In the absence of proper API docs, core.cljs becomes the docs. So start to improve it.

This commit is contained in:
Mike Thompson 2017-07-18 10:34:59 +10:00
parent 53abcfc184
commit 9b179bb17c
1 changed files with 54 additions and 45 deletions

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@ -16,71 +16,49 @@
[clojure.set :as set]))
;; -- dispatch
;; XXX move API functions up to this core level - to enable code completion and auto-generated docs
;; -- dispatch ---------------------------------------------------------------
(def dispatch router/dispatch)
(def dispatch-sync router/dispatch-sync)
;; XXX move API functions up to this core level - to enable code completion and docs
;; XXX on figwheel reload, is there a way to not get the re-registration messages.
;; -- interceptor related
;; useful if you are writing your own interceptors
(def ->interceptor interceptor/->interceptor)
(def enqueue interceptor/enqueue)
(def get-coeffect interceptor/get-coeffect)
(def get-effect interceptor/get-effect)
(def assoc-effect interceptor/assoc-effect)
(def assoc-coeffect interceptor/assoc-coeffect)
;; -- standard interceptors
(def debug std-interceptors/debug)
(def path std-interceptors/path)
(def enrich std-interceptors/enrich)
(def trim-v std-interceptors/trim-v)
(def after std-interceptors/after)
(def on-changes std-interceptors/on-changes)
;; -- subscriptions
(defn reg-sub-raw
"Associate a given `query id` with a given subscription handler function `handler-fn`
which is expected to take two arguments: app-db and query vector, and return
a `reaction`.
This is a low level, advanced function. You should probably be using reg-sub
[query-id handler-fn]
(registrar/register-handler subs/kind query-id handler-fn))
;; -- subscriptions ----------------------------------------------------------
(def reg-sub subs/reg-sub)
(def subscribe subs/subscribe)
(def clear-sub (partial registrar/clear-handlers subs/kind))
(def clear-subscription-cache! subs/clear-subscription-cache!)
;; -- effects
(defn reg-sub-raw
"This is a low level, advanced function. You should probably be
using reg-sub instead.
Docs in"
[query-id handler-fn]
(registrar/register-handler subs/kind query-id handler-fn))
;; -- effects -----------------------------------------------------------------
(def reg-fx fx/register)
(def clear-fx (partial registrar/clear-handlers fx/kind))
;; -- coeffects
;; -- coeffects ---------------------------------------------------------------
(def reg-cofx cofx/register)
(def inject-cofx cofx/inject-cofx)
(def clear-cofx (partial registrar/clear-handlers cofx/kind))
;; -- Events
;; -- Events -----------------------------------------------------------------
(def clear-event (partial registrar/clear-handlers events/kind))
(defn reg-event-db
"Register the given `id`, typically a keyword, with the combination of
"Register the given `id`, typically a namespaced keyword, with the combination of
`db-handler` and an interceptor chain.
`db-handler` is a function: (db event) -> db
`interceptors` is a collection of interceptors, possibly nested (needs flattening).
`db-handler` is wrapped in an interceptor and added to the end of the chain, so in the end
there is only a chain.
`db-handler` is wrapped in an interceptor and added to the end of the chain, so
that, in the end, there is only a chain.
The necessary effects and coeffects handler are added to the front of the
interceptor chain. These interceptors ensure that app-db is available and updated."
([id db-handler]
@ -103,7 +81,38 @@
(events/register id [cofx/inject-db fx/do-fx interceptors (ctx-handler->interceptor handler)])))
;; -- Logging -----
;; -- interceptors ------------------------------------------------------------
;; Standard interceptors. Detailed docs in std-interceptors.cljs
(def debug std-interceptors/debug)
(def path std-interceptors/path)
(def enrich std-interceptors/enrich)
(def trim-v std-interceptors/trim-v)
(def after std-interceptors/after)
(def on-changes std-interceptors/on-changes)
;; utility functions - for creating your own interceptors
;; (def some-interceptor
;; (->interceptor ;; used to create an interceptor
;; :id :my-interceptor ;; an id - decorative only
;; :before (fn [context] ;; you normally want to change :coeffects
;; ... use get-coeffect and assoc-coeffect
;; )
;; :after (fn [context] ;; you normally want to change :effects
;; (let [db (get-effect context :db)] ;; (get-in context [:effects :db])
;; (assoc-effect context :http-ajax {...}])))))
(def ->interceptor interceptor/->interceptor)
(def get-coeffect interceptor/get-coeffect)
(def assoc-coeffect interceptor/assoc-coeffect)
(def get-effect interceptor/get-effect)
(def assoc-effect interceptor/assoc-effect)
(def enqueue interceptor/enqueue)
;; -- logging ----------------------------------------------------------------
;; Internally, re-frame uses the logging functions: warn, log, error, group and groupEnd
;; By default, these functions map directly to the js/console implementations,
;; but you can override with your own fns (set or subset).
@ -120,7 +129,7 @@
(def console loggers/console)
;; -- State Restoration For Unit Tests
;; -- unit testing ------------------------------------------------------------
(defn make-restore-fn
"Checkpoints the state of re-frame and returns a function which, when
@ -148,7 +157,7 @@
;; -- Event Processing Callbacks
;; -- Event Processing Callbacks ---------------------------------------------
(defn add-post-event-callback
"Registers a function `f` to be called after each event is processed
@ -176,7 +185,7 @@
(router/remove-post-event-callback re-frame.router/event-queue id))
;; -- Deprecation Messages
;; -- Deprecation ------------------------------------------------------------
;; Assisting the v0.0.7 -> v0.0.8 transition.
(defn register-handler
[& args]