prepare code to support multiple react interfaces

This commit is contained in:
Artur Girenko 2016-02-07 13:48:00 +01:00
parent b9079b4c4b
commit d55d9d987c
8 changed files with 76 additions and 74 deletions

View File

@ -5,10 +5,10 @@
# MIT License # MIT License
fs = require 'fs-extra' fs = require 'fs-extra'
fpath = require 'path'
net = require 'net' net = require 'net'
http = require 'http' http = require 'http'
os = require 'os' os = require 'os'
crypto = require 'crypto'
child = require 'child_process' child = require 'child_process'
cli = require 'commander' cli = require 'commander'
chalk = require 'chalk' chalk = require 'chalk'
@ -17,19 +17,31 @@ ckDeps = require 'check-dependencies'
pkgJson = require __dirname + '/package.json' pkgJson = require __dirname + '/package.json'
nodeVersion = pkgJson.engines.node nodeVersion = pkgJson.engines.node
resources = __dirname + '/resources/' resources = __dirname + '/resources'
validNameRx = /^[A-Z][0-9A-Z]*$/i validNameRx = /^[A-Z][0-9A-Z]*$/i
camelRx = /([a-z])([A-Z])/g camelRx = /([a-z])([A-Z])/g
projNameRx = /\$PROJECT_NAME\$/g projNameRx = /\$PROJECT_NAME\$/g
interfaceDepsRx = /\$INTERFACE_DEPS\$/g
platformRx = /\$PLATFORM\$/g platformRx = /\$PLATFORM\$/g
devHostRx = /\$DEV_HOST\$/g devHostRx = /\$DEV_HOST\$/g
figwheelUrlRx = /ws:\/\/[0-9a-zA-Z\.]*:/g figwheelUrlRx = /ws:\/\/[0-9a-zA-Z\.]*:/g
rnVersion = '0.19.0' rnVersion = '0.19.0'
rnPackagerPort = 8081 rnPackagerPort = 8081
process.title = 're-natal' process.title = 're-natal'
sampleCommand = '(dispatch [:set-greeting "Hello Native World!"])' interfaceConf =
cljsDir: "cljs-reagent"
ios: ["core.cljs"]
android: ["core.cljs"]
common: ["handlers.cljs", "subs.cljs", "db.cljs"]
deps: ['[reagent "0.5.1" :exclusions [cljsjs/react]]'
'[re-frame "0.6.0"]'
'[prismatic/schema "1.0.4"]']
shims: ["cljsjs.react"]
sampleCommand: '(dispatch [:set-greeting "Hello Native World!"])'
log = (s, color = 'green') -> log = (s, color = 'green') ->
console.log chalk[color] s console.log chalk[color] s
@ -70,13 +82,6 @@ edit = (path, pairs) ->
contents.replace rx, replacement contents.replace rx, replacement
, readFile path , readFile path
mkdirSync = (path) ->
catch {message}
if not message.match /EEXIST/i
throw new Error "Could not create dir #{path}: #{message}" ;
toUnderscored = (s) -> toUnderscored = (s) ->
s.replace(camelRx, '$1_$2').toLowerCase() s.replace(camelRx, '$1_$2').toLowerCase()
@ -113,10 +118,11 @@ ensureXcode = (cb) ->
if message.match /type.+xcodebuild/i if message.match /type.+xcodebuild/i
logErr 'Xcode Command Line Tools are required' logErr 'Xcode Command Line Tools are required'
generateConfig = (name) -> generateConfig = (interfaceName, projName) ->
log 'Creating Re-Natal config' log 'Creating Re-Natal config'
config = config =
name: name name: projName
interface: interfaceName
androidHost: "localhost" androidHost: "localhost"
modules: [] modules: []
imageDirs: ["images"] imageDirs: ["images"]
@ -190,39 +196,37 @@ configureDevHostForAndroidDevice = (deviceType) ->
catch {message} catch {message}
logErr message logErr message
copyDevEnvironmentFiles = (projNameHyph, projName, devHost) -> copyDevEnvironmentFiles = (interfaceName, projNameHyph, projName, devHost) ->
mkdirSync "env/dev" fs.mkdirpSync "env/dev/env/ios"
mkdirSync "env/dev/env" fs.mkdirpSync "env/dev/env/android"
mkdirSync "env/dev/env/ios"
mkdirSync "env/dev/env/android"
userNsPath = "env/dev/user.clj" userNsPath = "env/dev/user.clj"
fs.copySync("#{resources}user.clj", userNsPath) fs.copySync("#{resources}/user.clj", userNsPath)
mainIosDevPath = "env/dev/env/ios/main.cljs" mainIosDevPath = "env/dev/env/ios/main.cljs"
mainAndroidDevPath = "env/dev/env/android/main.cljs" mainAndroidDevPath = "env/dev/env/android/main.cljs"
fs.copySync("#{resources}cljs/main_dev.cljs", mainIosDevPath) cljsDir = interfaceConf[interfaceName].cljsDir
fs.copySync("#{resources}/#{cljsDir}/main_dev.cljs", mainIosDevPath)
edit mainIosDevPath, [[projNameHyphRx, projNameHyph], [projNameRx, projName], [platformRx, "ios"], [devHostRx, devHost] ] edit mainIosDevPath, [[projNameHyphRx, projNameHyph], [projNameRx, projName], [platformRx, "ios"], [devHostRx, devHost] ]
fs.copySync("#{resources}cljs/main_dev.cljs", mainAndroidDevPath) fs.copySync("#{resources}/#{cljsDir}/main_dev.cljs", mainAndroidDevPath)
edit mainAndroidDevPath, [[projNameHyphRx, projNameHyph], [projNameRx, projName], [platformRx, "android"], [devHostRx, devHost]] edit mainAndroidDevPath, [[projNameHyphRx, projNameHyph], [projNameRx, projName], [platformRx, "android"], [devHostRx, devHost]]
copyProdEnvironmentFiles = (projNameHyph, projName) -> copyProdEnvironmentFiles = (interfaceName, projNameHyph, projName) ->
mkdirSync "env/prod" fs.mkdirpSync "env/prod/env/ios"
mkdirSync "env/prod/env" fs.mkdirpSync "env/prod/env/android"
mkdirSync "env/prod/env/ios"
mkdirSync "env/prod/env/android"
mainIosProdPath = "env/prod/env/ios/main.cljs" mainIosProdPath = "env/prod/env/ios/main.cljs"
mainAndroidProdPath = "env/prod/env/android/main.cljs" mainAndroidProdPath = "env/prod/env/android/main.cljs"
fs.copySync("#{resources}cljs/main_prod.cljs", mainIosProdPath) cljsDir = interfaceConf[interfaceName].cljsDir
fs.copySync("#{resources}/#{cljsDir}/main_prod.cljs", mainIosProdPath)
edit mainIosProdPath, [[projNameHyphRx, projNameHyph], [projNameRx, projName], [platformRx, "ios"]] edit mainIosProdPath, [[projNameHyphRx, projNameHyph], [projNameRx, projName], [platformRx, "ios"]]
fs.copySync("#{resources}cljs/main_prod.cljs", mainAndroidProdPath) fs.copySync("#{resources}/#{cljsDir}/main_prod.cljs", mainAndroidProdPath)
edit mainAndroidProdPath, [[projNameHyphRx, projNameHyph], [projNameRx, projName], [platformRx, "android"]] edit mainAndroidProdPath, [[projNameHyphRx, projNameHyph], [projNameRx, projName], [platformRx, "android"]]
copyFigwheelBridge = (projNameUs) -> copyFigwheelBridge = (projNameUs) ->
fs.copySync("#{resources}figwheel-bridge.js", "./figwheel-bridge.js") fs.copySync("#{resources}/figwheel-bridge.js", "./figwheel-bridge.js")
edit "figwheel-bridge.js", [[projNameUsRx, projNameUs]] edit "figwheel-bridge.js", [[projNameUsRx, projNameUs]]
updateGitIgnore = () -> updateGitIgnore = () ->
@ -235,7 +239,38 @@ patchReactNativePackager = () ->
edit "node_modules/react-native/packager/react-packager/src/Server/index.js", edit "node_modules/react-native/packager/react-packager/src/Server/index.js",
[[/match.*\.map\$\/\)/m, "match(/index\\..*\\.map$/)"]] [[/match.*\.map\$\/\)/m, "match(/index\\..*\\.map$/)"]]
init = (projName) -> shimCljsNamespace = (ns) ->
filePath = "src/" + ns.replace(/\./g, "/") + ".cljs"
fs.mkdirpSync fpath.dirname(filePath)
fs.writeFileSync(filePath, "(ns #{ns})")
copySrcFiles = (interfaceName, projName, projNameUs, projNameHyph) ->
cljsDir = interfaceConf[interfaceName].cljsDir
fileNames = interfaceConf[interfaceName].sources.common;
for fileName in fileNames
path = "src/#{projNameUs}/#{fileName}"
fs.copySync("#{resources}/#{cljsDir}/#{fileName}", path)
edit path, [[projNameHyphRx, projNameHyph], [projNameRx, projName]]
platforms = ["ios", "android"]
for platform in platforms
fs.mkdirSync "src/#{projNameUs}/#{platform}"
fileNames = interfaceConf[interfaceName].sources[platform]
for fileName in fileNames
path = "src/#{projNameUs}/#{platform}/#{fileName}"
fs.copySync("#{resources}/#{cljsDir}/#{fileName}", path)
edit path, [[projNameHyphRx, projNameHyph], [projNameRx, projName], [platformRx, platform]]
shims = fileNames = interfaceConf[interfaceName].shims;
for namespace in shims
copyProjectClj = (interfaceName, projNameHyph) ->
fs.copySync("#{resources}/project.clj", "project.clj")
deps = interfaceConf[interfaceName].deps.join("\n")
edit 'project.clj', [[projNameHyphRx, projNameHyph], [interfaceDepsRx, deps]]
init = (interfaceName, projName) ->
if projName.toLowerCase() is 'react' or !projName.match validNameRx if projName.toLowerCase() is 'react' or !projName.match validNameRx
logErr 'Invalid project name. Use an alphanumeric CamelCase name.' logErr 'Invalid project name. Use an alphanumeric CamelCase name.'
@ -256,50 +291,20 @@ init = (projName) ->
log 'Updating Leiningen project' log 'Updating Leiningen project'
process.chdir projNameHyph process.chdir projNameHyph
fs.copySync("#{resources}project.clj", "project.clj")
edit \
[projNameHyphRx, projNameHyph]
fs.removeSync "resources" fs.removeSync "resources"
corePath = "src/#{projNameUs}/core.clj" corePath = "src/#{projNameUs}/core.clj"
fs.unlinkSync corePath fs.unlinkSync corePath
handlersPath = "src/#{projNameUs}/handlers.cljs" copyProjectClj(interfaceName, projNameHyph)
subsPath = "src/#{projNameUs}/subs.cljs"
dbPath = "src/#{projNameUs}/db.cljs"
fs.copySync("#{resources}cljs/handlers.cljs", handlersPath)
fs.copySync("#{resources}cljs/subs.cljs", subsPath)
fs.copySync("#{resources}cljs/db.cljs", dbPath)
edit handlersPath, [[projNameHyphRx, projNameHyph], [projNameRx, projName]] copySrcFiles(interfaceName, projName, projNameUs, projNameHyph)
edit subsPath, [[projNameHyphRx, projNameHyph], [projNameRx, projName]]
edit dbPath, [[projNameHyphRx, projNameHyph], [projNameRx, projName]]
fs.mkdirSync 'src/cljsjs'
fs.writeFileSync("src/cljsjs/react.cljs", "(ns cljsjs.react)")
fs.mkdirSync "src/#{projNameUs}/android"
fs.mkdirSync "src/#{projNameUs}/ios"
coreAndroidPath = "src/#{projNameUs}/android/core.cljs"
coreIosPath = "src/#{projNameUs}/ios/core.cljs"
fs.copySync("#{resources}cljs/core.cljs", coreAndroidPath)
edit coreAndroidPath, [[projNameHyphRx, projNameHyph], [projNameRx, projName], [platformRx, "android"]]
fs.copySync("#{resources}cljs/core.cljs", coreIosPath)
edit coreIosPath, [[projNameHyphRx, projNameHyph], [projNameRx, projName], [platformRx, "ios"]]
fs.mkdirSync "env" fs.mkdirSync "env"
copyDevEnvironmentFiles(projNameHyph, projName, "localhost") copyDevEnvironmentFiles(interfaceName, projNameHyph, projName, "localhost")
copyProdEnvironmentFiles(projNameHyph, projName) copyProdEnvironmentFiles(interfaceName, projNameHyph, projName)
fs.copySync("#{resources}images", "./images") fs.copySync("#{resources}/images", "./images")
log 'Creating React Native skeleton. Relax, this takes a while...' log 'Creating React Native skeleton. Relax, this takes a while...'
@ -320,11 +325,9 @@ init = (projName) ->
\"require('react-native/local-cli/cli').init('.', '#{projName}')\" \"require('react-native/local-cli/cli').init('.', '#{projName}')\"
" "
updateGitIgnore() updateGitIgnore()
generateConfig projName generateConfig(interfaceName, projName)
copyFigwheelBridge(projNameUs) copyFigwheelBridge(projNameUs)
@ -350,7 +353,7 @@ init = (projName) ->
log 'Changes you make via the REPL or by changing your .cljs files should appear live.', 'yellow' log 'Changes you make via the REPL or by changing your .cljs files should appear live.', 'yellow'
log '' log ''
log 'Try this command as an example:', 'yellow' log 'Try this command as an example:', 'yellow'
log sampleCommand, 'inverse' log interfaceConf[interfaceName].sampleCommand, 'inverse'
log '' log ''
log '✔ Done', 'bgMagenta' log '✔ Done', 'bgMagenta'
log '' log ''
@ -425,12 +428,13 @@ generateDevScripts = () ->
message message
doUpgrade = (config) -> doUpgrade = (config) ->
interfaceName = config.interface;
projName =; projName =;
projNameHyph = projName.replace(camelRx, '$1-$2').toLowerCase() projNameHyph = projName.replace(camelRx, '$1-$2').toLowerCase()
projNameUs = toUnderscored projName projNameUs = toUnderscored projName
copyDevEnvironmentFiles(projNameHyph, projName, "localhost") copyDevEnvironmentFiles(interfaceName, projNameHyph, projName, "localhost")
copyProdEnvironmentFiles(projNameHyph, projName) copyProdEnvironmentFiles(interfaceName, projNameHyph, projName)
log 'upgraded files in env/' log 'upgraded files in env/'
copyFigwheelBridge(projNameUs) copyFigwheelBridge(projNameUs)
@ -480,7 +484,7 @@ cli.command 'init <name>'
re-natal init HelloWorld re-natal init HelloWorld
''' '''
ensureFreePort -> init name ensureFreePort -> init('reagent', name)
cli.command 'upgrade' cli.command 'upgrade'
.description 'upgrades project files to current installed version of re-natal (the upgrade of re-natal itself is done via npm)' .description 'upgrades project files to current installed version of re-natal (the upgrade of re-natal itself is done via npm)'

View File

@ -5,9 +5,7 @@
:url ""} :url ""}
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.7.0"] :dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.7.0"]
[org.clojure/clojurescript "1.7.170"] [org.clojure/clojurescript "1.7.170"]
[reagent "0.5.1" :exclusions [cljsjs/react]] $INTERFACE_DEPS$]
[re-frame "0.6.0"]
[prismatic/schema "1.0.4"]]
:plugins [[lein-cljsbuild "1.1.1"] :plugins [[lein-cljsbuild "1.1.1"]
[lein-figwheel "0.5.0-2"]] [lein-figwheel "0.5.0-2"]]
:clean-targets ["target/" "index.ios.js" ""] :clean-targets ["target/" "index.ios.js" ""]