# Conclusion Hopefully from this Codorial you have seen the power of Firebase - allowing you to concentrate on your application and not worry about other complicated topics, such as authentication. However understanding how to integrate this into your main business logic can seem challenging at first. This Codorial has brought together a number of separate libaries which can be applied to any application context. ## Starter Kits Invertase has provided a couple of starter kits to get your app up and running quicker: ### React Native Firebase Starter https://github.com/invertase/react-native-firebase-starter The React Native Firebase Starter is a free, pre-setup React Native app which integrates the [react-native-firebase](https://github.com/invertase/react-native-firebase) modules. It's perfect if you want to get up and running with no native module installation on both Android & iOS. ### React Native Authentication Starter Kit for Firebase https://rnfirebase.io/kits/auth-starter The React Native Authentication Starter Kit for Firebase is a premium starter kit for Android & iOS with a fully integrated authentication flow out of the box. It features email/password, Facebook, Google and Phone Number login, routing with [react-navigation](https://reactnavigation.org/) and Google Analytics for Firebase. ## Hire Us The developers behind react-native-firebase at Invertase are available for hire on your next project, big or small. If you'd like to find out more, head over to our website and drop us a contact message: https://invertase.io/