Setup the `GoogleService-Info.plist` file by following the instructions and adding it to the root of your project at `ios/[YOUR APP NAME]/GoogleService-Info.plist` [here](
Unfortunately, due to the fact that Firebase is much easier to setup using Cocoapods, `react-native link` is not recommended as it is not customisable enough for our needs and we have had numerous problems reported.
**NOTE: The Podfile needs to be initialised in the `ios` directory of your project.**
#### Troubleshooting
1) When running `pod install` you may encounter an error saying that a `tvOSTests` target is declared twice. This appears to be a bug with `pod init` and the way that react native is set up.
- Open your Podfile
- Remove the duplicate `tvOSTests` target nested within the main project target
- Re-run `pod install`.
2) When running `pod install` you may encounter a number of warnings relating to `target overrides 'OTHER_LDFLAGS'`.
- Open Xcode
- Select your project
- For each target:
-- Select the target
-- Click Build settings
-- Search for `other linker flags`
-- Add `$(inherited)` as the top line if it doesn't already exist
- Re-run `pod install`
3) When running `pod install` you may encounter a warning that a default iOS platform has been assigned. If you wish to specify a different minimum version:
- Open your Podfile
- Uncomment the `# platform :ios, '9.0'` line by removing the `#` character
If you plan on using [Firebase Cloud Messaging]( then, you need to:
**NOTE: FCM does not work on the iOS simulator, you must test is using a real device. This is a restriction enforced by Apple for some unknown reason.**
### 3.1) Set up certificates
Follow the instructions at