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(ns re-natal.support
(:require [om.next :refer-macros [ui]]))
(def root-nodes (atom {}))
(defn root-node
"A substitute for a real root node (1) for mounting om-next component.
You have to call function :on-render and :on-unmount in reconciler :root-render :root-unmount function."
(let [content (atom nil)
instance (atom nil)
class (ui Object
(componentWillMount [this] (reset! instance this))
(render [_] @content))]
(swap! root-nodes assoc id {:on-render (fn [el]
(reset! content el)
(when @instance
(.forceUpdate @instance)))
:on-unmount (fn [])
:class class})
(defn root-render
"Use this as reconciler :root-render function."
[el id]
(let [node (get @root-nodes id)
on-render (:on-render node)]
(when on-render (on-render el))))
(defn root-unmount
"Use this as reconciler :root-unmount function."
(let [node (get @root-nodes id)
unmount-fn (:on-unmount node)]
(when unmount-fn (unmount-fn))))