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Aakash N S 2015-11-02 04:11:43 +05:30
commit d8e279dae4
1 changed files with 188 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -1,2 +1,189 @@
# react-native-dialogs # react-native-dialogs
React Native wrappers for Material Design dialogs for React Native Android apps (wrappers over
Install the npm package 'react-native-dialogs'. Inside your React Native project, run ([example](
npm install --save react-native-dialogs
In `android/settings.gradle`, remove the line `include ':app'` and add the following lines ([example](
include ':app', ':react-native-dialogs'
project(':react-native-dialogs').projectDir = file('../node_modules/react-native-dialogs/android')
**NOTE** : If you have included other libraries in your project, the `include` line will contain the other dependencies too.
In `android/app/build.gradle`, add a dependency to `':react-native-dialogs'` and URL of the Jitpack maven repository (to download the library :
repositories {
maven { url "" }
dependencies {
// after other dependencies
compile project(':react-native-dialogs')
The changes should look like [this](
Next, you need to change the `MainActivity` of your app to extends `FragmentActivity` instead of `Activity` (otherwise dialogs will not be rendered), and register `ReactNativeDialogsPackage` :
import com.aakashns.reactnativedialogs.ReactNativeDialogsPackage;
public class MainActivity extends FragmentActivity implements DefaultHardwareBackBtnHandler {
mReactInstanceManager = ReactInstanceManager.builder()
.addPackage(new MainReactPackage())
.addPackage(new ReactNativeDialogsPackage(this)) // <- ADD THIS LINE!
See [this changelog]( for reference.
Now you're finally ready to start using module in your React Native application. See [this changelog]( for an example that uses `DialogAndroid`.
var DialogAndroid = require('react-native-dialogs');
var options = {
title: 'Hello, World!',
content: 'I\'m just simple Dialog',
positiveText: 'OK',
negativeText: 'Cancel'
var showDialog = function () {
var dialog = new DialogAndroid();
Creation of a dialog works in 3 steps :
1. Create a new dialog using `new DialogAndroid()`.
2. Set some options using `dialog.set(options)`. `set` can be called multiple times, and options from multiple calls will be merged.
3. Show the dialog using ``.
This library is a thin wrapper over [afollestad/material-dialogs](, which provides builders for showing Material Design dialogs in Android apps. The options provided to `set` map more or less directly to the methods provided in the original library. See [its documentation]( for reference.
The following options are currently supported (value type is `String` unless mentioned otherwise) :
* [`title`](
* [`content`](
* [`positiveText`](
* [`onPositive`]( (function with no arguments)
* [`negativeText`](
* [`onNegative`]( (function with no arguments)
* [`neutralText`](
* [`onNeutral`]( (function with no arguments)
* [`onAny`]( (function with no arguments)
* [`items`]( (array of strings)
* [`itemsCallback`]( (function with 2 arguments : selectedIndex (int) and selectedItem (string))
* [`itemsCallbackSingleChoice`]( (function with 2 arguments : selectedIndex (int) and selectedItem (string))
* [`selectedIndex`]( (int) - set the preselected index for Single Choice List
* [`itemsCallbackMultiChoice`]( (function with 2 arguments : selected indices (array of ints) and selected items (array of strings)
* [`selectedIndices`]( (array of ints) - set the preselected indices for Multiple Choice List
* `multiChoiceClearButton` (boolean) - provide a 'Clear' button in Multiple Choice List
* `autoDismiss` (boolean)
* [`forceStacking`]( (boolean)
* [`alwaysCallSingleChoiceCallback`]( (boolean)
* [`alwaysCallMultipleChoiceCallback`]( (boolean)
* [`cancelable`]( (boolean)
* [`showListener`]( (function)
* [`cancelListener`]( (function)
* [`dismissListener`]( (function)
* [`input`]( - Object containing the following keys (all optional except callback) :
* [`hint`](
* [`prefill`](
* [`allowEmptyInput`]( (boolean)
* [`minLength`]( (int)
* [`maxLength`]( (int)
* [`type`]( (int)
* [`callback`]( (function with 1 argument : user provided input)
* [`alwaysCallInputCallback`]( (boolean)
Try out the following values for option (taken from [examples/ExampleApp/dialogData.js](./examples/ExampleApp/dialogData.js)):
"title": "Use Google's Location Services?",
"content": "This app wants to access your location.",
"positiveText": "Agree",
"negativeText": "Disagree"
"title": "Use Google's Location Services?",
"content": "Let Google help apps determine location. This means sending anonymous location data to Google, even when no apps are running.",
"positiveText": "Agree",
"negativeText": "Disagree",
"neutralText": "More Info",
"onPositive": () =>"POSITIVE!", ToastAndroid.SHORT),
"onNegative": () =>"NEGATIVE!", ToastAndroid.SHORT),
"onNeutral": () =>"NEUTRAL!", ToastAndroid.SHORT),
"data": {
"items": [
"title": "Social Networks",
itemsCallback: (id, text) => + ": " + text, ToastAndroid.SHORT);
"data": {
"items": [
"title": "Social Networks",
itemsCallbackSingleChoice: (id, text) => + ": " + text, ToastAndroid.SHORT);
"data": {
"items": [
"title": "Social Networks",
"positiveText": "Choose",
itemsCallbackMultiChoice: (id, text) => + ": " + text, ToastAndroid.SHORT);
Known Issues
Upcoming Features