2016-08-30 20:02:18 +10:00
2015-05-12 13:17:31 +10:00
2016-06-22 10:54:41 +10:00
2016-08-09 22:59:11 +10:00
2016-08-30 20:02:18 +10:00

TodoMVC done with re-frame

A re-frame implementation of TodoMVC.

Setup And Run

  1. Install Leiningen (plus Java).

  2. Get the re-frame repo

    git clone https://github.com/Day8/re-frame.git
  3. cd to the right example directory

    cd re-frame/examples/todomvc
  4. Clean build

    lein do clean, figwheel
  5. Run You'll have to wait for step 4 to do its compile, but then:

    open http://localhost:3450

Compile an optimized version

  1. Compile

    lein do clean, with-profile prod compile
  2. Open the following in your browser


Exploring The Code

From the re-frame readme:

To build a re-frame app, you:
  - design your app's data structure (data layer)
  - write and register subscription functions (query layer)
  - write Reagent component functions (view layer)
  - write and register event handler functions (control layer and/or state transition layer)

In src, there's a matching set of files (each small):

├── core.cljs         <--- entry point, plus history
├── db.cljs           <--- data related  (data layer)
├── subs.cljs         <--- subscription handlers  (query layer)
├── views.cljs        <--- reagent  components (view layer)
└── handlers.cljs     <--- event handlers (control/update layer)

