* Update DialogAndroid.java Support regular RN color value, no more crashing after first callback is consumed. * new api in js * updated js * types fixing * fixed class name from MaterialDialog to AndroidDialog * Whops it should be DialogAndroid, not AndroidDialog * fix showProgress - plan to remove this, just testing * update readme * added mroe examples * assignDefaults example * alternative shorthand signatures * more readme * deprecate string as item, selctedIndex, selectedIndices. moved to object as item, with label * changes based on discusion with @vonovak * readme nits * readme nit * readme touchups * readme nit * testing and fixes per testing * .padStart is not same as prefix
An Android only module for Material Design dialogs. This is a wrapper over afollestad/material-dialogs. This module is designed for Android only with no plans to support iOS.
Table of Contents
react-native link react-native-dialogs
- Or if this fails, link manually using these steps
Compile application using
react-native run-android
Manual Linking
Follow these steps if automatic linking (react-native link
) failed.
Include this module in
:... include ':autocompletetextview' // Add this project(':autocompletetextview').projectDir = file("../node_modules/autocompletetextview/android") // Add this ... include ':app'
, add the dependency to your app build:dependencies { ... compile project(':react-native-dialogs') // Add this }
, it should already be there, but in case it is not, add Jitpack maven repository to download the library afollestad/material-dialogs:allprojects { repositories { ... jcenter() // Add this if it is not already here ... } }
:rootProject.name = ... ... include ':react-native-dialogs' // Add this project(':react-native-dialogs').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/react-native-dialogs/android') // Add this ... include ':app'
Import and add package, in
:... import android.app.Application; ... import com.aakashns.reactnativedialogs.ReactNativeDialogsPackage; // Add new import ... public class MainApplication extends Application implements ReactApplication { ... @Override protected List<ReactPackage> getPackages() { return Arrays.<ReactPackage>asList( new MainReactPackage(), ... new ReactNativeDialogsPackage() // Add the package here ); } }
Import it in your JS:
import DialogAndroid from 'react-native-dialogs';
Call API:
class Blah extends Component { render() { return <Button title="Show DialogAndroid" onPress={this.showDialogAndroid} /> } showDialogAndroid = async () => { const { action } = await DialogAndroid.alert('Title', 'Message'); switch (action) { case DialogAndroid.actionPositive: console.log('positive!') break; case DialogAndroid.actionNegative: console.log('negative!') break; case DialogAndroid.actionNeutral: console.log('netural!') break; case DialogAndroid.actionDismiss: console.log('dismissed!') break; } } }
{ positiveText: 'OK' }
The default options to be used by all methods. To modify this, either directly manipulate with DialogAndroid.defaults = { ... }
or use assignDefaults
static actionDismiss = "actionDismiss"
static actionNegative = "actionNegative"
static actionNeutral = "actionNeutral"
static actionPositive = "actionPositive"
static listPlain = "listPlain"
static listRadio = "listRadio"
static listCheckbox = "listCheckbox"
static progressHorizontal = "progressHorizontal"
static alert( title: Title, content: Content, options: Options ): Promise<{| action: "actionDismiss" | "actionNegative" | "actionNeutral" | "actionPositive" |}>
Shows a dialog.
Parameter | Type | Default | Required | Description |
title | string, null, void |
Title of dialog | ||
content | string, null, void |
Message of dialog | ||
options | OptionsCommon |
See OptionsCommon |
static assignDefaults({ [string]: value ): void
Set default colors for example, so you don't have to provide it on every method call.
{ positiveText: 'OK' }
static dismiss(): void
Hides the currently showing dialog.
static prompt( title?: null | string, content?: null | string, options: OptionsPrompt ): Promise< {| action: "actionNegative" | "actionNeutral" | "actionDismiss" |} | {| action: "actionPositive", text: string |} >
Shows a dialog with a text input field.
Parameter | Type | Default | Required | Description |
title | string, null, void |
Title of dialog | ||
content | string, null, void |
Message of dialog | ||
options | OptionsPrompt |
See OptionsPrompt |
static showProgress( title?: null | string, content?: null | string, options: OptionsPicker ): Promise< {| action: "actionNegative" | "actionNeutral" | "actionDismiss" |} | {| action: "actionSelect", selectedItem: ListItem |} | {| action: "actionSelect", selectedItems: ListItem[] |} >
Shows a regular alert, but also with items that can be selected.
Parameter | Type | Default | Required | Description |
title | string, null, void |
Title of dialog | ||
content | string, null, void |
Message of dialog | ||
options | OptionsPicker |
See OptionsPrompt |
static showProgress( content?: null | string, options: OptionsProgress ): Promise<{| action:"actionDismiss" |}>
Shows a progress dialog. By default no buttons are shown, and hardware back button does not close it. You must close it with DialogAndroid.dismiss()
Parameter | Type | Default | Required | Description |
content | string, null, void |
Message of dialog | ||
options | OptionsProgress |
See OptionsPrompt |
Flow is used as the typing system.
Internal Types
type ActionType
"actionDismiss" | "actionNegative" | "actionNeutral" | "actionPositive" | "actionSelect"
type ListItem
{ label:string } | { label:string, id:any } | {}
- If
key does not exist, specify which key should be used as the label withlabelKey
property ofOptionsPicker
. id
is only required ifselectedId
needs to be used.- If
key does not exist, specify which key should be used as the id withidKey
property ofOptionsPicker
- If
type ListType
"listCheckbox" | "listPlain" | "listRadio"
type OptionsCommon
{ cancelable?: boolean, content?: string, contentColor?: string, contentIsHtml?: boolean, forceStacking?: boolean linkColor?: ColorValue, negativeColor?: ColorValue, negativeText?: string, neutralColor?: ColorValue, neutralText?: string, positiveColor?: ColorValue, positiveText?: string, // default "OK" title?: string, titleColor?: ColorValue, }
Key | Type | Default | Required | Description |
cancelable | boolean |
If tapping outside of dialog area, or hardware back button, should dismiss dialog. | ||
content | string |
Dialog message | ||
contentColor | ColorValue |
Color of dialog message | ||
contentIsHtml | boolean |
If dialog message should be parsed as html. (supported tags include: <a> , <img> , etc) |
forceStacking | boolean |
If you have multiple action buttons that together are too wide to fit on one line, the dialog will stack the buttons to be vertically oriented. | ||
linkColor | ColorValue |
If contentIsHtml is true, and content contains <a> tags, these are colored with this color |
negativeColor | ColorValue |
negativeText | string |
If falsy, button is not shown. | ||
neutralColor | ColorValue |
neutralText | string |
Shows button in far left with this string as label. If falsy, button is not shown. | ||
positiveColor | ColorValue |
positiveText | string |
If falsy, button is not shown. | ||
title | string |
Title of dialog | ||
titleColor | ColorValue |
Color of title |
type OptionsProgress
{ contentColor: $PropertyType<OptionsCommon, 'contentColor'>, contentIsHtml: $PropertyType<OptionsCommon, 'contentIsHtml'>, linkColor: $PropertyType<OptionsCommon, 'linkColor'>, style?: ProgressStyle, title: $PropertyType<OptionsCommon, 'title'>, titleColor: $PropertyType<OptionsCommon, 'titleColor'>', widgetColor: $PropertyType<OptionsCommon, 'widgetColor'> widgetColor?: ColorValue }
Key | Type | Default | Required | Description |
contentColor | OptionsCommon#contentColor |
See OptionsCommon#contentColor |
contentIsHtml | OptionsCommon#contentIsHtml |
See OptionsCommon#contentIsHtml |
linkColor | OptionsCommon#linkColor |
See OptionsCommon#linkColor |
style | ProgressStyle |
See ProgressStyle |
title | OptionsCommon#title |
See OptionsCommon#title |
titleColor | OptionsCommon#titleColor |
See OptionsCommon#titleColor |
widgetColor | ColorValue |
Color of progress indicator |
type OptionsPicker
{ ...OptionsCommon, idKey?: string, items: ListItem[], labelKey?: string, neutralIsClear?: boolean, selectedId?: any, selectedIds?: any[], type?: string, widgetColor?: ColorValue }
Key | Type | Default | Required | Description |
OptionsCommon | OptionsCommon |
See OptionsCommon |
idKey | string |
"id" | ||
items | ListItem [] |
Yes | See ListItem |
labelKey | string |
"label" | ||
neutralIsClear | boolean |
Pressing the neutral button causes the dialog to be closed and selectedItems to be an empty array. Only works if neutralText is also supplied. |
selectedId | any |
The respective radio will be selected on dialog show. If no such id is found, then nothing is selected. Only applicable if type is DialogAndroid.listRadio . Requires that items[] contain key described by idKey . |
selectedIds | any[] |
The respective checkbox will be selected on dialog show. If no such id is found, nothing is selected for that id. Only applicable if type is DialogAndroid.listCheckbox . Requires that items[] contain key described by idKey . |
type | ListType |
DialogAndroid.listPlain |
See ListType |
widgetColor | ColorValue |
Color of radio or checkbox |
type OptionsPrompt
{ ...OptionsCommon, widgetColor?: ColorValue }
Key | Type | Default | Required | Description |
OptionsCommon | OptionsCommon |
See OptionsCommon |
widgetColor | ColorValue |
Color of field underline and cursor |
type ProgressStyle
Progress dialog
DialogAndroid.showProgress(null, 'Downloading...', {
style: DialogAndroid.progressHorizontal
setTimeout(DialogAndroid.dismiss, 5000);
List of radio items dismissed on press
If we want the first press on an item to close and accept the dialog, we pass null
to positiveText
const { selectedItem } = await DialogAndroid.alert('Title', null, {
positiveText: null,
items: [
{ label:'Apple', id:'apple' },
{ label:'Orange', id:'orange' },
{ label:'Pear', id:'pear' }
selectedId: 'apple'
if (selectedItem) {
console.log('You selected item:', item);
Checklist with clear button
We can make the neutral button be a special button. Pressing it will clear the list and close the dialog.
const { selectedItems } = await DialogAndroid.alert('Title', null, {
items: [
{ label:'Apple', id:'apple' },
{ label:'Orange', id:'orange' },
{ label:'Pear', id:'pear' }
selectedIds: ['apple', 'orange'], // or if is not array of objects with "id" can use selectedIndices
neutralIsClear: true,
neutralText: 'Empty List'
if (selectedItems) {
if (!selectedItems.length) {
console.log('You emptied the list');
} else {
console.log('You selected items:', selectedItems);
const { action, text } = await DialogAndroid.prompt('Title', 'Message', {
if (action === DialogAndroid.actionPositive) {
alert(`You submitted: ${text}`)
DialogAndroid.alert('Title', `This is a link <a href="https://www.duckduckgo.com/">DuckDuckGo</a>`, {
contentIsHtml: true
You can set some defaults so you don't have to change it everytime.
title: 'Default Title',
contentColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2)',
widgetColor: 'blue'
Now any time you supply undefined
to title, it will use the default assigned above.
DialogAndroid.alert(undefined, 'message here')
This will show title "Default Title", with no negative button, and the color of the message will be 20% black. If you did Dialog.showProgress
, the progress indicator would be blue. etc.