* DialogAndroid.js - Adding max number of items in a list property
* DialogAndroid.java - Added maxNumOfItems in a list dialog property, and handling so we control the dialog's size.
* Added contributors following all-contributors spec - https://www.npmjs.com/package/all-contributors-cli#installation - to use this cli to add/edit users we do:
./node_modules/.bin/all-contributors add
* moved vnovak to first contirbutor, for some reason it had put me first
* after vnovak and myself i alphabetized all other contirbutors
* Adding screenshots to readme
* * add screenshots folder
* fixed multi choice, when nothing was selected it was giving [ undefined ]
* no spacing in showProgress when horizontal style
* readme nit
* update table of contents
* readme nit
* Update DialogAndroid.java
Support regular RN color value, no more crashing after first callback is consumed.
* new api in js
* updated js
* types fixing
* fixed class name from MaterialDialog to AndroidDialog
* Whops it should be DialogAndroid, not AndroidDialog
* fix showProgress - plan to remove this, just testing
* update readme
* added mroe examples
* assignDefaults example
* alternative shorthand signatures
* more readme
* deprecate string as item, selctedIndex, selectedIndices. moved to object as item, with label
* changes based on discusion with @vonovak
* readme nits
* readme nit
* readme touchups
* readme nit
* testing and fixes per testing
* .padStart is not same as prefix
Updated the documentation to reflect the changes in React Native, as MainApplication is being used instead of MainActivity in the current version of React Native.