mirror of synced 2025-02-28 05:50:41 +00:00
This commit is contained in:
Michele Bombardi 2018-04-08 11:46:41 +02:00
parent ee130cb45d
commit 3d80395c82

lib/index.d.ts vendored
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@ -75,6 +75,8 @@ declare module "react-native-firebase" {
// utils(): RNFirebase.utils.Utils;
readonly name: string;
readonly options: Firebase.Options;
onReady: () => Promise<App>;
export namespace RNFirebase {
@ -949,10 +951,10 @@ declare module "react-native-firebase" {
namespace notifications {
interface AndroidNotifications {
createChannel(channel: any): Promise<void>
createChannelGroup(channelGroup: any): Promise<void>
createChannelGroups(channelGroups: any[]): Promise<void>
createChannels(channels: any[]): Promise<void>
createChannel(channel: Android.Channel): Promise<void>
createChannelGroup(channelGroup: Android.ChannelGroup): Promise<void>
createChannelGroups(channelGroups: Android.ChannelGroup[]): Promise<void>
createChannels(channels: Android.Channel[]): Promise<void>
interface Notifications {
@ -968,22 +970,22 @@ declare module "react-native-firebase" {
cancelNotification(notificationId: string): void
displayNotification(notification: any): Promise<void>
displayNotification(notification: Notification): Promise<void>
* Returns the current badge number on the app icon.
getBadge(): Promise<number>
getInitialNotification(): Promise<any>
getInitialNotification(): Promise<NotificationOpen>
getScheduledNotifications(): Promise<any[]>
getScheduledNotifications(): Promise<Notification[]>
onNotification(listener: (notification: any) => any): () => any
onNotification(listener: (notification: Notification) => any): () => any
onNotificationDisplayed(listener: (notification: any) => any): () => any
onNotificationDisplayed(listener: (notification: Notification) => any): () => any
onNotificationOpened(listener: (notificationOpen: any) => any): () => any
onNotificationOpened(listener: (notificationOpen: NotificationOpen) => any): () => any
removeAllDeliveredNotifications(): void
@ -992,13 +994,299 @@ declare module "react-native-firebase" {
* Schedule a local notification to be shown on the device.
scheduleNotification(notification: any, schedule: any): any
scheduleNotification(notification: Notification, schedule: any): any
* Sets the badge number on the iOS app icon.
setBadge(badge: number): void
class Notification {
android: AndroidNotification
ios: IOSNotification
body: string
data: any
notificationId: string
sound?: string
subtitle?: string
title: string
setBody(body: string): Notification
setData(data: any): Notification
setNotificationId(notificationId: string): Notification
setSound(sound: string): Notification
setSubtitle(subtitle: string): Notification
setTitle(title: string): Notification
class NotificationOpen {
action: string
notification: Notification
results?: any
class AndroidNotification {
actions?: Android.Action[]
autoCancel?: boolean
badgeIconType?: Android.BadgeIconType
bigPicture?: any
bigText?: any
category?: Android.Category
channelId?: string
clickAction?: string
color?: string
colorized?: boolean
contentInfo?: string
defaults?: Android.Defaults[]
group?: string
groupAlertBehaviour?: Android.GroupAlert
groupSummary?: boolean
largeIcon?: string
lights?: Android.Lights
localOnly?: boolean
number?: number
ongoing?: boolean
onlyAlertOnce?: boolean
people?: string[]
priority?: Android.Priority
progress?: Android.Progress
remoteInputHistory?: string[]
shortcutId?: string
showWhen?: boolean
smallIcon?: any
sortKey?: string
ticker?: string
timeoutAfter?: number
usesChronometer?: boolean
vibrate?: number[]
visibility?: Android.Visibility
when?: number
addAction(action: Android.Action): Notification
addPerson(person: string): Notification
setAutoCancel(autoCancel: boolean): Notification
setBadgeIconType(badgeIconType: Android.BadgeIconType): Notification
setBigPicture(picture: string, largeIcon?: string, contentTitle?: string, summaryText?: string): Notification
setBigText(text: string, contentTitle?: string, summaryText?: string): Notification
setCategory(category: Android.Category): Notification
setChannelId(channelId: string): Notification
setClickAction(clickAction: string): Notification
setColor(color: string): Notification
setColorized(colorized: boolean): Notification
setContentInfo(contentInfo: string): Notification
setDefaults(defaults: Android.Defaults[]): Notification
setGroup(group: string): Notification
setGroupAlertBehaviour(groupAlertBehaviour: Android.GroupAlert): Notification
setGroupSummary(groupSummary: boolean): Notification
setLargeIcon(largeIcon: string): Notification
setLights(argb: number, onMs: number, offMs: number): Notification
setLocalOnly(localOnly: boolean): Notification
setNumber(number: number): Notification
setOngoing(ongoing: boolean): Notification
setOnlyAlertOnce(onlyAlertOnce: boolean): Notification
setPriority(priority: Android.Priority): Notification
setProgress(max: number, progress: number, indeterminate: boolean): Notification
//setPublicVersion(publicVersion: Notification): Notification
setRemoteInputHistory(remoteInputHistory: string[]): Notification
setShortcutId(shortcutId: string): Notification
setShowWhen(showWhen: boolean): Notification
setSmallIcon(icon: string, level?: number): Notification
setSortKey(sortKey: string): Notification
setTicker(ticker: string): Notification
setTimeoutAfter(timeoutAfter: number): Notification
setUsesChronometer(usesChronometer: boolean): Notification
setVibrate(vibrate: number[]): Notification
setVisibility(visibility: Android.Visibility): Notification
setWhen(when: number): Notification
namespace Android {
class Action {
action: string
allowGeneratedReplies: boolean
icon: string
remoteInputs: RemoteInput[]
semanticAction?: SemanticAction
showUserInterface?: boolean
title: string
constructor(action: string, icon: string, title: string);
addRemoteInput(remoteInput: RemoteInput): Action
setAllowGenerateReplies(allowGeneratedReplies: boolean): Action
setSemanticAction(semanticAction: SemanticAction): Action
setShowUserInterface(showUserInterface: boolean): Action
class RemoteInput {
allowedDataTypes: any[]
allowFreeFormInput?: boolean
choices: string[]
label?: string
resultKey: string
constructor(resultKey: string);
setAllowDataType(mimeType: string, allow: boolean): RemoteInput
setAllowFreeFormInput(allowFreeFormInput: boolean): RemoteInput
setChoices(choices: string[]): RemoteInput;
setLabel(label: string): RemoteInput;
class Channel {
channelId: string
name: string
importance: Importance
bypassDnd?: boolean
description?: string
group?: string
lightColor?: string
lightsEnabled?: boolean
lockScreenVisibility?: Visibility
showBadge?: boolean
sound?: string
vibrationEnabled?: boolean
vibrationPattern?: number[]
constructor(channelId: string, name: string, importance: Importance)
enableLights(lightsEnabled: boolean): Channel
enableVibration(vibrationEnabled: boolean): Channel
setBypassDnd(bypassDnd: boolean): Channel
setDescription(description: string): Channel
setGroup(groupId: string): Channel
setLightColor(lightColor: string): Channel
setLockScreenVisibility(lockScreenVisibility: Visibility): Channel
setShowBadge(showBadge: boolean): Channel
setSound(sound: string): Channel
setVibrationPattern(vibrationPattern: number[]): Channel
class ChannelGroup {
groupId: string
name: string
constructor(groupId: string, name: string)
export enum BadgeIconType {
Large = 2,
None = 0,
Small = 1
export type Category = 'alarm'
| 'call'
| 'email'
| 'err'
| 'event'
| 'msg'
| 'progress'
| 'promo'
| 'recommendation'
| 'reminder'
| 'service'
| 'social'
| 'status'
| 'system'
| 'transport'
export enum Defaults {
All = -1,
Lights = 4,
Sound = 1,
Vibrate = 2
export enum GroupAlert {
All = 0,
Children = 2,
Summary = 1
export enum Importance {
Default = 3,
High = 4,
Low = 2,
Max = 5,
Min = 1,
None = 3,
Unspecified = -1000
export enum Priority {
Default = 0,
High = 1,
Low = -1,
Max = 2,
Min = -2
export enum SemanticAction {
Archive = 5,
Call = 10,
Delete = 4,
MarkAsRead = 2,
MarkAsUnread = 3,
Mute = 6,
None = 0,
Reply = 1,
ThumbsDown = 9,
ThumbsUp = 8,
Unmute = 7
export enum Visibility {
Private = 0,
Public = 1,
Secret = -1
class Lights {
argb: number;
offMs: number;
onMs: number;
class Progress {
indeterminate: boolean;
max: number;
progress: number;
class IOSNotification {
alertAction?: string
attachments: IOSAttachment[]
badge?: string
category?: string
hasAction?: boolean
launchImage?: string
threadIdentifier?: string
addAttachment(identifier: string, url: string, options: IOSAttachmentOptions): Notification
setAlertAction(alertAction: string): Notification
setBadge(badge:string): Notification
setCategory(category: string): Notification
setHasAction(hasAction: boolean): Notification
setLaunchImage(launchImage: string): Notification
setThreadIdentifier(threadIdentifier: string): Notification
class IOSAttachment {
identifier: string
options: IOSAttachmentOptions
url: string
class IOSAttachmentOptions {
typeHint: string
thumbnailHidden: boolean
thumbnailClippingRect: any
thumbnailTime: string
namespace crash {