# Natal # Bootstrap ClojureScript React Native apps # Dan Motzenbecker # http://oxism.com # MIT License fs = require 'fs' crypto = require 'crypto' {execSync} = require 'child_process' chalk = require 'chalk' semver = require 'semver' reactInit = require 'react-native/local-cli/init' rnVersion = require(__dirname + '/package.json').dependencies['react-native'] resources = __dirname + '/resources/' camelRx = /([a-z])([A-Z])/g projNameRx = /\$PROJECT_NAME\$/g projNameHyphRx = /\$PROJECT_NAME_HYPHENATED\$/g projNameUnderRx = /\$PROJECT_NAME_UNDERSCORED\$/g podMinVersion = '0.36.4' log = (s, color = 'green') -> console.log chalk[color] s logErr = (err, color = 'red') -> console.error chalk[color] err editSync = (path, pairs) -> fs.writeFileSync path, pairs.reduce (contents, [rx, replacement]) -> contents.replace rx, replacement , fs.readFileSync path, encoding: 'ascii' init = (projName) -> projNameHyph = projName.replace(camelRx, '$1-$2').toLowerCase() projNameUs = projName.replace(camelRx, '$1_$2').toLowerCase() try log "Creating #{ projName }", 'bgMagenta' log '' if fs.existsSync projNameHyph throw new Error "Directory #{ projNameHyph } already exists" execSync 'type lein' execSync 'type pod' podVersion = execSync('pod --version').toString().trim() unless semver.satisfies podVersion, ">=#{ podMinVersion }" throw new Error """ Natal requires CocoaPods #{ podMinVersion } or higher (you have #{ podVersion }). Run [sudo] gem update cocoapods and try again. """ log 'Creating Leiningen project' execSync "lein new #{ projNameHyph }" log 'Updating Leiningen project' process.chdir projNameHyph execSync "cp #{ resources }project.clj project.clj" editSync 'project.clj', [[projNameHyphRx, projNameHyph]] corePath = "src/#{ projNameUs }/core.clj" fs.unlinkSync corePath corePath += 's' execSync "cp #{ resources }core.cljs #{ corePath }" editSync corePath, [[projNameHyphRx, projNameHyph], [projNameRx, projName]] execSync "cp #{ resources }ambly.sh start.sh" editSync 'start.sh', [[projNameUnderRx, projNameUs]] log 'Compiling ClojureScript' execSync 'lein cljsbuild once dev' log 'Creating React Native skeleton' fs.mkdirSync 'iOS' process.chdir 'iOS' _log = console.log global.console.log = -> reactInit '.', projName global.console.log = _log fs.writeFileSync 'package.json', JSON.stringify name: projName version: '0.0.1' private: true scripts: start: 'node_modules/react-native/packager/packager.sh' dependencies: 'react-native': rnVersion , null, 2 execSync 'npm i', stdio: 'ignore' log 'Installing Pod dependencies' process.chdir 'iOS' execSync "cp #{ resources }Podfile ." execSync 'pod install', stdio: 'ignore' log 'Updating Xcode project' for ext in ['m', 'h'] path = "#{ projName }/AppDelegate.#{ ext }" execSync "cp #{ resources }AppDelegate.#{ ext } #{ path }" editSync path, [[projNameRx, projName], [projNameHyphRx, projNameHyph]] uuid1 = crypto .createHash 'md5' .update projName, 'utf8' .digest('hex')[...24] .toUpperCase() uuid2 = uuid1.split '' uuid2.splice 7, 1, ((parseInt(uuid1[7], 16) + 1) % 16).toString(16).toUpperCase() uuid2 = uuid2.join '' editSync \ "#{ projName }.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj", [ [ /OTHER_LDFLAGS = "-ObjC";/g 'OTHER_LDFLAGS = "${inherited}";' ] [ /\/\* End PBXBuildFile section \*\// "\t\t#{ uuid2 } /* out in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = #{ uuid1 } /* out */; }; \n/* End PBXBuildFile section */" ] [ /\/\* End PBXFileReference section \*\// "\t\t#{ uuid1 } /* out */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = folder; name = out; path = ../../../target/out; sourceTree = \"\"; };\n/* End PBXFileReference section */" ] [ /main.jsbundle \*\/\,/ "main.jsbundle */,\n\t\t\t\t#{ uuid1 } /* out */," ] [ /\/\* LaunchScreen.xib in Resources \*\/\,/ "/* LaunchScreen.xib in Resources */, \n\t\t\t\t#{ uuid2 } /* out in Resources */," ] ] execSync "open #{ projName }.xcworkspace" log '\nWhen Xcode appears, click the play button to run the app on the simulator.', 'yellow' log 'Then run the following for an interactive workflow:', 'yellow' log "cd #{ projNameHyph }", 'inverse' log './start.sh', 'inverse' log 'First, choose the correct device (Probably [1]).', 'yellow' log 'At the REPL prompt type this:', 'yellow' log "(in-ns '#{ projNameHyph }.core)", 'inverse' log 'Changes you make via the REPL or by changing your .cljs files should appear live.', 'yellow' log 'Try this command as an example:', 'yellow' log '(swap! app-state assoc :text "Hello Native World")', 'inverse' log '' log '✔ Done', 'bgMagenta' log '' catch e if e.message.match /type\:.+lein/i logErr 'Leiningen is required (http://leiningen.org/)' else if e.message.match /type\:.+pod/i logErr 'CocoaPods is required (https://cocoapods.org/)' else logErr e.message process.exit 1 [_, _, name] = process.argv unless name logErr 'You must pass a project name as the first argument.' logErr 'e.g. natal HelloWorld' process.exit 1 init name