* [How to create decentralised apps with re-frame and Ethereum](https://medium.com/@matus.lestan/how-to-create-decentralised-apps-with-clojurescript-re-frame-and-ethereum-81de24d72ff5#.b9xh9xnis) - Tutorial with links to code and live example.
* [Elfeed-cljsrn](https://github.com/areina/elfeed-cljsrn) - A mobile client for [Elfeed](https://github.com/skeeto/elfeed) rss reader, built with React Native.
* [mperimetric](https://github.com/Dexterminator/imperimetric) - Webapp for converting texts with some system of measurement to another, such as imperial to metric.
* [Brave Clojure Open Source](https://github.com/braveclojure/open-source) A site using re-frame, liberator, boot and more to display active github projects that powers [http://open-source.braveclojure.com](http://open-source.braveclojure.com). Based on re-frame `0.6.0`
* [flux-challenge with re-frame](https://github.com/staltz/flux-challenge/tree/master/submissions/jelz) - "a frontend challenge to test UI architectures and solutions". re-frame `0.5.0`
An entertainment and educational webapp for creating & sharing fractal images that powers [fractalify.com](http://fractalify.com). Based on re-frame `0.4.1`
* [Angular Phonecat tutorial in re-frame](http://dhruvp.github.io/2015/03/07/re-frame/) - A detailed step-by-step tutorial that ports the Angular Phonecat tutorial to re-frame. Based on re-frame `0.2.0`
* [Prerenderer](https://github.com/pupeno/prerenderer) - Server pre-rendering library using NodeJS that works with re-frame `0.6.0` (later versions untested)
* [Server Side Rendering with re-frame](http://davidtanzer.net/server_side_rendering_with_re_frame) - Blog post on rendering re-frame views with Clojure.
* [Rendering Reagent on the Server Using Hiccup](http://yogthos.net/posts/2015-11-24-Serverside-Reagent.html)- Blog post on rendering Reagent with Clojure.