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2014-12-15 11:56:32 +00:00
(ns re-frame.handlers
(:refer-clojure :exclude [flush])
(:require-macros [cljs.core.async.macros :refer [go-loop go]])
(:require [reagent.core :refer [flush]]
[re-frame.db :refer [app-db]]
[re-frame.utils :refer [first-in-vector]]
[cljs.core.async :refer [chan put! <! timeout]]))
2014-12-08 03:48:59 +00:00
(defn warn
[& args]
(.warn js/console (apply str args)))
;; -- register of handlers ------------------------------------------------------------------------
(def ^:private id->fn (atom {}))
2014-12-15 11:56:32 +00:00
(defn register
"register a handler for an event"
[event-id handler-fn]
(when (contains? @id->fn event-id)
(warn "Overwriting an event-handler" event-id)) ;; allow it, but warn.
(swap! id->fn assoc event-id handler-fn))
2014-12-15 11:56:32 +00:00
;; -- The Event Conveyor Belt --------------------------------------------------------------------
;; A channel which moves events from dispatch to handlers.
;; 1. "dispatch" puts events onto this chan, and
;; 2. "router" reads from the chan, and calls associated handlers
;; This enables async handling of events -- which is a good thing.
(def ^:private event-chan (chan))
;; -- router --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(defn- handle
"Look up the handler for the given event, then call it, passing in 2 parameters."
(let [event-id (first-in-vector event-v)
handler-fn (get @id->fn event-id)]
(if (nil? handler-fn)
(warn "No event handler registered for event: " event-id )
(handler-fn app-db event-v))))
;; In a loop, read events from the dispatch channel, and then call the
;; right handler.
;; Because handlers occupy the CPU, before each event is handled, hand
;; back control to the GUI render process, via a (<! (timeout 0)) call.
;; In odd cases, we need to pause for an entire annimationFrame, to ensure that
;; the DOM is fully flushed, before calling a handler known to hog the CPU
;; for an extended period. In that case the event should have metadata
;; Example:
;; (dispatch ^:flush-dom [:event-id other params])
;; router loop
(go-loop []
(let [event-v (<! event-chan) ;; wait for an event
_ (if (:flush-dom (meta event-v))
(do (flush) (<! (timeout 20))) ;; wait just over one annimation frame (16ms), to rensure all pending GUI work is done.
(<! (timeout 0)))] ;; just in case we are handling one dispatch after an other, give the GUI a chance to do its stuff.
(handle event-v)
;; -- helper --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(defn dispatch
"reagent components use this function to send events.
2014-12-15 11:56:32 +00:00
Usage example:
(dispatch [:delete-item 42])"
(if (nil? event-v)
(warn "dispatch is ignoring a nil event.") ;; nil would close the channel
(put! event-chan event-v)))
;; TODO: remove sync handling. I don't like it, even for testing.
2015-01-05 21:49:20 +00:00
(defn dispatch-sync
"sync version of above that actually does the dispatch"
(handle event-v))
2014-12-08 03:48:59 +00:00
;; -- helper --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2014-12-08 03:48:59 +00:00
;; TODO: Yuck. this has to go.
2014-12-15 11:56:32 +00:00
(defn transaction!
"A helper fucntion to be used when writting event handlers.
Allows a handler to perform an atomic modification of the atom.
Modification consist of one or more mutations, wrapped by a function,
followed by a call to a validation fucntion which may also annotate the
data structures with further information.
XXX This feels a bit too nested."
([db description mutation-fn]
(transaction! db description mutation-fn identity))
([db description mutation-fn validation-fn]
(reset! db
(-> @db
(assoc :undo-description description)
2014-12-08 03:48:59 +00:00