A component for UIVisualEffectView's blur and vibrancy effect on iOS, and [500px-android-blur](https://github.com/500px/500px-android-blur) on Android.<br>
Android uses the [500px-android-blur](https://github.com/500px/500px-android-blur) library, which works by blurring a referenced view. This means that you must wait until the view you want to blur is rendered. You then use `findNodeHandle` to get a reference to that view, and pass that reference to the `BlurView` as the `viewRef` prop. Take a look at [the BlurView example](#blurview) to see how it works.
The Android library introduces some limitations:
*`BlurView` cannot be a child of the view that is being blurred (this would cause an infinite loop)
*`BlurView` cannot contain any child components.
If you only need to support iOS, then you can safely ignore these limitations.
In addition to `blurType` and `blurAmount`, Android has some extra props that can be used to override the default behavior (or configure Android-specific behavior):
-`blurRadius` (Number - between 0 and 25) - Manually adjust the blur radius. (Default: matches iOS blurAmount)
-`downsampleFactor` (Number - between 0 and 25) - Scales down the image before blurring (Default: matches iOS blurAmount)
-`overlayColor` (Color) - Set a custom overlay color (Default color based on iOS blurType)
### Example React Native App
This project includes an example React Native app, which was used to make the GIF in this README.
On older instances of react-native, BlurView package does not get added into the MainActivity/MainApplication classes where you would see `Warning: Native component for 'BlurView' does not exist` in RN YellowBox or console.
To rectify this, you can add the BlurViewPackage manually in MainActivity/MainApplication classes
import com.cmcewen.blurview.BlurViewPackage;
public class MainApplication extends Application implements ReactApplication {