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2016-09-05 05:04:14 +00:00
## Debugging Event Handlers
2016-09-05 12:08:25 +00:00
This page describes techniques for debugging re-frame's event handlers.
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Event handlers are quite central to a re-frame app. Only event handlers
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can update `app-db`, to "step" an application "forward" from one state
to the next.
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## The `debug` Interceptor
You might wonder: is my handler making the right changes to the
value in `app-db`? Does it remove that entry? Does it increment that
During development, the built-in `debug` interceptor can be helpful
in this regard. It shows, via `console.log`:
1. the event being processed, for example: `[:attempt-world-record true]`
2. the changes made to `db` by the handler in processing the event.
Regarding point 2, `debug` uses `` to compare the
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state of `db` before and after the handler ran, showing exactly what
mutation has happened.
If you [look at the docs for diff](,
you'll notice it returns a triple, the first two of which
`debug` will display in `console.log` (the 3rd says what hasn't changed
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and isn't interesting).
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The output produced by `` can take some getting used to,
but you should stick with it -- your effort will be rewarded.
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### Using `debug`
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So, you will add this interceptor to your event handlers like this:
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[debug] ;; <---- here!
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Except, of course, we need a bit more subtly than that because
we only want `debug` to be present in development builds.
So it should be like this:
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[(when ^boolean goog.DEBUG debug)] ;; <---- conditional!
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`goog.DEBUG` is a compile time constant provided by the `Google Closure Compiler`.
It will be `true` when the build within `project.clj` is `:optimization :none` and `false`
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Ha! I see a problem, you say. In production, that `when` is going to
leave a `nil` in the interceptor vector. No problem. re-frame filters out nils.
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### Too Much Repetition - Part 1
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Remember that each event handler has its own interceptor stack.
All very flexible, but does that mean we have to repeat this `debug`
business on every single handler? Yes, it does. But there are
a couple of ways to make this pretty easy.
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Normally, standard interceptors are defined up the top of the `event.cljs` namespace:
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(def standard-interceptors [(when ^boolean goog.DEBUG debug) other-interceptor])
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And then, any one event handler, would look like:
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[standard-interceptors specific-interceptor]
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2016-09-05 12:08:25 +00:00
Wait on! I see a problem, you say. `standard-interceptors` is a `vector`, and it
is within another `vector` allongside `specific-interceptor` - so that's
nested vectors of interceptors!
No problem, re-frame uses `flatten` to take out all the nesting - the
result is a simple chain of interceptors. Also, of course, nils are removed.
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## 3. Checking DB Integrity
2016-09-05 12:08:25 +00:00
Always have a detailed schema for the data in `app-db`.
**First**, schemas serve as invaluable documentation. When I come to
a new app, the first thing I want to look at is the underlying
information model - the schema of the data. I hope it is well
commented and I expect it to be rigorous and complete, using
[Clojure spec](
or, perhaps, [a Prismatic Schema](
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**Second** a good spec allows you to assert the integrity and correctness of
the data in app-db.
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When? Well, only event handlers can change what's in `app-db`, so only an event handler
could corrupt it. So, we'd like to recheck the integrity of `app-db` immediately
after **every** event handler has run.
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This allows us to catch any errors very early, and easily assign blame (to an event handler).
Schemas are typically put into `db.cljs`. Here's an example using Prismatic Schema
(although a more modern choice would be to use [Clojure spec](
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(ns my.namespace.db
[schema.core :as s]))
;; As exactly as possible, describe the correct shape of app-db
;; Add a lot of helpful comments. This will be an important resource
;; for someone looking at you code for the first time.
(def schema
{:a {:b s/Str
:c s/Int}
:d [{:e s/Keyword
:f [s/Num]}]})
(defn valid-schema?
"validate the given db, writing any problems to console.error"
(let [res (s/check schema db)]
(if (some? res)
(.error js/console (str "schema problem: " res)))))
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Now, let's organise for `valid-schema?` to be run after every handler. We'll use the built-in `after` interceptor factory:
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(def standard-interceptors [(when ^boolean goog.DEBUG debug)
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(when ^boolean goog.DEBUG (after db/valid-schema?))]) ;; <-- new
Now, the instant a handler messes up the structure of `app-db` you'll be alerted. But this overhead won't be there in production.
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### Too Much Repetition - Part 2
Above we discussed a way of "factoring out" common interceptors into `standard-interceptors`.
But there's a 2nd way to ensure that all event handlers get certain Interceptors: you write a custom registration function, like this:
(defn my-reg-event-db ;; alternative to reg-event-db
([id handler-fn]
(my-reg-event-db id nil handler-fn))
([id interceptors handler-fn]
[(when ^boolean goog.DEBUG debug)
(when ^boolean goog.DEBUG (after db/valid-schema?))
From now on, you can register your event handlers like this:
(my-reg-event-db ;; <-- adds std interceptors automatically