(ns re-frame.router (:require [reagent.impl.batching] [reagent.core] [re-frame.handlers :refer [handle]] [re-frame.utils :refer [error]] [goog.async.nextTick])) ;; -- Router Loop ------------------------------------------------------------ ;; ;; Conceptually, the task is to process events in a perpetual loop, one after ;; the other, FIFO, calling the right event-handler for each, being idle when ;; there are no events, and firing up when one arrives, etc. The processing ;; of an event happens "asynchronously" sometime after the event is ;; dispatched. ;; ;; In practice, browsers only have a single thread of control and we must be ;; careful to not hog the CPU. When processing events one after another, we ;; must hand back control to the browser regularly, so it can redraw, process ;; websockets, etc. But not too regularly! If we are in a de-focused browser ;; tab, our app will be CPU throttled. Each time we get back control, we have ;; to process all queued events, or else something like a bursty websocket ;; (producing events) might overwhelm the queue. So there's a balance. ;; ;; The original implementation of this router loop used core.async. It was ;; fairly simple, and it mostly worked, but it did not give enough ;; control. So now we hand-roll our own, finite-state-machine and all. ;; ;; The strategy is this: ;; - maintain a queue of `dispatched` events. ;; - when a new event arrives, "schedule" processing of this queue using ;; goog.async.nextTick, which means it will happen "very soon". ;; - when processing events, do ALL the ones currently queued. Don't stop. ;; Don't yield to the browser. Hog that CPU. ;; - but if any new events arrive during this cycle of processing, don't do ;; them immediately. Leave them queued. Yield first to the browser, and ;; do these new events in the next processing cycle. That way we drain ;; the queue up to a point, but we never hog the CPU forever. In ;; particular, we handle the case where handling one event will beget ;; another event. The freshly begat event will be handled next cycle, ;; with yielding in between. ;; - In some cases, an event should not be run until after the GUI has been ;; updated, i.e., after the next reagent animation frame. In such a case, ;; the event should be dispatched with :flush-dom metadata like this: ;; (dispatch ^:flush-dom [:event-id other params]) ;; Such an event will temporarily block all further processing because ;; events are processed sequentially: we handle each event before we ;; handle the ones behind it. ;; ;; Implementation ;; - queue processing can be in a number of states: scheduled, running, paused ;; etc. So it is modeled explicitly as a FSM. ;; See "-fsm-trigger" (below) for the states and transitions. ;; - the scheduling is done via "goog.async.nextTick" which is pretty quick ;; - when the event has :flush-dom we schedule via ;; "reagent.impl.batching.do-later" ;; which will run event processing after the next reagent animation frame. ;; ;; A map from event metadata keys to the corresponding "run later" functions (def later-fns {:flush-dom (if (exists? reagent.core/after-render) ;; after next annimation frame (.-after-render reagent.core) ;; reagent >= 0.6.0 (.-do-later reagent.impl.batching)) ;; reagent < 0.6.0 :yield goog.async.nextTick}) ;; almost immediately (defprotocol IEventQueue (enqueue [this event]) (add-post-event-callback [this f]) ;; Finite State Machine transitions (-fsm-trigger [this trigger arg]) ;; Finite State Machine (FSM) actions (-add-event [this event]) (-process-1st-event [this]) (-run-next-tick [this]) (-run-queue [this]) (-exception [this ex]) (-pause [this later-fn]) (-resume [this])) ;; (deftype EventQueue [^:mutable fsm-state ^:mutable queue ^:mutable post-event-callback-fns] IEventQueue ;; -- API ------------------------------------------------------------------ (enqueue [this event] (-fsm-trigger this :add-event event)) (add-post-event-callback [this f] (set! post-event-callback-fns (conj post-event-callback-fns f))) ;; -- FSM ------------------------------------------------------------------ (-fsm-trigger [this trigger arg] ;; work out new FSM state and action function for the transition (let [[new-state action-fn] (case [fsm-state trigger] ;; The following specifies all FSM states, tranistions and actions ;; [current-state trigger] [new-state action-fn] ;; the queue is idle [:idle :add-event] [:scheduled #(do (-add-event this arg) (-run-next-tick this))] ;; processing has already been scheduled to run in the future [:scheduled :add-event] [:scheduled #(-add-event this arg)] [:scheduled :run-queue] [:running #(-run-queue this)] ;; processing one event after another [:running :add-event ] [:running #(-add-event this arg)] [:running :pause ] [:paused #(-pause this arg)] [:running :exception ] [:idle #(-exception this arg)] [:running :finish-run] (if (empty? queue) ;; FSM guard [:idle] [:scheduled #(-run-next-tick this)]) ;; event processing is paused - probably by :flush-dom metadata [:paused :add-event] [:paused #(-add-event this arg)] [:paused :resume ] [:running #(-resume this)] (throw (str "re-frame: state transition not found. " fsm-state " " trigger)))] ;; change state and run the action fucntion (set! fsm-state new-state) (when action-fn (action-fn)))) (-add-event [this event] (set! queue (conj queue event))) (-process-1st-event [this] (let [event-v (peek queue)] (try (handle event-v) (catch :default ex (-fsm-trigger this :exception ex))) (set! queue (pop queue)) ;; Tell all registed callbacks that an event was just processed. ;; Pass in the event just handled and the new state of the queue (doseq [f post-event-callback-fns] (f event-v queue)))) (-run-next-tick [this] (goog.async.nextTick #(-fsm-trigger this :run-queue nil))) ;; Process all the events currently in the queue, but not any new ones. ;; Be aware that events might have metadata which will pause processing. (-run-queue [this] (loop [n (count queue)] (if (zero? n) (-fsm-trigger this :finish-run nil) (if-let [later-fn (some later-fns (-> queue peek meta keys))] ;; any metadata which causes pausing? (-fsm-trigger this :pause later-fn) (do (-process-1st-event this) (recur (dec n))))))) (-exception [_ ex] (set! queue #queue []) ;; purge the queue (throw ex)) (-pause [this later-fn] (later-fn #(-fsm-trigger this :resume nil))) (-resume [this] (-process-1st-event this) ;; do the event which paused processing (-run-queue this))) ;; do the rest of the queued events ;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; This is the global queue for events ;; When an event is dispatched, it is put into this queue. Later the queue ;; will "run" and the event will be "handled" by the registered event handler. ;; (def event-queue (->EventQueue :idle #queue [] [])) ;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; Dispatching ;; (defn dispatch "Queue an event to be processed by the registered handler. Usage example: (dispatch [:delete-item 42])" [event-v] (if (nil? event-v) (error "re-frame: \"dispatch\" is ignoring a nil event.") (enqueue event-queue event-v)) nil) ;; Ensure nil return. See https://github.com/Day8/re-frame/wiki/Beware-Returning-False (defn dispatch-sync "Send an event to be processed by the registered handler immediately. Note: dispatch-sync may not be called while another event is being handled. Usage example: (dispatch-sync [:delete-item 42])" [event-v] (handle event-v) nil) ;; Ensure nil return. See https://github.com/Day8/re-frame/wiki/Beware-Returning-False