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"Helpers and adapters to be able to mount/remount Rum components in a React Native application.")
(def React (js/require "react"))
(def create-class (.-createClass React))
(def create-factory (.-createFactory React))
(defonce root-component (atom nil))
(defonce mounted-element (atom nil))
(defn make-root-component-factory
"Returns a React Native component factory fn for the root componenet singleton"
#js {:getInitialState (fn []
(this-as this
(if-not @root-component
(reset! root-component this)
(throw (js/Error. "ASSERTION FAILED: root component mounted more than once.")))))
:render (fn [] @mounted-element)})))
(defn mount
"A modified version of rum.core/mount to work with React Native and re-natal.
Since React Native's root component is a singleton, mount doesn't apply in the context of a DOM element (like in React),
but applies globally to the app. This function mounts/replaces the current "
(reset! mounted-element element)
(when @root-component
(.forceUpdate @root-component)))