# Crash Reporting RNFirebase provides crash reporting for your app out of the box. Please note crashes do not appear in real-time on the console, they tend to take a number of hours to appear. ## Manual Crash Reporting If you want to manually report a crash, such as a pre-caught exception this is possible by using the `report` method. ```javascript try { initSomeSDK(); } catch (e) { firebase.crash().log('Some SDK failed to boot!'); firebase.crash().report(e); } ``` ### log Logs a message that will appear in a subsequent crash report. `firebase.crash().log(String message);` ### logcat - **Android**: Logs a message that will appear in a subsequent crash report as well as in [logcat](https://developer.android.com/studio/command-line/logcat.html). - **iOS**: Logs the message in the subsequest crash report only (same as `log`). `firebase.crash().logcat(int level, String tag, String message);` ### report Files a crash report, along with any previous logs to Firebase. An [Error](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Error) object must be passed into the report method. `firebase.crash().report(Error, int maxStackSize)`.