Add explanation on schema

This commit is contained in:
mike-thompson-day8 2015-03-04 23:59:10 +11:00
parent c88ad9feb4
commit aae13840ba
1 changed files with 20 additions and 6 deletions

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@ -2,12 +2,16 @@
[schema.core :as s :include-macros true]))
(def default-initial-state
{:todos (sorted-map) ;; todo ids are the keys (for sort)
:showing :all ;; one of :all :done or :active
;; -- Schema ------------------------------------------------------------------
;; A Primatic Schema for the contents of `app-db`. At any time we can validate
;; the contents of 'app-db' using valid schema.
;; Only event handlers can mutate "app-db", so after each handler runs we'll
;; want to revalidate.
;; In handlers.cljs, notice how we use middleware to achieve that.
(def schema
{:todos (s/both (s/pred map?) (s/pred sorted?))
@ -20,5 +24,15 @@
(s/validate schema db))
;; -- Default Value ----------------------------------------------------------
(def default-value
{:todos (sorted-map) ;; todo ids are the keys
:showing :all