A camera viewport for React Native. This module is currently in the very early stages of development and does not support image capture at this time, though it is coming.
## Getting started
1. Fetch from NPM: `npm install react-native-camera --save`
2. In XCode, right click `Libraries` and `Add Files to ______`
3. Add `libRCTCamera.a` to `Build Phases -> Link Binary With Libraries`
## Usage
All you need is to `require` the `react-native-camera` module and then use the
The `aspect` prop allows you to define how your viewfinder renders the camera's view. For instance, if you have a square viewfinder and you want to fill the it entirely, you have two options: `Fill`, where the aspect ratio of the camera's view is preserved by cropping the view or `Stretch`, where the aspect ratio is skewed in order to fit the entire image inside the viewfinder. The other option is `Fit`, which ensures the camera's entire view fits inside your viewfinder without altering the aspect ratio.