| `ratioOverlay` | `['int':'int', ...]` | Show a guiding overlay in the camera preview for the selected ratio. Does not crop image as of v9.0. Example: `['16:9', '1:1', '3:4']` |
| `ratioOverlayColor` | Color | Any color with alpha. Default: `'#ffffff77'` |
| `resetFocusTimeout` | Number | iOS only. Dismiss tap to focus after this many milliseconds. Default `0` (disabled). Example: `5000` is 5 seconds. |
| `resetFocusWhenMotionDetected` | Boolean | iOS only. Dismiss tap to focus when focus area content changes. Native iOS feature, see documentation: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/avfoundation/avcapturedevice/1624644-subjectareachangemonitoringenabl?language=objc). Default `true`. |
| `saveToCameraRoll` | Boolean | Using the camera roll is slower than using regular files stored in your app. On an iPhone X in debug mode, on a real phone, we measured around 100-150ms processing time to save to the camera roll. _<span style="color: red">**Note:**</span> This only work on real devices. It will hang indefinitly on simulators._ |
| `saveToCameraRollWithPhUrl` | Boolean | iOS only. If true, speeds up photo taking by about 5-50ms (measured on iPhone X) by only returning a [rn-cameraroll-compatible](https://github.com/react-native-community/react-native-cameraroll/blob/a09af08f0a46a98b29f6ad470e59d3dc627864a2/ios/RNCAssetsLibraryRequestHandler.m#L36) `ph://..` URL instead of a regular `file://..` URL. | |
#### capture({ ... }) - must have the wanted camera capture reference
Capture image (`{ saveToCameraRoll: boolean }`). Using the camera roll is slower than using regular files stored in your app. On an iPhone X in debug mode, on a real phone, we measured around 100-150ms processing time to save to the camera roll.
hideControls={false} //(default false) optional, hide buttons and additional controls on top and bottom of screen
showFrame={true} //(default false) optional, show frame with transparent layer (qr code or barcode will be read on this area ONLY), start animation for scanner,that stoped when find any code. Frame always at center of the screen
offsetForScannerFrame={10} //(default 30) optional, offset from left and right side of the screen
heightForScannerFrame={300} //(default 200) optional, change height of the scanner frame