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synced 2025-02-23 09:48:10 +00:00
23 lines
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23 lines
1011 B
(ns ^:figwheel-no-load env.$PLATFORM$.main
(:require [$PROJECT_NAME_HYPHENATED$.$PLATFORM$.core :as core]
[figwheel.client :as fw]
[env.config :as conf]))
(assert (exists? core/init) "Fatal Error - Your core.cljs file doesn't define an 'init' function!!! - Perhaps there was a compilation failure?")
(assert (exists? core/root-component-factory) "Fatal Error - Your core.cljs file doesn't define an 'root-component-factory' function!!! - Perhaps there was a compilation failure?")
(assert (exists? core/mount-app) "Fatal Error - Your core.cljs file doesn't define an 'mount-app' function!!! - Perhaps there was a compilation failure?")
(fw/start {
:websocket-url (:$PLATFORM$ conf/figwheel-urls)
:heads-up-display false
;; TODO make this Rum something
:jsload-callback #(#'core/mount-app)})
;; Do not delete, root-el is used by the figwheel-bridge.js
(def root-el (core/root-component-factory))