Trace re-frame event lifecycle

Trace subs, FSM, events
Add tests for basic behaviour
This commit is contained in:
Daniel Compton 2016-11-24 17:04:29 +13:00
parent 769238acd4
commit 50e87fd5a6
8 changed files with 168 additions and 67 deletions

View File

@ -6,6 +6,8 @@
:cljs.core/with-redefs 1
:cursive.formatting/align-binding-forms true
:re-frame.trace/register-trace-cb :only-indent
:re-frame.trace/with-trace 1
<option name="XML_LEGACY_SETTINGS_IMPORTED" value="true" />

View File

@ -4,7 +4,8 @@
[re-frame.interop :refer [empty-queue debug-enabled?]]
[re-frame.registrar :refer [get-handler register-handler]]
[re-frame.loggers :refer [console]]
[re-frame.interceptor :as interceptor]))
[re-frame.interceptor :as interceptor]
[re-frame.trace :as trace :include-macros true]))
(def kind :event)
@ -56,6 +57,9 @@
(if *handling*
(console :error (str "re-frame: while handling \"" *handling* "\", dispatch-sync was called for \"" event-v "\". You can't call dispatch-sync within an event handler."))
(binding [*handling* event-v]
(interceptor/execute event-v interceptors))))))
(trace/with-trace {:operation event-id
:op-type kind
:tags {:event event-v}}
(interceptor/execute event-v interceptors)))))))

View File

@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
(ns re-frame.router
(:require [ :refer [handle]]
[re-frame.interop :refer [after-render empty-queue next-tick]]
[re-frame.loggers :refer [console]]))
[re-frame.loggers :refer [console]]
[re-frame.trace :as trace :include-macros true]))
;; -- Router Loop ------------------------------------------------------------
@ -122,41 +123,46 @@
;; Given a "trigger", and the existing FSM state, it computes the
;; new FSM state and the transition action (function).
(let [[new-fsm-state action-fn]
(case [fsm-state trigger]
(trace/with-trace {:op-type ::fsm-trigger}
(let [[new-fsm-state action-fn]
(case [fsm-state trigger]
;; You should read the following "case" as:
;; [current-FSM-state trigger] -> [new-FSM-state action-fn]
;; So, for example, the next line should be interpreted as:
;; if you are in state ":idle" and a trigger ":add-event"
;; happens, then move the FSM to state ":scheduled" and execute
;; that two-part "do" function.
[:idle :add-event] [:scheduled #(do (-add-event this arg)
(-run-next-tick this))]
;; You should read the following "case" as:
;; [current-FSM-state trigger] -> [new-FSM-state action-fn]
;; So, for example, the next line should be interpreted as:
;; if you are in state ":idle" and a trigger ":add-event"
;; happens, then move the FSM to state ":scheduled" and execute
;; that two-part "do" function.
[:idle :add-event] [:scheduled #(do (-add-event this arg)
(-run-next-tick this))]
;; State: :scheduled (the queue is scheduled to run, soon)
[:scheduled :add-event] [:scheduled #(-add-event this arg)]
[:scheduled :run-queue] [:running #(-run-queue this)]
;; State: :scheduled (the queue is scheduled to run, soon)
[:scheduled :add-event] [:scheduled #(-add-event this arg)]
[:scheduled :run-queue] [:running #(-run-queue this)]
;; State: :running (the queue is being processed one event after another)
[:running :add-event ] [:running #(-add-event this arg)]
[:running :pause ] [:paused #(-pause this arg)]
[:running :exception ] [:idle #(-exception this arg)]
[:running :finish-run] (if (empty? queue) ;; FSM guard
[:scheduled #(-run-next-tick this)])
;; State: :running (the queue is being processed one event after another)
[:running :add-event] [:running #(-add-event this arg)]
[:running :pause] [:paused #(-pause this arg)]
[:running :exception] [:idle #(-exception this arg)]
[:running :finish-run] (if (empty? queue) ;; FSM guard
[:scheduled #(-run-next-tick this)])
;; State: :paused (:flush-dom metadata on an event has caused a temporary pause in processing)
[:paused :add-event] [:paused #(-add-event this arg)]
[:paused :resume ] [:running #(-resume this)]
;; State: :paused (:flush-dom metadata on an event has caused a temporary pause in processing)
[:paused :add-event] [:paused #(-add-event this arg)]
[:paused :resume] [:running #(-resume this)]
(throw (ex-info (str "re-frame: router state transition not found. " fsm-state " " trigger)
{:fsm-state fsm-state, :trigger trigger})))]
(throw (ex-info (str "re-frame: router state transition not found. " fsm-state " " trigger)
{:fsm-state fsm-state, :trigger trigger})))]
;; The "case" above computed both the new FSM state, and the action. Now, make it happen.
(set! fsm-state new-fsm-state)
(when action-fn (action-fn))))
;; The "case" above computed both the new FSM state, and the action. Now, make it happen.
(trace/merge-trace! {:operation [fsm-state trigger]
:tags {:current-state fsm-state
:new-state new-fsm-state}})
(set! fsm-state new-fsm-state)
(when action-fn (action-fn)))))
[_ event]

View File

@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
[re-frame.db :refer [app-db]]
[re-frame.interop :refer [add-on-dispose! debug-enabled? make-reaction ratom? deref? dispose!]]
[re-frame.loggers :refer [console]]
[re-frame.utils :refer [first-in-vector]]
[re-frame.registrar :refer [get-handler clear-handlers register-handler]]))
[re-frame.utils :refer [first-in-vector reagent-id]]
[re-frame.registrar :refer [get-handler clear-handlers register-handler]]
[re-frame.trace :as trace :include-macros true]))
(def kind :sub)
(assert (re-frame.registrar/kinds kind))
@ -47,9 +47,14 @@
(let [cache-key [query-v dynv]]
;; when this reaction is no longer being used, remove it from the cache
(add-on-dispose! r #(do (swap! query->reaction dissoc cache-key)
#_(console :log "Removing subscription:" cache-key)))
(trace/with-trace {:operation (first-in-vector query-v)
:op-type :sub/dispose
:tags {:query-v query-v
:reaction (reagent-id r)}}
;; cache this reaction, so it can be used to deduplicate other, later "=" subscriptions
(swap! query->reaction assoc cache-key r)
(trace/merge-trace! {:tags {:reaction (reagent-id r)}})
r)) ;; return the actual reaction
(defn cache-lookup
@ -64,33 +69,48 @@
(defn subscribe
"Returns a Reagent/reaction which contains a computation"
(trace/with-trace {:operation (first-in-vector query-v)
:op-type :sub/create
:tags {:query-v query-v}}
(if-let [cached (cache-lookup query-v)]
(do ;(console :log "Using cached subscription: " query-v)
(trace/merge-trace! {:tags {:cached? true
:reaction (reagent-id cached)}})
(let [query-id (first-in-vector query-v)
handler-fn (get-handler kind query-id)]
;(console :log "Subscription created: " query-v)
(trace/merge-trace! {:tags {:cached? false}})
(if (nil? handler-fn)
(console :error (str "re-frame: no subscription handler registered for: \"" query-id "\". Returning a nil subscription."))
(cache-and-return query-v [] (handler-fn app-db query-v))))))
(do (trace/merge-trace! {:error true})
(console :error (str "re-frame: no subscription handler registered for: \"" query-id "\". Returning a nil subscription.")))
(cache-and-return query-v [] (handler-fn app-db query-v)))))))
([v dynv]
(trace/with-trace {:operation (first-in-vector v)
:op-type :sub/create
:tags {:query-v v
:dyn-v dynv}}
(if-let [cached (cache-lookup v dynv)]
(do ;(console :log "Using cached subscription: " v " and " dynv)
(trace/merge-trace! {:tags {:cached? true
:reaction (reagent-id cached)}})
(let [query-id (first-in-vector v)
handler-fn (get-handler kind query-id)]
(trace/merge-trace! {:tags {:cached? false}})
(when debug-enabled?
(when-let [not-reactive (not-empty (remove ratom? dynv))]
(console :warn "re-frame: your subscription's dynamic parameters that don't implement IReactiveAtom:" not-reactive)))
(if (nil? handler-fn)
(when-not handler-fn
(trace/merge-trace! {:error true})
(console :error (str "re-frame: no subscription handler registered for: \"" query-id "\". Returning a nil subscription."))
(let [dyn-vals (make-reaction (fn [] (mapv deref dynv)))
sub (make-reaction (fn [] (handler-fn app-db v @dyn-vals)))]
sub (make-reaction (fn [] (handler-fn app-db v @dyn-vals)))]
;; handler-fn returns a reaction which is then wrapped in the sub reaction
;; need to double deref it to get to the actual value.
;(console :log "Subscription created: " v dynv)
(cache-and-return v dynv (make-reaction (fn [] @@sub)))))))))
(cache-and-return v dynv (make-reaction (fn [] @@sub))))))))))
;; -- reg-sub -----------------------------------------------------------------
@ -105,11 +125,13 @@
(defn- deref-input-signals
[signals query-id]
(let [signals (cond
(sequential? signals) (map deref signals)
(map? signals) (map-vals deref signals)
(deref? signals) @signals
:else (console :error "re-frame: in the reg-sub for " query-id ", the input-signals function returns: " signals)))
(map? signals) (map-vals deref signals)
(deref? signals) @signals
:else (console :error "re-frame: in the reg-sub for " query-id ", the input-signals function returns: " signals))]
(trace/merge-trace! {:tags {:input-signals (map reagent-id signals)}})
(defn reg-sub
@ -178,10 +200,26 @@
(fn subs-handler-fn
([db query-vec]
(let [subscriptions (inputs-fn query-vec)]
(fn [] (computation-fn (deref-input-signals subscriptions query-id) query-vec)))))
(let [subscriptions (inputs-fn query-vec)
reaction-id (atom nil)
reaction (make-reaction
(fn [] (trace/with-trace {:operation (first-in-vector query-vec)
:op-type :sub/run
:tags {:query-v query-vec
:reaction @reaction-id}}
(computation-fn (deref-input-signals subscriptions query-id) query-vec))))]
(reset! reaction-id (reagent-id reaction))
([db query-vec dyn-vec]
(let [subscriptions (inputs-fn query-vec dyn-vec)]
(fn [] (computation-fn (deref-input-signals subscriptions query-id) query-vec dyn-vec)))))))))
(let [subscriptions (inputs-fn query-vec dyn-vec)
reaction-id (atom nil)
reaction (make-reaction
(fn []
(trace/with-trace {:operation (first-in-vector query-vec)
:op-type :sub/run
:tags {:query-v query-vec
:dyn-v dyn-vec
:reaction @reaction-id}}
(computation-fn (deref-input-signals subscriptions query-id) query-vec dyn-vec))))]
(reset! reaction-id (reagent-id reaction))

View File

@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
(ns re-frame.trace
"Tracing for re-frame."
"Tracing for re-frame.
Alpha quality, subject to change/break at any time."
(:require [re-frame.interop :as interop]
[re-frame.loggers :refer [console]]
[clojure.string :as str]))
@ -25,20 +27,20 @@
(defn start-trace [{:keys [operation op-type tags child-of]}]
{:id (next-id)
:operation operation
:type op-type
:op-type op-type
:tags tags
:child-of (or child-of (:id *current-trace*))
:start (interop/now)})
(defn finish-trace [trace]
(let [end (interop/now)
duration (- end (:start trace))
add-trace? (not (str/includes? (or (get-in trace [:tags :component-path]) "") "todomvc.views.devtools"))]
(when add-trace?
(doseq [cb (vals @trace-cbs)]
(cb [(assoc trace
:duration duration
:end (interop/now))])))))
duration (- end (:start trace))]
(doseq [[k cb] @trace-cbs]
(try (cb [(assoc trace
:duration duration
:end (interop/now))])
(catch #?(:cljs :default :clj Exception) e
(console :error "Error thrown from trace cb" k "while storing" trace e))))))
#?(:clj (defmacro with-trace
"Create a trace inside the scope of the with-trace macro

View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
(ns re-frame.utils
[re-frame.loggers :refer [console]]))
[re-frame.loggers :refer [console]]
[reagent.ratom :as ratom]))
(defn first-in-vector
@ -9,3 +10,15 @@
(first v)
(console :error "re-frame: expected a vector, but got:" v)))
(defn reagent-id
"Produces an id for reactive Reagent values
e.g. reactions, ratoms, cursors."
#?(:cljs (when (implements? ratom/IReactiveAtom reactive-val)
(str (condp instance? reactive-val
ratom/RAtom "ra"
ratom/RCursor "rc"
ratom/Reaction "rx"
ratom/Track "tr"
(hash reactive-val)))))

View File

@ -6,7 +6,8 @@
;; Test Namespaces -------------------------------
@ -19,7 +20,8 @@
;; ---- KARMA -----------------------------------------------------------------
@ -28,4 +30,5 @@

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@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
(ns re-frame.trace-test
(:require [cljs.test :as test :refer-macros [is deftest]]
[re-frame.trace :as trace :include-macros true]
[re-frame.core :as rf]))
(def test-traces (atom []))
(test/use-fixtures :once {:before (fn []
(trace/register-trace-cb :test
(fn [traces]
(doseq [trace traces]
(swap! test-traces conj trace)))))
:after (fn []
(trace/remove-trace-cb :test))})
(test/use-fixtures :each {:before (fn []
(reset! test-traces [])
(deftest trace-cb-test
(trace/with-trace {:operation :test1
:op-type :test})
(is (= 1 (count @test-traces)))
(is (= (select-keys (first @test-traces) [:id :operation :op-type :tags])
{:id 1 :operation :test1 :op-type :test :tags nil})))
(deftest sub-trace-test
(rf/subscribe [:non-existence])
(is (= 1 (count @test-traces)))
(is (= (select-keys (first @test-traces) [:id :operation :op-type :error])
{:id 1 :op-type :sub/create :operation :non-existence :error true})))