// @flow import { NativeModules, NativeEventEmitter } from 'react-native'; import User from './user'; import { Base } from './../base'; import EmailAuthProvider from './Email'; import { promisify } from './../../utils'; const FirebaseAuth = NativeModules.RNFirebaseAuth; const FirebaseAuthEvt = new NativeEventEmitter(FirebaseAuth); // TODO move user methods to user class export default class Auth extends Base { _user: User|null; _authResult: AuthResultType | null; authenticated: boolean; constructor(firebase: Object, options: Object = {}) { super(firebase, options); this._user = null; this._authResult = null; this.authenticated = false; // attach auth providers // TODO add missing providers this.EmailAuthProvider = EmailAuthProvider; // start listening straight away // generally though the initial event fired will get ignored // but this is ok as we fake it with the getCurrentUser below FirebaseAuthEvt.addListener('listenForAuth', this._onAuthStateChanged.bind(this)); FirebaseAuth.listenForAuth(); } /** * Internal auth changed listener * @param auth * @private */ _onAuthStateChanged(auth: AuthResultType) { this._authResult = auth; this.authenticated = auth ? auth.authenticated || false : false; if (auth && auth.user && !this._user) this._user = new User(this, auth); else if ((!auth || !auth.user) && this._user) this._user = null; else if (this._user) this._user._updateValues(auth); this.emit('onAuthStateChanged', this._authResult.user || null); } /* * WEB API */ /** * Listen for auth changes. * @param listener */ onAuthStateChanged(listener: Function) { this.log.info('Creating onAuthStateChanged listener'); this.on('onAuthStateChanged', listener); if (this._authResult) listener(this._authResult.user || null); return this._offAuthStateChanged.bind(this, listener); } /** * Remove auth change listener * @param listener */ _offAuthStateChanged(listener: Function) { this.log.info('Removing onAuthStateChanged listener'); this.removeListener('onAuthStateChanged', listener); } /** * Create a user with the email/password functionality * @param {string} email The user's email * @param {string} password The user's password * @return {Promise} A promise indicating the completion */ createUserWithEmailAndPassword(email: string, password: string): Promise { this.log.info('Creating user with email and password', email); return promisify('createUserWithEmail', FirebaseAuth, 'auth/')(email, password); } /** * Sign a user in with email/password * @param {string} email The user's email * @param {string} password The user's password * @return {Promise} A promise that is resolved upon completion */ signInWithEmailAndPassword(email: string, password: string): Promise { this.log.info('Signing in user with email and password', email); return promisify('signInWithEmail', FirebaseAuth, 'auth/')(email, password); } // TODO move user methods to User class /** * Update the current user's email * @param {string} email The user's _new_ email * @return {Promise} A promise resolved upon completion */ updateEmail(email: string): Promise { return promisify('updateUserEmail', FirebaseAuth, 'auth/')(email); } /** * Send verification email to current user. */ sendEmailVerification(): Promise { return promisify('sendEmailVerification', FirebaseAuth, 'auth/')(); } /** * Update the current user's password * @param {string} password the new password * @return {Promise} */ updatePassword(password: string): Promise { return promisify('updateUserPassword', FirebaseAuth, 'auth/')(password); } /** * Update the current user's profile * @param {Object} updates An object containing the keys listed [here](https://firebase.google.com/docs/auth/ios/manage-users#update_a_users_profile) * @return {Promise} */ updateProfile(updates: Object = {}): Promise { return promisify('updateUserProfile', FirebaseAuth, 'auth/')(updates); } /** * * @param credential */ link(credential: CredentialType) { return promisify('link', FirebaseAuth, 'auth/')(credential.provider, credential.token, credential.secret); } /** * Sign the user in with a custom auth token * @param {string} customToken A self-signed custom auth token. * @return {Promise} A promise resolved upon completion */ signInWithCustomToken(customToken: string): Promise { return promisify('signInWithCustomToken', FirebaseAuth)(customToken); } /** * Sign the user in with a third-party authentication provider * @return {Promise} A promise resolved upon completion */ signInWithCredential(credential: CredentialType): Promise { return promisify('signInWithProvider', FirebaseAuth, 'auth/')(credential.provider, credential.token, credential.secret); } /** * Re-authenticate a user with a third-party authentication provider * @return {Promise} A promise resolved upon completion */ reauthenticateUser(credential: CredentialType): Promise { return promisify('reauthenticateWithCredentialForProvider', FirebaseAuth, 'auth/')(credential.provider, credential.token, credential.secret); } /** * Sign a user in anonymously * @return {Promise} A promise resolved upon completion */ signInAnonymously(): Promise { return promisify('signInAnonymously', FirebaseAuth, 'auth/')(); } /** * Send reset password instructions via email * @param {string} email The email to send password reset instructions */ sendPasswordResetEmail(email: string): Promise { return promisify('sendPasswordResetWithEmail', FirebaseAuth, 'auth/')(email); } /** * Delete the current user * @return {Promise} */ deleteUser(): Promise { return promisify('deleteUser', FirebaseAuth, 'auth/')(); } /** * Delete the current user * @return {Promise} */ reloadUser(): Promise { return promisify('reloadUser', FirebaseAuth, 'auth/')(); } /** * get the token of current user * @return {Promise} */ getToken(): Promise { return promisify('getToken', FirebaseAuth, 'auth/')(); } /** * Sign the current user out * @return {Promise} */ signOut(): Promise { return promisify('signOut', FirebaseAuth, 'auth/')(); } /** * Get the currently signed in user * @return {Promise} */ getCurrentUser(): Promise { return promisify('getCurrentUser', FirebaseAuth, 'auth/')(); } /** * Get the currently signed in user * @return {Promise} */ get currentUser(): User|null { return this._user; } get namespace(): string { return 'firebase:auth'; } }