const should = require('should'); describe('bridge', () => { // beforeEach(async function beforeEach() { // await device.reloadReactNative(); // bridge.root.setState({ message: this.currentTest.title }); // }); it('should provide -> global.bridge', async () => { should(bridge); return Promise.resolve(); }); // main react-native module you're testing on // in our case react-native-firebase it('should provide -> bridge.module', async () => { should(bridge.module); return Promise.resolve(); }); // react-native module access it('should provide -> bridge.rn', () => { should(bridge.rn); should(bridge.rn.Platform.OS).be.a.String(); should(bridge.rn.Platform.OS).equal(device.getPlatform()); return Promise.resolve(); }); // 'global' context of the app's JS environment it('should provide -> bridge.context', () => { should(bridge.context); should(bridge.context.setTimeout).be.a.Function(); should(bridge.context.window).be.a.Object(); // etc ... e.g. __coverage__ is here also if covering return Promise.resolve(); }); // the apps root component // allows you to read and set state if required xit('should provide -> bridge.root', async () => { should(bridge.root); should(bridge.root.setState).be.a.Function(); should(bridge.root.state).be.a.Object(); // test setting state await new Promise(resolve => bridge.root.setState({ message: 'hello world' }, resolve) ); should(bridge.root.state.message).equal('hello world'); return Promise.resolve(); }); // we shim our own reloadReactNative functionality as the detox reloadReactNative built-in // hangs often and seems unpredictable - todo: investigate & PR if solution found // reloadReactNative is replaced on init with bridge.root automatically it('should allow reloadReactNative usage without breaking remote debug', async () => { should(bridge.reload).be.a.Function(); // and check it works without breaking anything await device.reloadReactNative(); should(bridge.reload).be.a.Function(); return Promise.resolve(); }); it('should allow launchApp usage without breaking remote debug', async () => { should(bridge.module); should(bridge.reload).be.a.Function(); should(bridge.rn); should(bridge.rn.Platform.OS).be.a.String(); should(bridge.rn.Platform.OS).equal(device.getPlatform()); await device.launchApp({ newInstance: true }); should(bridge.module); should(bridge.reload).be.a.Function(); should(bridge.rn); should(bridge.rn.Platform.OS).be.a.String(); should(bridge.rn.Platform.OS).equal(device.getPlatform()); return Promise.resolve(); }); // TIMERS it('timing.setTimeout', cb => { const start =; bridge.context.setTimeout(() => { const timeTaken = - start; if (timeTaken >= 50) cb(); else cb(new Error('setTimeout fn called too soon.')); }, 50); }); it('timing.setInterval', cb => { let times = 0; let interval; const start =; interval = bridge.context.setInterval(() => { const timeTaken = - start; times++; bridge.context.clearInterval(interval); if (times >= 2) { return cb(new Error('Interval did not cancel correctly.')); } if (timeTaken < 50) { return cb(new Error('setInterval fn called too soon.')); } return bridge.context.setTimeout(cb, 100); }, 50); }); it('timing.setImmediate', cb => { bridge.context.setImmediate(() => cb()); }); it('timing.requestIdleCallback', cb => { bridge.context.requestIdleCallback(() => cb()); }); it('timing.requestAnimationFrame', cb => { bridge.context.requestAnimationFrame(() => cb()); }); });