* Bump the dependency of SDWebImage into 5.8+ because of the SDWebImageDownloaderRequestModifier convenient API usage
* Fix the implementation on iOS for per-image-request-header-setup. Should not use `SDWebImageDownloader` which manage the global shared headers. Use the context option of request modifier.
* Add the support for data:image URL for WebP images
* Alaways bypass invalid SSL certificate error, same behavior like React-Native itself
* Fix the implementation of request modifier on SDWebImage, which have bugs on 5.8.0 (will fix in 5.8.1), revert the dependency bump
* Revert the changes to bypass SSL error
* Remove the unused Podfile.lock changes
This converts the codebase to TypeScript. Compilation and bundling is done with tsdx. This will
hopefully ensure our types are more accurate in the future.