Add new debug middleware
This commit is contained in:
@ -2,22 +2,44 @@
[reagent.ratom :refer [IReactiveAtom]]
[re-frame.undo :refer [store-now!]]
[re-frame.utils :refer [warn]]))
[re-frame.utils :refer [warn]]
[ :as data]))
;; Read this:
;; See docs in the Wiki:
(defn pure
"Middleware which adapts a pure handler to the non-pure standard calling convention"
"Middleware which means a handler takes a value in the first parameter, not an atom.
If you strip away the error/efficiency checks, it is doing this:
(reset! app-db (handler @app-db event-vec))"
(fn new-handler
[app-db event-vec]
(assert (satisfies? IReactiveAtom app-db)
(str "re-frame: pure not given a Ratom" (if (map? app-db) ". Perhaps \"pure\" is used twice.")))
(reset! app-db (handler @app-db event-vec))))
(str "re-frame: pure not given a Ratom."
(if (map? app-db)
" Looks like \"pure\" is in the middleware pipeline twice."
(str " Got: " app-db))))
(let [orig-db @app-db
new-db (handler orig-db event-vec)]
(if (nil? new-db)
(warn "re-frame: your pure handler returned nil. It should return the new db.")
(if-not (identical? orig-db new-db)
(reset! app-db new-db))))))
(defn debug
"Middleware which dispays each event (to console) along with a diff on the db, before vs after"
(fn new-handler
[db v]
(if (satisfies? IReactiveAtom db)
(str "re-frame: \"debug\" middleware used without prior \"pure\"."))
(warn "handler: " v) ;; XXX don't use warn
(let [new-db (handler db v)]
(warn "handler: " (data/diff db new-db)) ;; XXX don't use warn
;; warning: untested
(defn undoable
@ -31,14 +53,14 @@
(defn trim-v
"Middleware which removes the first element of v. Asthetically improves your handlers"
"Middleware which removes the first element of v. It means you can write
more asthetically pleasing handlers"
(fn new-handler
[db v]
(handler db (rest v))))
(handler db (vec (rest v)))))
;; warning: untested
(defn path
"Supplies a sub-tree of `app-db` to the handler.
Assumes pure is in the middleware pipeline prior.
@ -55,7 +77,6 @@
(assoc-in db p (handler (get-in db p) v)))))
;; warning: untested
(defn validate
"Middleware that applies a validation function to the db after the handler is finished.
The validation function f, might assoc warnings and errors to the new state, created by the handler.
@ -69,7 +90,7 @@ By validation, I mean validation of what the user has entered, or the state they
;; warning: untested
(defn log-events
#_(defn log-events
"Middleware that logs events (vec) using to the given logger fucntion"
(fn middleware
Reference in New Issue