Keep in mind this module doesn't obfuscate or encrypt secrets for packaging, so **do not store sensitive keys in `.env`**. It's [basically impossible to prevent users from reverse engineering mobile app secrets](, so design your app (and APIs) with that in mind.
Once again, remember variables stored in `.env` are published with your code, so **DO NOT put anything sensitive there like your app `signingConfigs`.**
Support for Xcode is still a bit experimental –but at this moment the recommendation is to create a new scheme for your app, and configure it to use a different env file.
To create a new scheme, open your app in Xcode and then:
- Click the current app scheme (button with your app name next to the stop button)
- Click "Manage Schemes..."
- Select your current scheme (the one on top)
- Click the settings gear below the list and select "Duplicate"
- Give it a proper name on the top left. For instance: "Myapp (staging)"
To make a scheme use a different env file, on the manage scheme window:
- Expand the "Build" settings on left
- Click "Pre-actions", and under the plus sign select "New Run Script Action"
- Fill in with this script on the dark box, replacing `.env.staging` for the file you want:
echo ".env.staging" > /tmp/envfile
This is still experimental and obviously a bit dirty –let me know if you have better ideas on this front!
In `android/app/build.gradle`, if you use `applicationIdSuffix` or `applicationId` that is different from the package name indicated in `AndroidManifest.xml` in `<manifest package="...">` tag, for example, to support different build variants:
When Proguard is enabled (which it is by default for Android release builds), it can rename the `BuildConfig` Java class in the minification process and prevent React Native Config from referencing it. To avoid this, add an exception to `android/app/`:
-keep class com.mypackage.BuildConfig { *; }
`mypackage` should match the `package` value in your `app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml` file.