2016-02-23 15:50:03 -08:00
2016-02-23 15:50:03 -08:00
2016-02-22 17:21:49 -08:00
2016-02-23 16:07:33 -08:00

Config variables for React Native apps

Module to expose config variables to your javascript code in React Native, supporting both iOS and Android.

Bring some 12 factor love to your mobile apps!


Declare config variables in .env:


Then access from your app:

import Config from 'react-native-config'

Config.API_URL     // 'https://myapi.com'
Config.SHOW_ERRORS // 'true'


Install the package:

$ npm install react-native-config --save

Then follow the platform-specific instructions below:


Rnpm is not working with this at the moment (please let me know if you can help!).

In the meantime you'll need to add the .xcodeproj as an external library and flag the .a file manually under "Link Binary with Libraries". Similar to this.


Include this module in android/settings.gradle:

include ':react-native-config'
include ':app'

project(':react-native-config').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir,

Apply a plugin and add dependency to your app build, in android/app/build.gradle:

// 2nd line, add a new apply:
apply from: project(':react-native-config').projectDir.getPath() + "/dotenv.gradle"

// down below, add new compile:
dependencies {
    compile project(':react-native-android-config')

Change your main activity to add a new package, in android/app/src/main/.../MainActivity.java:

import com.lugg.ReactNativeConfig.ReactNativeConfigPackage; // add import

public class MainActivity extends ReactActivity {
    // ...

    protected List<ReactPackage> getPackages() {
        return Arrays.<ReactPackage>asList(
            new MainReactPackage(),
            new ReactNativeConfigPackage() // add package
Bring some 12 factor love to your mobile apps!
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