This commit is contained in:
mike-thompson-day8 2015-03-05 00:02:05 +11:00
parent 6c63ad315c
commit 248faf9e66
5 changed files with 64 additions and 24 deletions

View File

@ -7,10 +7,7 @@
;; TODOs
;; Get preoject.cljs up to speed `lein run` lein debug`
;; split into files view, handlers, subs, middleware
;; load todos off localstorage via merge ... and write back
;; Add Prismatic schema - modules called state
;; add middleware to save to local storage
;; load todos off localstorage via merge ... and write back via middleware

View File

@ -16,12 +16,16 @@
(def schema
{:todos (s/both (s/pred map?) (s/pred sorted?))
:showing (s/enum :all :done :active)
:blah (s/enum :all :done :active) ;; add this bogus schema item in, then watch the console
(defn valid-schema?
(s/validate schema db))
(let [res (s/check schema db)]
(if (some? res)
(.error js/console res))
db)) ;; so it can be used in middleare
;; -- Default Value ----------------------------------------------------------

View File

@ -1,14 +1,17 @@
(ns todomvc.handlers
(:require [re-frame.core :refer [register-pure-handler
[todomvc.db :refer [default-value valid-schema?]]
[re-frame.core :refer [register-pure-handler
path after
debug validate]]))
;; -- Middleware --------------------------------------------------------------
;; To be used for handlers operating solely on todos
(def todo-middleware [(path [:todos]) debug trim-v])
(def check-schema (after valid-schema?))
(def todo-middleware [check-schema (path [:todos]) debug trim-v])
;; -- Helpers -----------------------------------------------------------------
@ -22,15 +25,16 @@
;; -- Handlers ----------------------------------------------------------------
(register-pure-handler ;; disptached to on program startup
(register-pure-handler ;; disptached to on app startup
:initialise-db ;; event id being handled
check-schema ;; middleware
(fn [_ _] ;; the handler
default-initial-state)) ;; all hail the new state
default-value)) ;; all hail the new state
(register-pure-handler ;; disptached to when
(register-pure-handler ;; disptached to when user changes the bottom filter
:set-showing ;; event-id
[debug trim-v] ;; middleware (wraps the handler)
[check-schema debug trim-v] ;; middleware (wraps the handler)
(fn ;; handler
[db [filter-kw]]
(assoc db :showing filter-kw)))

View File

@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
(ns todomvc.subs
(:require-macros [reagent.ratom :refer [reaction]])
(:require [re-frame.core :refer [register-sub
subscribe ]]))
(:require-macros [reagent.ratom :refer [reaction]]) ;; remove for v0.2.0-alpha2
(:require [re-frame.core :refer [register-sub]]))
;; -- Helpers -----------------------------------------------------------------
@ -16,34 +15,54 @@
(defn completed-count
"return the count of todos where :done is true"
"return the count of todos for which :done is true"
(count (filter :done (vals todos))))
;; -- Subscriptions -----------------------------------------------------------
;; -- Subscription handlers and registration ---------------------------------
(register-sub ;; has app-db been initialised yet?
:initialised? ;; usage: (subscribe [:initialised?])
(fn [db _]
(reaction (not (empty? @db)))))
;; in v0.2.0-alpha2 will be
#_(register-sub ;; has app-db been initialised yet?
:initialised? ;; usage: (subscribe [:initialised?])
(complement empty? deref))
(fn [db _]
(let [filter-fn (filter-fn-for (:showing @db))
todos (:todos @db)]
todos (vals (:todos @db))]
(filter filter-fn todos)))))
;; in v0.2.0-alpha2 will be
[(from [:showing]) (from [:todos])]
(fn [showing todos]
(filter (filter-fn-for @showing) @todos)))
(fn [db _]
(reaction (completed-count (:todos @db)))))
;; in v0.2.0-alpha2 will be
(fn [db _]
(completed-count (:todos @db))))
@ -52,6 +71,17 @@
(let [todos (:todos @db)
completed-count (completed-count todos)
active-count (- (count todos) completed-count)
showing (:showing db)]
showing (:showing @db)]
[active-count completed-count showing])))) ;; tuple
;; in v0.2.0-alpha2 will be
[(from [:showing]) (from [:todos])]
[showing todos _]
(let [completed-count (completed-count @todos)
active-count (- (count @todos) completed-count)]
[active-count completed-count @showing]))) ;; tuple

View File

@ -3,6 +3,11 @@
[re-frame.core :refer [subscribe dispatch]]))
;; -- Reagent Components ------------------------------------------------------
;; The 'V' part of the app
(defn todo-input [{:keys [title on-save on-stop]}]
(let [val (atom title)
stop #(do (reset! val "")
@ -32,7 +37,6 @@
props-for (fn [filter-kw]
{:class (if (= filter-kw filter) "selected")
:on-click #(dispatch [:set-showing filter-kw])})]
(println active done filter)
@ -53,7 +57,8 @@
[:li {:class (str (if done "completed ")
(if @editing "editing"))}
[:input.toggle {:type "checkbox" :checked done
[:input.toggle {:type "checkbox"
:checked done
:on-change #(dispatch [:toggle-done id])}]
[:label {:on-double-click #(reset! editing true)} title]
[:button.destroy {:on-click #(dispatch [:delete-todo id])}]]
@ -81,7 +86,7 @@
[:h1 "todos"]
[todo-input {:id "new-todo"
:placeholder "What needs to be done?"
:on-save #(dispatch [:add-todo %])}]]
:on-save #(dispatch [:add-todo %1])}]]
(when-not (empty? @visible-todos)