Passing `null` to `onFaceDetected`, `onGoogleVisionBarcodesDetected`, `onTextRecognized`, `onBarCodeRead` automatically turns off the correspondent detector.
### Events continue if screen is mounted but not on top of stack
Lets say you use Face Detection, you take a picture and then takes the user to another screen to see that picture. Meanwhile, RNCamera is still mounted on the previous screen. `onFaceDetected` will still be called if you do not prevent it. For example (using [`react-navigation`](
const takePictureAndShow = () => {
const { uri } = await;
When you go to the route SEE_PHOTO, `onFaceDetected` will still be called after the user is seeing that screen and not RNCamera. With `react-naviagtion`, what you could do is:
A good way is to get the base64 string representation of your image. You can get it from RNCamera by passing the `base64: true` option lto `takePictureAsync` like:
if ( {
const data = await{ base64: true });
console.log('base64: ', data.base64);
Getting the base64 string may take a while, so an alternative, to not make the user wait too much for its photo is to get the returned uri and use another library to get the base64 string while you are already displaying the taken picture to the user.
One option for this is [`react-native-fs`](, here is how we use it.
export async function getBase64(imageUri: string) {