rework implementation of subscriptions

This commit is contained in:
Mike Thompson 2016-08-04 17:08:08 +10:00
parent d70c8c2c5e
commit 4ade89c74e
3 changed files with 105 additions and 118 deletions

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@ -19,10 +19,11 @@
;; XXX move API functions up here
;; XXX add a clear all handlers:
;; XXX add a push handlers for testing purposes
;; XXX Add ->interceptor assoc-coeffect etc to API
;; -- subscribe
(def reg-sub-raw subs/register)
(def reg-sub subs/register-pure)
(def reg-sub-raw subs/register-raw)
(def reg-sub subs/reg-sub)
(def subscribe subs/subscribe)
;; -- effects

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@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
(def kind :sub)
(assert (re-frame.registrar/kinds kind))
(defn register
(defn register-raw
"Register a subscription handler fucntion for an query id"
[query-id handler-fn]
(register-handler kind query-id handler-fn))
@ -92,99 +92,85 @@
[f m]
(into {} (for [[k val] m] [k (f val)])))
(defn- multi-deref
"derefs a map sequence or a singleton"
(defn- deref-input-signals
(map? data) (map-vals deref data)
(sequential? data) (map deref data)
:else @data))
(sequential? sigs) (map deref sigs)
(map? sigs) (map-vals deref sigs)
:else @sigs)) ;; XXX should we test this satifies? Isomething?
(defn register-pure
"This fn allows the user to write a 'pure' subscription
i.e. that is a subscription that operates on the values within app-db
rather than the atom itself
Note there are 3 ways this function can be called
(fn [db [_]] db))```
In this example the entire app-db is derefed and passed to the subscription
function as a singleton
(defn reg-sub
"There's 3 ways this function can be called
(fn [q-vec d-vec]
[(subs/subscribe [:a-sub])
(subs/subscribe [:b-sub])]
(fn [[a b] [_]] {:a a :b b}))```
In this example the the first function is called with the query vector
and the dynamic vector as arguements the return value of this function
can be singleton reaction or a list or map of reactions. Note that `q-vec`
and `d-vec` can be destructured and used in the subscriptions (this is the point
actually). Again the subscriptions are derefed and passed to the subscription
1. (reg-sub
(fn [db [_]] db))
The value in app-db is passed to the computation function as the 1st argument.
:<- [:a-sub]
:<- [:b-sub]
(fn [[a b] [_]] {:a a :b b}))```
In this example the convienent syntax of `:<-` is used to cover the majority
of cases where only a simple subscription is needed without any parameters
2. (reg-sub
(fn [q-vec d-vec]
[(subs/subscribe [:a-sub])
(subs/subscribe [:b-sub])])
(fn [[a b] [_]] {:a a :b b}))
Two functions provided. The 2nd is computation fucntion, as before. The 1st
is returns what `input signals` should be provided to the computation. The
`input signals` function is called with two arguments: the query vector
and the dynamic vector. The return value can be singleton reaction or
a sequence of reactions.
3. (reg-sub
:<- [:a-sub]
:<- [:b-sub]
(fn [[a b] [_]] {:a a :b b}))```
This 3rd variation is just syntactic sugar for the 2nd. Pairs are supplied instead
of an `input signals` functions. `:<-` is supplied followed by the subscription
[sub-id & args]
(let [f (last args) ;; computation function
middle-args (butlast args) ;; middle args may be empty, or one or more :<-, or a single signal fn
maybe-func (first middle-args)
sub-fn (when (fn? maybe-func) maybe-func)
arrow-args (if (fn? maybe-func)
(rest middle-args)
arrow-subs (->> arrow-args
(partition 2)
(map last))]
sub-fn ;; first case the user provides a custom sub-fn
(fn subs-handler-fn ;; multi-arity to match the arities `subscribe` might invoke.
([db q-vec]
(let [subscriptions (sub-fn q-vec)]
(fn [] (f (multi-deref subscriptions) q-vec)))))
([db q-vec d-vec]
(let [subscriptions (sub-fn q-vec d-vec)]
(fn [] (f (multi-deref subscriptions) q-vec d-vec)))))))
[query-id & args]
(let [computation-fn (last args)
input-args (butlast args) ;; may be empty, or one fn, or pairs of :<- / vetor
err-header (str "re-frame: reg-sub for " query-id ", ")
inputs-fn (case (count input-args)
;; no `inputs` function provided - give the default
0 (fn
([_] app-db)
([_ _] app-db))
(seq arrow-args) ;; the user uses the :<- sugar
(letfn [(get-subscriptions []
(let [subscriptions (map subscribe arrow-subs)]
(if (< 1 (count subscriptions))
(first subscriptions))))] ;; automatically provide a singleton
(fn subs-handler-fn
([db q-vec]
(let [subscriptions (get-subscriptions)]
(fn [] (f (multi-deref subscriptions) q-vec)))))
([db q-vec d-vec]
(let [subscriptions (get-subscriptions)]
(fn [] (f (multi-deref subscriptions) q-vec d-vec))))))))
;; a single `inputs` fn
1 (let [f (first input-args)]
(when-not (fn? f)
(console :error err-header "2nd argument expected to be an inputs function, got: " f))
(register-handler ;; the simple case with no subs
(fn subs-handler-fn
([db q-vec]
(make-reaction (fn [] (f @db q-vec))))
([db q-vec d-vec]
(make-reaction (fn [] (f @db q-vec d-vec))))))))())
;; one sugar pair
2 (let [ret-val (subscribe (second input-args))]
(fn inp-fn
([_] ret-val)
([_ _] ret-val)))
;; multiple sugar pairs
(let [pairs (partition 2 input-args)
vecs (map last pairs)
ret-val (map subscribe vecs)]
(when-not (every? vector? vecs)
(console :error err-header "expected pairs of :<- and vectors, got: " pairs))
(fn inp-fn
([_] ret-val)
([_ _] ret-val))))]
(fn subs-handler-fn
([db query-vec]
(let [subscriptions (inputs-fn query-vec)]
(fn [] (computation-fn (deref-input-signals subscriptions) query-vec)))))
([db query-vec dyn-vec]
(let [subscriptions (inputs-fn query-vec dyn-vec)]
(fn [] (computation-fn (deref-input-signals subscriptions) query-vec dyn-vec)))))))))

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@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
(deftest test-reg-sub
(fn [db [_]] (reaction (deref db))))
@ -22,15 +22,15 @@
(deftest test-chained-subs
(fn [db [_]] (reaction (:a @db))))
(fn [db [_]] (reaction (:b @db))))
(fn [db [_]]
(let [a (subs/subscribe [:a-sub])
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
(deftest test-sub-parameters
(fn [db [_ b]] (reaction [(:a @db) b])))
@ -58,15 +58,15 @@
(deftest test-sub-chained-parameters
(fn [db [_ a]] (reaction [(:a @db) a])))
(fn [db [_ b]] (reaction [(:b @db) b])))
(fn [db [_ c]]
(let [a (subs/subscribe [:a-sub c])
@ -85,7 +85,7 @@
(reset! side-effect-atom 0)
(fn side-effect
[db [_] [_]]
@ -108,7 +108,7 @@
(deftest test-reg-sub-macro
(fn [db [_]] db))
@ -120,11 +120,11 @@
(deftest test-reg-sub-macro-singleton
(fn [db [_]] (:a db)))
(fn [_ _ _]
(subs/subscribe [:a-sub]))
@ -140,15 +140,15 @@
(deftest test-reg-sub-macro-vector
(fn [db [_]] (:a db)))
(fn [db [_]] (:b db)))
(fn [_ _ _]
[(subs/subscribe [:a-sub])
@ -165,15 +165,15 @@
(deftest test-reg-sub-macro-map
(fn [db [_]] (:a db)))
(fn [db [_]] (:b db)))
(fn [_ _ _]
{:a (subs/subscribe [:a-sub])
@ -190,7 +190,7 @@
(deftest test-sub-macro-parameters
(fn [db [_ b]] [(:a db) b]))
@ -201,15 +201,15 @@
(deftest test-sub-macros-chained-parameters
(fn [db [_ a]] [(:a db) a]))
(fn [db [_ b]] [(:b db) b]))
(fn [[_ c] _]
[(subs/subscribe [:a-sub c])
@ -224,32 +224,32 @@
"test the syntactial sugar"
(fn [db [_]] (:a db)))
:<- [:a-sub]
(fn [a [_]] {:a a}))
(let [test-sub (subs/subscribe [:a-b-sub])]
(reset! db/app-db {:a 1 :b 2})
(is (= {:a 1} @test-sub) )))
(is (= {:a 1} @test-sub))))
(deftest test-sub-macros-chained-parameters-<-
"test the syntactial sugar"
(fn [db [_]] (:a db)))
(fn [db [_]] (:b db)))
:<- [:a-sub]
:<- [:b-sub]