') .doc(; const updateFunction = async transaction => { const doc = await transaction.get(docRef); if (doc.exists && deleteMe) { transaction.delete(docRef); return 'bye'; } if (!doc.exists) { transaction.set(docRef, { value: 1 }); return 1; } const newValue = + 1; if (newValue > 2) { return Promise.reject( new Error('Value should not be greater than 2!') ); } transaction.update(docRef, { value: newValue, somethingElse: 'update', }); return newValue; }; // set tests const val1 = await firestore.runTransaction(updateFunction); should.equal(val1, 1); const doc1 = await docRef.get();; should.equal(, undefined); // update const val2 = await firestore.runTransaction(updateFunction); should.equal(val2, 2); const doc2 = await docRef.get();;'update'); // rejecting / cancelling transaction let didReject = false; try { await firestore.runTransaction(updateFunction); } catch (e) { didReject = true; } should.equal(didReject, true); const doc3 = await docRef.get();;'update'); // delete deleteMe = true; const val4 = await firestore.runTransaction(updateFunction); should.equal(val4, 'bye'); const doc4 = await docRef.get(); should.equal(doc4.exists, false); return Promise.resolve('Test Completed'); }); }); });