2016-08-08 11:22:03 +03:00
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2016-08-01 16:32:41 +03:00
2016-08-08 11:22:03 +03:00


Native camera control.


Install using npm:

npm install react-native-camera-kit --save


  • Locate the module lib folder in your node modules: PROJECT_DIR/node_modules/react-native-camera-kit/lib
  • Drag the ReactNativeCameraKit.xcodeproj project file into your project
  • Add libReactNativeCameraKit.a to all your target Linked Frameworks and Libraries (prone to be forgotten)

####Android Add

        include ':rncamerakit'
        project(':rncamerakit').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/react-native-camera-kit/android/')

to your project's settings.gradle

Then add

        compile project(":rncamerakit")

to your app app/build.gradle in the dependencies section.

Then in MainActivity.java add:

        import com.wix.RNCameraKit.RNCameraKitPackage;

and in getPackages add

        new RNCameraKitPackage() 

to the list

How to use

###CameraKitCamera inside the render function

        ref={(cam) => {
        					this.camera = cam;
        style={{flex: 1, backgroundColor:'white'}}
                    flashMode: 'auto',    // on/off/auto(default)
                    focusMode: 'on',      // off/on(default)
                    zoomMode: 'on',        // off/on(default)
                    ratioOverlay:['1:1','16:9','3:4'], // optional, ratio overlay on the camera and crop the image seamlessly 
                    ratioOverlayColor: '#00000077' // optional

###CameraKitCamera cameraOptions

Attribute type values description
flashMode [String] 'on'/'off'/'auto' camera flash mode (default is auto)
focusMode [String] 'on'/'off' camera focus mode (default is on)
zoomMode [String] 'on'/'off'/ camera zoom mode
ratioOverlay [Array] 'number':'number' overlay ontop of the camera view (crop the image to the selected size) Example: ['16:9', '1:1', '3:4']
ratioOverlayColor [Color] '#ffffff77' any color with alpha (default is '#ffffff77')

###CameraKitCamera API


const isCameraAuthorized = await CameraKitCamera.checkDeviceCameraAuthorizationStatus();

return values:

AVAuthorizationStatusAuthorized returns true

AVAuthorizationStatusNotDetermined returns -1

otherwise, returns false


const isUserAuthorizedCamera = await CameraKitCamera.requestDeviceCameraAuthorization();

AVAuthorizationStatusAuthorized returns true

otherwise, returns false

####capture Capture image

const image = await this.camera.capture(true);


Set flesh mode (auto/on/off)

const success = await this.camera.setFlashMode(newFlashData.mode);


Change to fornt/rear camera

const success = await this.camera.changeCamera();


Native Gallery View (based on UICollectionView) README in progress :)

          ref={(gallery) => {
              this.gallery = gallery;
          style={{flex: 1, marginTop: 20}}
          onTapImage={(event) => {
              //result.nativeEvent.selected - ALL selected images Photos Framework ids
A high performance, easy to use, rock solid camera library for React Native apps.
Readme MIT
Swift 51.4%
Kotlin 25.4%
TypeScript 16.5%
Objective-C 3.5%
Ruby 1.3%
Other 1.8%