/** * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. * * @format */ export type GroupType = 'Album' | 'All' | 'Event' | 'Faces' | 'Library' | 'PhotoStream' | 'SavedPhotos'; export type AssetType = 'All' | 'Videos' | 'Photos'; export interface GetPhotosParams { first: number, after?: string, groupTypes?: GroupType, groupName?: string, assetType?: AssetType, mimeTypes?: Array, } export interface PhotoIdentifier { node: { type: string, group_name: string, image: { filename: string, uri: string, height: number, width: number, isStored?: boolean, playableDuration: number, }, timestamp: number, location?: { latitude?: number, longitude?: number, altitude?: number, heading?: number, speed?: number, }, }, } export interface PhotoIdentifiersPage { edges: Array, page_info: { has_next_page: boolean, start_cursor?: string, end_cursor?: string, }, } export interface CameraRollStatic { /** * `CameraRoll.saveImageWithTag()` is deprecated. Use `CameraRoll.saveToCameraRoll()` instead. */ saveImageWithTag: (tag: string) => Promise; /** * Delete a photo from the camera roll or media library. photos is an array of photo uri's. */ deletePhotos: (photos: Array) => void; /** * Saves the photo or video to the camera roll or photo library. */ saveToCameraRoll: (tag: string, type?: 'photo' | 'video') => Promise; /** * Returns a Promise with photo identifier objects from the local camera * roll of the device matching shape defined by `getPhotosReturnChecker`. */ getPhotos: (params: GetPhotosParams) => Promise; } let CameraRoll: CameraRollStatic; export default CameraRoll;