## The re-frame API Orientation: 1. The API is provided by [re-frame.core](/src/re_frame/core.cljc) which means: - it will be worth your while to browse this namespace sometime - to use re-frame, you'll need to `require` it 2. The API is small. Writing an app, you'll be using less than 10 API functions. Maybe just 5. 3. There's no auto-generated docs [because of this problem](/src/re_frame/core.cljc#L23-L36) but the links below take you to the doc strings of often-used API functions. ## Doc Strings For API Functions The core API consists of: - [dispatch](/src/re_frame/router.cljc#L229-L239), [dispatch-sync](/src/re_frame/router.cljc#L247-L259). - [reg-event-db](/src/re_frame/core.cljc#L71-L80), [reg-event-fx](/src/re_frame/core.cljc#L87-L97) - [reg-sub](/src/re_frame/subs.cljc#L151-L237) - [subscribe](/src/re_frame/subs.cljc#L67-L83) Occasionally, you'll need to use: - [reg-fx](/src/re_frame/fx.cljc#L17-L39) - [reg-cofx](/src/re_frame/cofx.cljc#L14-L21) and [inject-cofx](/src/re_frame/cofx.cljc#L28-L79) And, finally, there are builtin Interceptors which are useful: - [path](/src/re_frame/std_interceptors.cljc#L149-L173) - [after](/src/re_frame/std_interceptors.cljc#L260-L281) - [debug](/src/re_frame/std_interceptors.cljc#L13-L36) - [and browse docs for the others](/src/re_frame/std_interceptors.cljc) ## Built-in Effect Handlers The following built-in effects are part of the API: ### :dispatch-later `dispatch` one or more events after given delays. Expects a collection of maps with two keys: `:ms` and `:dispatch` usage: ```clj {:dispatch-later [{:ms 200 :dispatch [:event-id "param"]} {:ms 100 :dispatch [:also :this :in :100ms]}]} ``` Which means: in 200ms do this: `(dispatch [:event-id "param"])` and in 100ms ... #### :dispatch `dispatch` one event. Expects a single vector. usage: ```clj {:dispatch [:event-id "param"] } ``` ### :dispatch-n `dispatch` more than one event. Expects a collection events. usage: ```clj {:dispatch-n (list [:do :all] [:three :of] [:these])} ``` ### :deregister-event-handler removes a previously registered event handler. Expects either a single id ( typically a keyword), or a seq of ids. usage: ```clj {:deregister-event-handler :my-id)} ``` or: ```clj {:deregister-event-handler [:one-id :another-id]} ``` ### :db reset! app-db with a new value. Expects a map. usage: ```clj {:db {:key1 value1 :key2 value2}} ``` *** Previous: [First Code Walk-Through](CodeWalkthrough.md)       Up: [Index](README.md)       Next: [Mental Model Omnibus](MentalModelOmnibus.md)