2016-12-15 13:28:57 +13:00

57 lines
1.4 KiB

(ns re-frame.interop
(:require [goog.async.nextTick]
(def next-tick goog.async.nextTick)
(def empty-queue #queue [])
(def after-render reagent.core/after-render)
;; Make sure the Google Closure compiler sees this as a boolean constant,
;; otherwise Dead Code Elimination won't happen in `:advanced` builds.
;; Type hints have been liberally sprinkled.
(def ^boolean debug-enabled? "@define {boolean}" ^boolean js/goog.DEBUG)
(defn ratom [x]
(reagent.core/atom x))
(defn ratom? [x]
(satisfies? reagent.ratom/IReactiveAtom x))
(defn deref? [x]
(satisfies? IDeref x))
(defn make-reaction [f]
(reagent.ratom/make-reaction f))
(defn add-on-dispose! [a-ratom f]
(reagent.ratom/add-on-dispose! a-ratom f))
(defn dispose! [a-ratom]
(reagent.ratom/dispose! a-ratom))
(defn set-timeout! [f ms]
(js/setTimeout f ms))
(defn now []
(if (exists? js/
(defn reagent-id
"Produces an id for reactive Reagent values
e.g. reactions, ratoms, cursors."
(when (implements? reagent.ratom/IReactiveAtom reactive-val)
(str (condp instance? reactive-val
reagent.ratom/RAtom "ra"
reagent.ratom/RCursor "rc"
reagent.ratom/Reaction "rx"
reagent.ratom/Track "tr"
(hash reactive-val))))