Further work on "API docs". Promise more nudity.

This commit is contained in:
Mike Thompson 2017-07-20 13:40:28 +10:00
parent 3ad8c1e7bb
commit ed79d8e4ac
1 changed files with 60 additions and 30 deletions

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@ -16,19 +16,31 @@
[clojure.set :as set]))
;; XXX move API functions up to this core level - to enable code completion and auto-generated docs
;; This namespace defines the re-frame API
;; When originally writing this re-frame API namespace, we used
;; this technique:
;; (def api-name (deeper.namespace/where-the-defn-is))
;; Turns out this technique makes it hard:
;; - to auto-generate API docs
;; - for IDEs to provide code completion on functions in the API.
;; Which is annoying. But there are pros and cons and we haven't yet
;; revisited the decision. So, sorry, in advance. To compensate we've
;; added more nudity to the official docs.
;; -- dispatch ---------------------------------------------------------------
(def dispatch router/dispatch)
(def dispatch-sync router/dispatch-sync)
(def dispatch router/dispatch)
(def dispatch-sync router/dispatch-sync)
;; -- subscriptions ----------------------------------------------------------
(def reg-sub subs/reg-sub)
(def subscribe subs/subscribe)
(def reg-sub subs/reg-sub)
(def subscribe subs/subscribe)
(def clear-sub (partial registrar/clear-handlers subs/kind))
(def clear-sub (partial registrar/clear-handlers subs/kind)) ;; think unreg-sub
(def clear-subscription-cache! subs/clear-subscription-cache!)
(defn reg-sub-raw
@ -41,49 +53,67 @@
;; -- effects -----------------------------------------------------------------
(def reg-fx fx/register)
(def clear-fx (partial registrar/clear-handlers fx/kind))
(def clear-fx (partial registrar/clear-handlers fx/kind)) ;; think unreg-fx
;; -- coeffects ---------------------------------------------------------------
(def reg-cofx cofx/register)
(def inject-cofx cofx/inject-cofx)
(def clear-cofx (partial registrar/clear-handlers cofx/kind))
(def clear-cofx (partial registrar/clear-handlers cofx/kind)) ;; think unreg-cofx
;; -- Events -----------------------------------------------------------------
(def clear-event (partial registrar/clear-handlers events/kind))
(defn reg-event-db
"Register the given `id`, typically a namespaced keyword, with the combination of
`db-handler` and an interceptor chain.
`db-handler` is a function: (db event) -> db
`interceptors` is a collection of interceptors, possibly nested (needs flattening).
`db-handler` is wrapped in an interceptor and added to the end of the chain, so
that, in the end, there is only a chain.
The necessary effects and coeffects handler are added to the front of the
interceptor chain. These interceptors ensure that app-db is available and updated."
([id db-handler]
(reg-event-db id nil db-handler))
([id interceptors db-handler]
(events/register id [cofx/inject-db fx/do-fx interceptors (db-handler->interceptor db-handler)])))
"Register the given event `handler` (function) for the given `id`. Optionally, provide
an `interceptors` chain.
`id` is typically a namespaced keyword (but can be anything)
`handler` is a function: (db event) -> db
`interceptors` is a collection of interceptors. Will be flattened and nils removed.
`handler` is wrapped in its own interceptor and added to the end of the interceptor
chain, so that, in the end, only a chain is registered.
Special effects and coeffects interceptors are added to the front of this
([id handler]
(reg-event-db id nil handler))
([id interceptors handler]
(events/register id [cofx/inject-db fx/do-fx interceptors (db-handler->interceptor handler)])))
(defn reg-event-fx
([id fx-handler]
(reg-event-fx id nil fx-handler))
([id interceptors fx-handler]
(events/register id [cofx/inject-db fx/do-fx interceptors (fx-handler->interceptor fx-handler)])))
"Register the given event `handler` (function) for the given `id`. Optionally, provide
an `interceptors` chain.
`id` is typically a namespaced keyword (but can be anything)
`handler` is a function: (coeffects-map event-vector) -> effects-map
`interceptors` is a collection of interceptors. Will be flattened and nils removed.
`handler` is wrapped in its own interceptor and added to the end of the interceptor
chain, so that, in the end, only a chain is registered.
Special effects and coeffects interceptors are added to the front of the
interceptor chain. These interceptors inject the value of app-db into coeffects,
and, later, action effects."
([id handler]
(reg-event-fx id nil handler))
([id interceptors handler]
(events/register id [cofx/inject-db fx/do-fx interceptors (fx-handler->interceptor handler)])))
(defn reg-event-ctx
"Register the given event `handler` (function) for the given `id`. Optionally, provide
an `interceptors` chain.
`id` is typically a namespaced keyword (but can be anything)
`handler` is a function: (context-map event-vector) -> context-map
This form of registration is almost never used. "
([id handler]
(reg-event-ctx id nil handler))
([id interceptors handler]
(events/register id [cofx/inject-db fx/do-fx interceptors (ctx-handler->interceptor handler)])))
(def clear-event (partial registrar/clear-handlers events/kind)) ;; think unreg-event-*
;; -- interceptors ------------------------------------------------------------
;; Standard interceptors. Detailed docs in std-interceptors.cljs
;; Standard interceptors.
;; Detailed docs on each in std-interceptors.cljs
(def debug std-interceptors/debug)
(def path std-interceptors/path)
(def enrich std-interceptors/enrich)
@ -92,9 +122,9 @@
(def on-changes std-interceptors/on-changes)
;; utility functions - for creating your own interceptors
;; Utility functions for creating your own interceptors
;; (def some-interceptor
;; (def my-interceptor
;; (->interceptor ;; used to create an interceptor
;; :id :my-interceptor ;; an id - decorative only
;; :before (fn [context] ;; you normally want to change :coeffects
@ -124,8 +154,8 @@
;; If you are writing an extension to re-frame, like perhaps
;; an effects handler, you may want to use re-frame logging.
;; usage: (console :error "this is bad: " a-variable " and " anotherv)
;; (console :warn "possible breach of containment wall at: " dt)
;; usage: (console :error "Oh, dear God, it happened: " a-var " and " another)
;; (console :warn "Possible breach of containment wall at: " dt)
(def console loggers/console)