[ios][database] Refactor RNFirebaseDatabaseReference
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,206 +1,9 @@
#import "RNFirebaseDatabase.h"
#import "RNFirebaseDatabase.h"
#import "RNFirebaseEvents.h"
#import "Firebase.h"
#if __has_include(<FirebaseDatabase/FIRDatabase.h>)
#if __has_include(<FirebaseDatabase/FIRDatabase.h>)
#import "RNFirebaseDatabaseReference.h"
@interface RNFirebaseDBReference : NSObject
#import "RNFirebaseEvents.h"
@property RCTEventEmitter *emitter;
#import "Firebase.h"
@property FIRDatabaseQuery *query;
@property NSNumber *refId;
@property NSString *path;
@property NSMutableDictionary *listeners;
+ (NSDictionary *)snapshotToDict:(FIRDataSnapshot *)snapshot;
@implementation RNFirebaseDBReference
- (id)initWithPathAndModifiers:(RCTEventEmitter *)emitter database:(FIRDatabase *)database refId:(NSNumber *)refId path:(NSString *)path modifiers:(NSArray *)modifiers {
self = [super init];
if (self) {
_emitter = emitter;
_refId = refId;
_path = path;
_query = [self buildQueryAtPathWithModifiers:database path:path modifiers:modifiers];
_listeners = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
return self;
- (void)addEventHandler:(NSNumber *)listenerId eventName:(NSString *)eventName {
if (!_listeners[listenerId]) {
id andPreviousSiblingKeyWithBlock = ^(FIRDataSnapshot *_Nonnull snapshot, NSString *_Nullable previousChildName) {
NSDictionary *props = [RNFirebaseDBReference snapshotToDict:snapshot];
[self sendJSEvent:DATABASE_DATA_EVENT title:eventName props:@{@"eventName": eventName, @"refId": _refId, @"listenerId": listenerId, @"path": _path, @"snapshot": props, @"previousChildName": previousChildName != nil ? previousChildName : [NSNull null]}];
id errorBlock = ^(NSError *_Nonnull error) {
NSLog(@"Error onDBEvent: %@", [error debugDescription]);
[self removeEventHandler:listenerId eventName:eventName];
[self getAndSendDatabaseError:error listenerId:listenerId];
int eventType = [self eventTypeFromName:eventName];
FIRDatabaseHandle handle = [_query observeEventType:eventType andPreviousSiblingKeyWithBlock:andPreviousSiblingKeyWithBlock withCancelBlock:errorBlock];
_listeners[listenerId] = @(handle);
} else {
NSLog(@"Warning Trying to add duplicate listener for refId: %@ listenerId: %@", _refId, listenerId);
- (void)addSingleEventHandler:(NSString *)eventName callback:(RCTResponseSenderBlock)callback {
FIRDataEventType firDataEventType = (FIRDataEventType)[self eventTypeFromName:eventName];
[_query observeSingleEventOfType:firDataEventType andPreviousSiblingKeyWithBlock:^(FIRDataSnapshot *_Nonnull snapshot, NSString *_Nullable previousChildName) {
NSDictionary *props = [RNFirebaseDBReference snapshotToDict:snapshot];
callback(@[[NSNull null], @{@"eventName": eventName, @"path": _path, @"refId": _refId, @"snapshot": props, @"previousChildName": previousChildName != nil ? previousChildName : [NSNull null]}]);
} withCancelBlock:^(NSError *_Nonnull error) {
NSLog(@"Error onDBEventOnce: %@", [error debugDescription]);
callback(@[@{@"eventName": DATABASE_ERROR_EVENT, @"path": _path, @"refId": _refId, @"code": @([error code]), @"details": [error debugDescription], @"message": [error localizedDescription], @"description": [error description]}]);
- (void)removeEventHandler:(NSNumber *)listenerId eventName:(NSString *)eventName {
FIRDatabaseHandle handle = (FIRDatabaseHandle) [_listeners[listenerId] integerValue];
if (handle) {
[_listeners removeObjectForKey:listenerId];
[_query removeObserverWithHandle:handle];
+ (NSDictionary *)snapshotToDict:(FIRDataSnapshot *)snapshot {
NSMutableDictionary *dict = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
[dict setValue:snapshot.key forKey:@"key"];
NSDictionary *val = snapshot.value;
dict[@"value"] = val;
// Snapshot ordering
NSMutableArray *childKeys = [NSMutableArray array];
if (snapshot.childrenCount > 0) {
// Since JS does not respect object ordering of keys
// we keep a list of the keys and their ordering
// in the snapshot event
NSEnumerator *children = [snapshot children];
FIRDataSnapshot *child;
while (child = [children nextObject]) {
[childKeys addObject:child.key];
dict[@"childKeys"] = childKeys;
[dict setValue:@(snapshot.hasChildren) forKey:@"hasChildren"];
[dict setValue:@(snapshot.exists) forKey:@"exists"];
[dict setValue:@(snapshot.childrenCount) forKey:@"childrenCount"];
[dict setValue:snapshot.priority forKey:@"priority"];
return dict;
- (NSDictionary *)getAndSendDatabaseError:(NSError *)error listenerId:(NSNumber *)listenerId {
NSDictionary *event = @{@"eventName": DATABASE_ERROR_EVENT, @"path": _path, @"refId": _refId, @"listenerId": listenerId, @"code": @([error code]), @"details": [error debugDescription], @"message": [error localizedDescription], @"description": [error description]};
@try {
[_emitter sendEventWithName:DATABASE_ERROR_EVENT body:event];
} @catch (NSException *err) {
NSLog(@"An error occurred in getAndSendDatabaseError: %@", [err debugDescription]);
NSLog(@"Tried to send: %@ with %@", DATABASE_ERROR_EVENT, event);
return event;
- (void)sendJSEvent:(NSString *)type title:(NSString *)title props:(NSDictionary *)props {
@try {
[_emitter sendEventWithName:type body:@{@"eventName": title, @"body": props}];
} @catch (NSException *err) {
NSLog(@"An error occurred in sendJSEvent: %@", [err debugDescription]);
NSLog(@"Tried to send: %@ with %@", title, props);
- (FIRDatabaseQuery *)buildQueryAtPathWithModifiers:(FIRDatabase *)database path:(NSString *)path modifiers:(NSArray *)modifiers {
FIRDatabaseQuery *query = [[database reference] child:path];
for (NSDictionary *modifier in modifiers) {
NSString *type = [modifier valueForKey:@"type"];
NSString *name = [modifier valueForKey:@"name"];
if ([type isEqualToString:@"orderBy"]) {
if ([name isEqualToString:@"orderByKey"]) {
query = [query queryOrderedByKey];
} else if ([name isEqualToString:@"orderByPriority"]) {
query = [query queryOrderedByPriority];
} else if ([name isEqualToString:@"orderByValue"]) {
query = [query queryOrderedByValue];
} else if ([name isEqualToString:@"orderByChild"]) {
NSString *key = [modifier valueForKey:@"key"];
query = [query queryOrderedByChild:key];
} else if ([type isEqualToString:@"limit"]) {
int limit = [[modifier valueForKey:@"limit"] integerValue];
if ([name isEqualToString:@"limitToLast"]) {
query = [query queryLimitedToLast:limit];
} else if ([name isEqualToString:@"limitToFirst"]) {
query = [query queryLimitedToFirst:limit];
} else if ([type isEqualToString:@"filter"]) {
NSString *valueType = [modifier valueForKey:@"valueType"];
NSString *key = [modifier valueForKey:@"key"];
id value = [self getIdValue:[modifier valueForKey:@"value"] type:valueType];
if ([name isEqualToString:@"equalTo"]) {
if (key != nil) {
query = [query queryEqualToValue:value childKey:key];
} else {
query = [query queryEqualToValue:value];
} else if ([name isEqualToString:@"endAt"]) {
if (key != nil) {
query = [query queryEndingAtValue:value childKey:key];
} else {
query = [query queryEndingAtValue:value];
} else if ([name isEqualToString:@"startAt"]) {
if (key != nil) {
query = [query queryStartingAtValue:value childKey:key];
} else {
query = [query queryStartingAtValue:value];
return query;
- (id)getIdValue:(NSString *)value type:(NSString *)type {
if ([type isEqualToString:@"number"]) {
return @(value.doubleValue);
} else if ([type isEqualToString:@"boolean"]) {
return @(value.boolValue);
} else {
return value;
- (BOOL)hasListeners {
return [[_listeners allKeys] count] > 0;
- (int)eventTypeFromName:(NSString *)name {
int eventType = FIRDataEventTypeValue;
if ([name isEqualToString:DATABASE_VALUE_EVENT]) {
eventType = FIRDataEventTypeValue;
} else if ([name isEqualToString:DATABASE_CHILD_ADDED_EVENT]) {
eventType = FIRDataEventTypeChildAdded;
} else if ([name isEqualToString:DATABASE_CHILD_MODIFIED_EVENT]) {
eventType = FIRDataEventTypeChildChanged;
} else if ([name isEqualToString:DATABASE_CHILD_REMOVED_EVENT]) {
eventType = FIRDataEventTypeChildRemoved;
} else if ([name isEqualToString:DATABASE_CHILD_MOVED_EVENT]) {
eventType = FIRDataEventTypeChildMoved;
return eventType;
@implementation RNFirebaseDatabase
@implementation RNFirebaseDatabase
@ -269,7 +72,7 @@ RCT_EXPORT_METHOD(startTransaction:
if (databaseError != nil) {
if (databaseError != nil) {
[self sendTransactionEvent:DATABASE_TRANSACTION_EVENT body:@{@"id": identifier, @"type": @"error", @"code": @([databaseError code]), @"message": [databaseError description]}];
[self sendTransactionEvent:DATABASE_TRANSACTION_EVENT body:@{@"id": identifier, @"type": @"error", @"code": @([databaseError code]), @"message": [databaseError description]}];
} else {
} else {
[self sendTransactionEvent:DATABASE_TRANSACTION_EVENT body:@{@"id": identifier, @"type": @"complete", @"committed": @(committed), @"snapshot": [RNFirebaseDBReference snapshotToDict:snapshot],}];
[self sendTransactionEvent:DATABASE_TRANSACTION_EVENT body:@{@"id": identifier, @"type": @"complete", @"committed": @(committed), @"snapshot": [RNFirebaseDatabaseReference snapshotToDict:snapshot],}];
@ -404,7 +207,7 @@ RCT_EXPORT_METHOD(on:
listenerId:(nonnull NSNumber *) listenerId
listenerId:(nonnull NSNumber *) listenerId
name:(NSString *) eventName
name:(NSString *) eventName
callback:(RCTResponseSenderBlock) callback) {
callback:(RCTResponseSenderBlock) callback) {
RNFirebaseDBReference *ref = [self getDBHandle:refId path:path modifiers:modifiers];
RNFirebaseDatabaseReference *ref = [self getDBHandle:refId path:path modifiers:modifiers];
[ref addEventHandler:listenerId eventName:eventName];
[ref addEventHandler:listenerId eventName:eventName];
callback(@[[NSNull null], @{@"status": @"success", @"refId": refId, @"handle": path}]);
callback(@[[NSNull null], @{@"status": @"success", @"refId": refId, @"handle": path}]);
@ -416,7 +219,7 @@ RCT_EXPORT_METHOD(once:
modifiers:(NSArray *) modifiers
modifiers:(NSArray *) modifiers
eventName:(NSString *) eventName
eventName:(NSString *) eventName
callback:(RCTResponseSenderBlock) callback) {
callback:(RCTResponseSenderBlock) callback) {
RNFirebaseDBReference *ref = [self getDBHandle:refId path:path modifiers:modifiers];
RNFirebaseDatabaseReference *ref = [self getDBHandle:refId path:path modifiers:modifiers];
[ref addSingleEventHandler:eventName callback:callback];
[ref addSingleEventHandler:eventName callback:callback];
@ -425,7 +228,7 @@ RCT_EXPORT_METHOD(off:
NSNumber *) refId
NSNumber *) refId
listeners:(NSArray *) listeners
listeners:(NSArray *) listeners
callback:(RCTResponseSenderBlock) callback) {
callback:(RCTResponseSenderBlock) callback) {
RNFirebaseDBReference *ref = _dbReferences[refId];
RNFirebaseDatabaseReference *ref = _dbReferences[refId];
if (ref != nil) {
if (ref != nil) {
for (NSDictionary *listener in listeners) {
for (NSDictionary *listener in listeners) {
NSNumber *listenerId = [listener valueForKey:@"listenerId"];
NSNumber *listenerId = [listener valueForKey:@"listenerId"];
@ -494,11 +297,11 @@ RCT_EXPORT_METHOD(goOnline) {
- (RNFirebaseDBReference *)getDBHandle:(NSNumber *)refId path:(NSString *)path modifiers:(NSArray *)modifiers {
- (RNFirebaseDatabaseReference *)getDBHandle:(NSNumber *)refId path:(NSString *)path modifiers:(NSArray *)modifiers {
RNFirebaseDBReference *ref = _dbReferences[refId];
RNFirebaseDatabaseReference *ref = _dbReferences[refId];
if (ref == nil) {
if (ref == nil) {
ref = [[RNFirebaseDBReference alloc] initWithPathAndModifiers:self database:[FIRDatabase database] refId:refId path:path modifiers:modifiers];
ref = [[RNFirebaseDatabaseReference alloc] initWithPathAndModifiers:self database:[FIRDatabase database] refId:refId path:path modifiers:modifiers];
_dbReferences[refId] = ref;
_dbReferences[refId] = ref;
return ref;
return ref;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
#ifndef RNFirebaseDatabaseReference_h
#define RNFirebaseDatabaseReference_h
#if __has_include(<FirebaseDatabase/FIRDatabase.h>)
#import <React/RCTEventEmitter.h>
#import "Firebase.h"
@interface RNFirebaseDatabaseReference : NSObject
@property RCTEventEmitter *emitter;
@property FIRDatabaseQuery *query;
@property NSNumber *refId;
@property NSString *path;
@property NSMutableDictionary *listeners;
- (id)initWithPathAndModifiers:(RCTEventEmitter *)emitter database:(FIRDatabase *)database refId:(NSNumber *)refId path:(NSString *)path modifiers:(NSArray *)modifiers;
- (void)addEventHandler:(NSNumber *)listenerId eventName:(NSString *)eventName;
- (void)addSingleEventHandler:(NSString *)eventName callback:(RCTResponseSenderBlock)callback;
- (void)removeEventHandler:(NSNumber *)listenerId eventName:(NSString *)eventName;
- (BOOL)hasListeners;
+ (NSDictionary *)snapshotToDict:(FIRDataSnapshot *)snapshot;
@interface RNFirebaseDatabaseReference : NSObject
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
#import "RNFirebaseDatabaseReference.h"
#if __has_include(<FirebaseDatabase/FIRDatabase.h>)
#import "RNFirebaseEvents.h"
@implementation RNFirebaseDatabaseReference
- (id)initWithPathAndModifiers:(RCTEventEmitter *)emitter database:(FIRDatabase *)database refId:(NSNumber *)refId path:(NSString *)path modifiers:(NSArray *)modifiers {
self = [super init];
if (self) {
_emitter = emitter;
_refId = refId;
_path = path;
_query = [self buildQueryAtPathWithModifiers:database path:path modifiers:modifiers];
_listeners = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
return self;
- (void)addEventHandler:(NSNumber *)listenerId eventName:(NSString *)eventName {
if (!_listeners[listenerId]) {
id andPreviousSiblingKeyWithBlock = ^(FIRDataSnapshot *_Nonnull snapshot, NSString *_Nullable previousChildName) {
NSDictionary *props = [RNFirebaseDatabaseReference snapshotToDict:snapshot];
[self sendJSEvent:DATABASE_DATA_EVENT title:eventName props:@{@"eventName": eventName, @"refId": _refId, @"listenerId": listenerId, @"path": _path, @"snapshot": props, @"previousChildName": previousChildName != nil ? previousChildName : [NSNull null]}];
id errorBlock = ^(NSError *_Nonnull error) {
NSLog(@"Error onDBEvent: %@", [error debugDescription]);
[self removeEventHandler:listenerId eventName:eventName];
[self getAndSendDatabaseError:error listenerId:listenerId];
int eventType = [self eventTypeFromName:eventName];
FIRDatabaseHandle handle = [_query observeEventType:eventType andPreviousSiblingKeyWithBlock:andPreviousSiblingKeyWithBlock withCancelBlock:errorBlock];
_listeners[listenerId] = @(handle);
} else {
NSLog(@"Warning Trying to add duplicate listener for refId: %@ listenerId: %@", _refId, listenerId);
- (void)addSingleEventHandler:(NSString *)eventName callback:(RCTResponseSenderBlock)callback {
FIRDataEventType firDataEventType = (FIRDataEventType)[self eventTypeFromName:eventName];
[_query observeSingleEventOfType:firDataEventType andPreviousSiblingKeyWithBlock:^(FIRDataSnapshot *_Nonnull snapshot, NSString *_Nullable previousChildName) {
NSDictionary *props = [RNFirebaseDatabaseReference snapshotToDict:snapshot];
callback(@[[NSNull null], @{@"eventName": eventName, @"path": _path, @"refId": _refId, @"snapshot": props, @"previousChildName": previousChildName != nil ? previousChildName : [NSNull null]}]);
} withCancelBlock:^(NSError *_Nonnull error) {
NSLog(@"Error onDBEventOnce: %@", [error debugDescription]);
callback(@[@{@"eventName": DATABASE_ERROR_EVENT, @"path": _path, @"refId": _refId, @"code": @([error code]), @"details": [error debugDescription], @"message": [error localizedDescription], @"description": [error description]}]);
- (void)removeEventHandler:(NSNumber *)listenerId eventName:(NSString *)eventName {
FIRDatabaseHandle handle = (FIRDatabaseHandle) [_listeners[listenerId] integerValue];
if (handle) {
[_listeners removeObjectForKey:listenerId];
[_query removeObserverWithHandle:handle];
+ (NSDictionary *)snapshotToDict:(FIRDataSnapshot *)snapshot {
NSMutableDictionary *dict = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
[dict setValue:snapshot.key forKey:@"key"];
NSDictionary *val = snapshot.value;
dict[@"value"] = val;
// Snapshot ordering
NSMutableArray *childKeys = [NSMutableArray array];
if (snapshot.childrenCount > 0) {
// Since JS does not respect object ordering of keys
// we keep a list of the keys and their ordering
// in the snapshot event
NSEnumerator *children = [snapshot children];
FIRDataSnapshot *child;
while (child = [children nextObject]) {
[childKeys addObject:child.key];
dict[@"childKeys"] = childKeys;
[dict setValue:@(snapshot.hasChildren) forKey:@"hasChildren"];
[dict setValue:@(snapshot.exists) forKey:@"exists"];
[dict setValue:@(snapshot.childrenCount) forKey:@"childrenCount"];
[dict setValue:snapshot.priority forKey:@"priority"];
return dict;
- (NSDictionary *)getAndSendDatabaseError:(NSError *)error listenerId:(NSNumber *)listenerId {
NSDictionary *event = @{@"eventName": DATABASE_ERROR_EVENT, @"path": _path, @"refId": _refId, @"listenerId": listenerId, @"code": @([error code]), @"details": [error debugDescription], @"message": [error localizedDescription], @"description": [error description]};
@try {
[_emitter sendEventWithName:DATABASE_ERROR_EVENT body:event];
} @catch (NSException *err) {
NSLog(@"An error occurred in getAndSendDatabaseError: %@", [err debugDescription]);
NSLog(@"Tried to send: %@ with %@", DATABASE_ERROR_EVENT, event);
return event;
- (void)sendJSEvent:(NSString *)type title:(NSString *)title props:(NSDictionary *)props {
@try {
[_emitter sendEventWithName:type body:@{@"eventName": title, @"body": props}];
} @catch (NSException *err) {
NSLog(@"An error occurred in sendJSEvent: %@", [err debugDescription]);
NSLog(@"Tried to send: %@ with %@", title, props);
- (FIRDatabaseQuery *)buildQueryAtPathWithModifiers:(FIRDatabase *)database path:(NSString *)path modifiers:(NSArray *)modifiers {
FIRDatabaseQuery *query = [[database reference] child:path];
for (NSDictionary *modifier in modifiers) {
NSString *type = [modifier valueForKey:@"type"];
NSString *name = [modifier valueForKey:@"name"];
if ([type isEqualToString:@"orderBy"]) {
if ([name isEqualToString:@"orderByKey"]) {
query = [query queryOrderedByKey];
} else if ([name isEqualToString:@"orderByPriority"]) {
query = [query queryOrderedByPriority];
} else if ([name isEqualToString:@"orderByValue"]) {
query = [query queryOrderedByValue];
} else if ([name isEqualToString:@"orderByChild"]) {
NSString *key = [modifier valueForKey:@"key"];
query = [query queryOrderedByChild:key];
} else if ([type isEqualToString:@"limit"]) {
int limit = [[modifier valueForKey:@"limit"] integerValue];
if ([name isEqualToString:@"limitToLast"]) {
query = [query queryLimitedToLast:limit];
} else if ([name isEqualToString:@"limitToFirst"]) {
query = [query queryLimitedToFirst:limit];
} else if ([type isEqualToString:@"filter"]) {
NSString *valueType = [modifier valueForKey:@"valueType"];
NSString *key = [modifier valueForKey:@"key"];
id value = [self getIdValue:[modifier valueForKey:@"value"] type:valueType];
if ([name isEqualToString:@"equalTo"]) {
if (key != nil) {
query = [query queryEqualToValue:value childKey:key];
} else {
query = [query queryEqualToValue:value];
} else if ([name isEqualToString:@"endAt"]) {
if (key != nil) {
query = [query queryEndingAtValue:value childKey:key];
} else {
query = [query queryEndingAtValue:value];
} else if ([name isEqualToString:@"startAt"]) {
if (key != nil) {
query = [query queryStartingAtValue:value childKey:key];
} else {
query = [query queryStartingAtValue:value];
return query;
- (id)getIdValue:(NSString *)value type:(NSString *)type {
if ([type isEqualToString:@"number"]) {
return @(value.doubleValue);
} else if ([type isEqualToString:@"boolean"]) {
return @(value.boolValue);
} else {
return value;
- (BOOL)hasListeners {
return [[_listeners allKeys] count] > 0;
- (int)eventTypeFromName:(NSString *)name {
int eventType = FIRDataEventTypeValue;
if ([name isEqualToString:DATABASE_VALUE_EVENT]) {
eventType = FIRDataEventTypeValue;
} else if ([name isEqualToString:DATABASE_CHILD_ADDED_EVENT]) {
eventType = FIRDataEventTypeChildAdded;
} else if ([name isEqualToString:DATABASE_CHILD_MODIFIED_EVENT]) {
eventType = FIRDataEventTypeChildChanged;
} else if ([name isEqualToString:DATABASE_CHILD_REMOVED_EVENT]) {
eventType = FIRDataEventTypeChildRemoved;
} else if ([name isEqualToString:DATABASE_CHILD_MOVED_EVENT]) {
eventType = FIRDataEventTypeChildMoved;
return eventType;
@implementation RNFirebaseDatabase
Reference in New Issue
Block a user